You love me real or not real?

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So after when he whispers, "you love me real or not real?"

I tell him, "real"

But now I don't think it's enough. It took me so long to realise this. That I can't survive without him.

"I do. I love you so much" I say turning to face him.

Even though it's dark, I can see Peetas smile and his eyes looking back into mine.

I reach over grabbing his hand and joining our fingers together.

"And" I continue, feeling like I need to apologise for taking so long. "I want you to know how sorry I am that it took me so long to say it."

"Katniss.." he tries to stop me.

"No you need to hear this, for as long as I can remember I've always told myself that I would never get married or have children because well, you know"

Peeta nods showing he understands

"But even though I'm scared the games will come back I also have hope that they are completely finished and you give me that hope also now looking back I think I've always loved you, maybe not as long as you've loved me but certainly since you nearly left me and died in the quarter quell."

I sit up turning on the night lamp so I could see him better. Peeta also sat up and puffed up his pillow to make it more comfy.

"Really, you've loved me that long?" he asked with a smile.

I nod, then go on to say "you've done so much for me and.."

"You've done plenty for me, too" he's says.

Peeta reaches up to brush a lock of hair out of my face.

"Katniss you don't need to be sorry for anything. You helped me in the first games by giving me the medicine in the cave after you risked your life for me to go and get it even though I told you not to. You wanted me to win and you never give up on me." He says showing me a genuine smile.

"How can you be so understanding?" I ask pressing my forehead against his.

"I love you," he says giving me a soft kiss.

"I love you to" I answer as we snuggle up in the bed I now consider as ours.

He wraps his arms around me protecting me as we hoped it would be a night without nightmares of the horrible haunting memories of our past.

He gives me one last kiss on the top of my head as we drift off to sleep.

You love me real or not real?Where stories live. Discover now