You Can't Handle Pendant Hall.

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Brandi: eating ben&jerry's, here's another chapter;)


Hally's P.O.V.

Seth saw the evil glares i was giving to Liam, i was sure that he knew something was going on.

"Think before you act, Hally" - was one of my Aunt Ella's favourite sayings whenever i had done something wrong, but no matter how many times she told me this piece of advice - it never sunk in, hopefully Liam just thinks i'm a crazy bitch that gives evil glares for no reason, hopefully it'll just go over his head and he'll think nothing of it...

Or maybe, he might just begin to wonder why i'd acted that way... I had the feeling Rebbecca and Dallas didn't want him or any other boy finding out.

What would Seth say when and if Liam finds out about the baby, he'll remember the glares i just gave to Liam, he'll put two and two together and realise that i knew all along and didn't tell him.

But i was more worried about what Rebbecca would do to me if she found out that i almost slipped up, than Seth falling out with me because he's Liam's mate.


"Oi Titch, open this door now, i've got a present for ya" - oh the joys of being in Rebbecca's gang.

"Ok, but i'll be disappointed if it's not a 'get out of jail free card'" i said sarcastically opening the door.

Rebbecca stood behind the door, her hair was greasy and tied up into a bun - she looked like she could do with a wash.

Fellissa stood a couple of paces behind her, she smiled her usual smile that made everything seem a bit more brighter.

Mia had similar greasy hair and was itching her head frustratedly, she rolled her eyes at my comment and whispered something to the other girls stood next to her, they laughed.

"Pin her down" Rebbecca said to the other girls, and they had me to the ground in no time.

"WHAT THE HELL?" i shouted at Rebbecca, i looked at Fellissa and she was laughing her head off, what the hell was so funny?.

Oh God! Liam has sussed it out and told Rebbecca that i was the one who snitched, shit - they're going to beat the crap out of me, think Hally, think.

I struggled against there grasp, realising that even if i did escape their hold - there were too many of them against me, and i wasn't a fast runner, so i gave up.

Rebbecca pulled something minuscule out of her pocket and with her spare hand she covered my nose until i couldn't breath and had to open my mouth, she threw what tasted like a tablet to the back of my throat.

"Swallow it" she said sternly, i was about to question her, but even if i did i probably would've choked on the tablet trying to speak, so i swallowed the tablet still wanting to know what the hell was going on.

"Let her go" Rebbecca commanded, i stood up dusting myself down.

"Like i was saying earlier, WHAT THE HELL?" i stared in anger and frustration at Rebbecca knowing that if i was just a bit taller and she didn't have so much control over the people in this prison, i would've knocked her out by now.

"Open your mouth" Rebbecca said ignoring me.

"Ahhhh" i said as you would do when getting examined by a doctor, just to take the piss.

"She's swallowed it" one of the other girls with a scrawny face and wonky teeth said from behind Rebbecca.

"Well no shit Sherlock" i spat back at her, Rebbecca seemed to find my sarcasm amusing.

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