"Amont Derbun died twenty minutes ago. The killer dropped his body off at the morgue. Security footage caught a glimpse of the guy's face." Joe explained, handing Barry a photograph of the meta.

Someone was smiling up at the camera with bright glowing blue eyes. Their eyes were so bright that the camera couldn't pick up any of their other features.
"We'll find him Joe." Barry promised. I nodded.

Barry and I went out later that night, patrolling the streets of Central City.

Barry called it a night, after we got nothing. I went back to STAR Labs to get some rest. Time traveling from Central City to Starling City took a lot out of a girl.

I walked through the Cortex, and into the training lab. I put my suit away, and changed into a pair of black leggings, a dark green tank top, and shin high black socks. I went down to the lounge on C level. I ate some leftover mac n cheese, and then crashed on the couch.

I woke up a few hours later, and went up to the Cortex. No one was in yet, which I found to be strange. I tidied up a bit around the Cortex, the med lab and the training room.

As I was stacking papers, and walking into the Cortex, I didn't see the woman in front of me. She scared the hell out of me.


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"Boo." she said, causing me to jump.

"Casper?" I asked, joking, but also concerned about how someone got into STAR Labs. Sure security wasn't tight, but no one should be able to just walk in here.
"I've been looking everywhere for you Anomaly." Said the woman in a rough voice.

I looked towards the hallway, hoping that someone would come in and help me with this woman.

The woman had long braided black hair with pale blue streaks running through it. Her eyes matched her hair, and her dark skin glowed with a blue sheen to it. This woman had a dark trench coat that covered her entire body. She looked like a goddess.

"I don't know who Anomaly is." I lied, clutching the papers I carried to my chest.
"Wrong answer, Anomaly. When I come from, we're enemies." She replied, stepping towards me.

"When you come from?... How did you get in here?" I asked.

"I've been looking all over for you, Anomaly." She said, reaching out towards me.

"All over." She repeated as she gripped my forearm.

Pain sizzled up my arm, and through out my entire body. I yelped in pain. I dropped my papers, and fell to the floor. She let go of my arm, and crouched down over my head.

"You deserve to burn in hell. You've ruined so many lives." She muttered.
"Ah! Stop!" I gasped, trying to block out the pain.

"Have fun in hell, Anna." She cackled, as I slipped away from reality. She passed out on the floor next to me.

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