Jail Birds.

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Brandi here, heyy guys and girls, apart from the weird 'i want to eat you' messages we keep on receiving, we're not feeling the love/hate messages, seriously guys tell us your honest opinions, god knows we need them.

State: Mwahahaha, i found a red bull can...


Hally's P.O.V.

I wasn't the first one out of my cell, a lot of the younger, fitter men had pushed past me and knocked me into the wall as they raced down the stairs, whereas the older, weaker men lagged behind.

I stood stationary on a floor and began to daydream, i daydreamed about what i'd be doing now if i wasn't inside; i'd probably be at school doing something boring like trig or chemistry, but  i would gladly swap today for a week of listening to lectures about atoms and triangles that don't interest me in the slightest.

I snapped out of the daydream as someone clipped me around the head.

"Oi, Titch! where do you think your going?" it was Rebbecca followed by Fellissa and the others.

Titch was a word often used to describe someone as short and bitchy, it was often taken as an insult, but i was talking to Rebbecca - and i was never sure what context she was using when she spoke, her voice - always monotone, anger, rage and hostile, always defending herself or someone else - always.

"Rebbecca" i nodded in acknowledgement, i tried to stay calm and reserved, but adrenaline took over and my fists formed into balls.

"We got some business to sort out on floor 37, you in?" she asked, but her eyes weren't asking, they were telling, then they searched my face for a reaction.

"And why would you ask me? I thought we established yesterday through the pecking order that i wasn't on the same level as you, if you're that desperate for more players in your game of cops and robbers then why don't you go ask one of the oldies - who apparently are ranked higher than me" i blurted out, regretting every word.

Rebbecca saw red and looked like she was going to brake my face, but i was saved by Fellissa jumping in between us.

"You Seth's girl now, Seth is wiv Crash, so you wiv us"

I certainly wasn't 'wiv' Seth, anything but, apart from his hot looks, i didn't understand what i could find attractive about a murderer who scared the shit out of me.

I was even surprised that i had slept at all last night, but instead of a normal nights rest, i had that nightmare; the same one i have every night, but it doesn't arrive straight away, i had a couple of hours sleep before the nightmare began, and before it did i strangely felt safe - which was ironic as i was sharing a bed with a boy who killed his father and had no remorse, whom i'm sure would kill him all over again if he got the chance.

At school their was a similar pecking order to the one in prison, only i was on top, with all my popular fake excuses of friends, i was a very extroverted person and wasn't scared of speaking my mind, if i thought a girl was spreading shit about me, i'd confront her and if a teacher was in the wrong, i'd say.

My Friends and i were like a pack, we didn't quite trust each other - yet we had each other's backs, i needed that stable group to keep me safe and here i was alone and at the bottom of the pecking order, wondering if i should stay a social outcast and potential vulture meat, or if i should use Seth as an advantage and work my way up.

"Yeah i'm in" i gave a warning glare to Rebbecca and she nodded in approval.

"Thought you would" she smirked, then her face stiffened "Here's the thing; if you're with us then you are representing us as a crew, we can't afford to look weak, so if anyone starts shit with you, make sure you end it" i nodded slightly as we climbed the stairs.

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