Go Hard Or Go Home.

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State: Just me today, Brandi has gone off because i bought this really big cheap van, but it is nice, haha i'm not even old enough to drive it yet fml, heres another chapter...

Seth's P.O.V.

Damn that girl had attitude, she was obviously use to having power over guys.
She'd always been beautiful in first grade, she was one of the cuter kids that always got picked to play the main roles in the nativity.

But now...
Now she was damn hot, i mean she wasn't stick skinny with no tits, but she had a shape to her and instead of looking anorexic - she was toned.

I wondered who Linda was, maybe it was some girl at her school that she put in hospital.
I didn't really care, she could have killed the president and i would still have got with her.
That ass, damn.

Jackson came into my cell, Jackson was a Jamaican guy in with Crash like me. I'd known him for two years now and we were like brothers.
"Dude, you late" he said blankly stubbing out his joint on the door.
"Wa gwan Jacks?" i replied in my mocking-bad-Jamaican voice.
"Nuttin' much, you doin' da new gal?" he raised an eyebrow, he must have seen her leaving the cell.
"Nah, i knew her when she was a kid"
"She fine" he smirked and i whacked him as a warning.
"How you and Fellissa doing?" i asked as we walked out of the cell and down the stairs.
"She me Queen bro, i wanna be with her all me life, start a fam" Jackson looked out of it.
"Dude how much you been smoking?" i laughed.
"Not enough" he clapped his hands together and we were off.


The yard seemed to be missing something, Jackson and i went to Crash's group.
Crash sat on a chair like the godfather, where the hell did he get a chair from?
The crowd stood around some 13-year-old kid called Jason that was beating into some old man, i knew his kind - they'd find someone weak to beat up to try and impress Crash, but Crash looked at the fight as if he was watching some boring documentary on t.v, the kid gave up in the end.

"Oi, Jackson, where's the dogs?" Crash shouted over to us.
By 'dogs' he meant 'bitches' and by 'bitches' he meant Rebbecca & Co.
"Don't know" Jackson said through gritted teeth.
"And you Set? you seen dem?" he looked like he was going to flip.
"Nah" i simply replied - the last thing i wanted was to get involved, Crash was already on one of his paranoid mood swings, because he wanted to know where Rebbecca was, who she was with etc.
"I saw dem, they were heading up floors" Spencer added "your bitch was with them Seth" he smirked wanting a reaction, i was stronger than him and had taken him down before, but there was no saying who Crash would side.
I was about to add that Hally was just an old friend, maybe not even that, when Crash cut me off.
"Stupid whore, she should know where to be when that alarm goes off" Crash said implying Rebbecca, he clenched his fists.

My opinions on Crash? he's a dick, most boys and men in here wanted sex, no - they craved it, but Crash didn't just crave sex, he controlled it; he doesn't ask - but tells the girls to have sex with him, he beats on Rebbecca if she even talks to another guy, he has all the control over everyone in this yard and if he wants a night with your girlfriend, then he takes it and there's nothing you can do about it.

Jackson and i walked away from Crash to the other side of the crowd.
"Dem dogs! Fellissa ain't no dog, i'll kill him one day" Jackson said in disgust, once we were away from Crash.
"Not before i kill him" i sighed.
"Crash will kill both of you if you don't shut up" Jerry inhaled a joint, the sweet smell of the smoke hit me and i almost choked.
Jerry was loyal to Crash, not because he liked him, but because he knew what was best, but he wasn't an ass licker like Spencer, so what he said - he said in warning, but he wasn't going to tell Crash.

"Why you siding with him? that guy's a jerk" i shook my head at Jerry, but the truth was that i knew why he was siding with him - he was scared, just like the rest of us.
"I happen to value his opinions" That 13-year-old kid Jason said ear wigging into our conversation.
"Dude, the guy beats up girls" Jackson expected a shock reaction off the new kid, but he didn't seem that bothered.
"Correction - he beats on Rebbecca, she's a bitch anyway and probably deserves it" Jason said obviously not taking in our shocked faces at the shit that was falling out of his mouth "And in my opinion, girls are put on this earth for one thing, and one thing only" Jason laughed, but he was laughing on his own.

I knew this kids game, he hadn't got attention off Crash by beating up old and weaker prisoners, so he's aiming his target a bit higher in the hopes of aggravating me, Jackson or Jerry into a fight.
Jackson's hands tensed and he had homicidal looks in his eyes, but he wouldn't be stupid enough to get into a fight, would he?
"Cool it Jackson" i said quietly in an attempt to get through to him.
The thing is with Jackson is that he grew up in Jamaica with 8 sisters and a single Mom, a Mom that taught him manners and respect, he was a good guy and was only inside because he was an illegal immigrant looking for work to send money home to his family.
"Seth, have you even screwed that bitch yet?" Jason took Jerry's joint off him, making Jerry tense up and he became angry.
Jason inhaled the joint.
"Which one, your sister? or your Mom?" i came back, Jerry sniggered and Jason almost choked on the joint, i could tell he wasn't a smoker.
"Funny" he spat, and then he turned to Jackson "What about Fellissa, does she spit or swallow" Jason said smugly.

Jackson launched at Jason, but i was faster at reacting and had Jackson restrained before he could do any real damage.
Jackson fought against me and i struggled to keep him still with his legs kicking and his arms swinging for Jason - who was stood a safe 3 feet away from him.
"Haven't got the balls to fight me?" Jason jeered.
"Your balls not even dropped yet" Jackson said in his accent.
"Does this guy have a translator?" Jason laughed at Jackson's broken English "Because i don't have a fucking clue about what this black cunt is saying!" Jason was hyped up, but he had stepped over the line with his racist comment and within seconds Jerry had punched him in the jaw and knocked him to the ground, he grabbed Jason around the throat and was about to go in for another punch when he saw Crash get out of his seat, a crowd formed around.

"What the hell is going on here?!" Crash demanded, and whole yard went eerily quiet.
"This kid thinks it's alright to be racist" Jerry spat on the ground "He thinks he owns the place".
The last comment had aggravated Crash - Crash owned the place and just like the documentaries on t.v. - if the alpha male feels like they have been challenged - they'll fight for their territory.
"Get up boy" Crash said to Jason, Jerry moved out of the way.
When it looked like Jason wasn't getting up Crash lost his patience.
"I SAID GET UP!" he screamed at Jason and kicked him hard in the stomach, Jason spat out blood.
A guard appeared at the door, and like that i thought it would all be over, but the guard gave an approving nod to Crash and stayed to watch.
"Dude help me!" Jason cried looking up and begging me.
"Go hard or go home kid" i said in an as-a-matter-of-fact voice, yes revenge was sweet.
Crash kicked the kid a second time, the kid spat out more blood and curled up into a ball protecting his vital organs.
That's when he wet himself.
"You ain't no man" Crash said kicking him hard in the back of the head, blood oozed out of a deep dent in the kid's head "You lay down and take it like a bitch" Crash said spitting on him.
Crash then grabbed the kid by the scruff of his neck and forced him to stand.
"Apologize" he demanded.
"I'm sorry" Jason cried to Crash and shook uncontrollably.
"Not to me, to him" he said turning the kid around so he faced Jackson.
"I'm sorry" Jason sobbed.
"Apology accepted" Jackson said calmly, but i could tell he was still pissed off.
"Jerry, Spencer, deal with this fool" Crash said walking off and the crowd once again followed him.

Jerry and Spencer viciously grabbed the kid and lead him to the toilets where they could torment him further.
"Today was... eventful" i sighed to Jackson.
"Yeah" he lied, still a bit pissed.
I decided to change the conversation in the hopes of calming him down.
"Do you think i have a chance with Hally?" i looked down at my feet.
"She's fine" Jackson smiled again.
"Dude, you said that last time" i laughed looking over to the other side of the yard, nope Hally wasn't their and neither was Rebbecca.
"I tink you should go for it" Jackson pulled a joint out of his pocket a lit it.
I swear i was getting high on all the fumes around me today.
"One problem, i think i creeped her out..." i said trailing off.
"Why?" Jackson raised his eyebrow.
"I sort of told her about my dad" i said like a little kid confessing to stealing from the cookie tin.
"Dude - you tell her you killed your tather? and you tink she wouldn't be creeped out?!" Jackson shook his head in disbelief at how stupid i was.
"Get her alone, explain proper to her" he said on a serious note.

The door leading from the yard to the cells swung open and Rebbecca and Co. entered, Hally was with them.
"Now's your chance" Jackson nudged me on.
"Wait bruv, you've got blood on your shirt" Liam came over "You'll scare the ladies half to death"
I looked down at my white shirt and he was right, it must have been from when Crash was beating the crap out of Jason.
"I'll take it off" i said pulling it over my head, then i tucked them into my joggers.
"What's going on?" Dale said to Jackson as he came over.
"Seth is trying to win Hally over" Liam said amused, whilst Jackson laughed.
I gave them all daggers.
"Good luck with that dude" Dale said in a 'no-chance' voice.
"What's that suppose to mean?" i made it clear i was annoyed.
"Well" he began "She looks like the type of girl who likes her carrots" he said making hand gestures towards his ginger hair, and we all laughed.

"PLACE YOUR BETS, PLACE YOUR BETS!" Liam shouted, but not loud enough for the girls to hear.
"On what?" i laughed.
"DOUBLE OR NOTHING" he carried on blanking me.
"2 buds says she wont get off with him" Dale said to Liam.
"4 says she will" Jackson already had his last cigs in his hands.
"Seriously guys?" i laughed.
"Just make sure i win" Jackson moved me to face the direction of the wall where the girls had just moved over to.
That was me told.

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