Baby In A Box.

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"Fucking open this door now before i twat you!" Rebbecca shouted at the cell door.

The door unlocked and a coloured girl who looked about 19 stood behind it, her hair was in braids and frizzed out into a bobble at the back of her head.

She let us all into her cell and closed the door - locking it after her, then she sat down on her mattress next to a cardboard box.

"So is it true Dallas?" Rebbecca stared at the cardboard box in surprise.

"Shh, keep it down, i've only just get her to go to sleep" she said lifting out a baby girl from the box.

"You have a kid?" i spoke what the other girls were thinking.


"What's it to you?" Dallas said viciously.

"She's new, ignore her" Rebbecca said to Dallas giving me evil looks.

The baby woke and started crying quietly, panic struck across everyone's faces and Dallas had to quickly, but gently rock her back into sleep.

"If you got caught..." Rebbecca shook her head "If you got caught, then they'd kill you and the baby" she said solemnly.

"Don't you think i know?" Dallas looked with pleading eyes.

Rebbecca took the baby off Dallas and rocked it slightly, as Dallas burst into tears.

"Who's the father?" Rebbecca said looking down at the baby.

"Liam, definitely, i'm not a sleep-around" she said looking at one particular girl, the girl with the blond hair Rebbecca was talking to earlier.

"Does he know?" Rebbecca looked in pity at Dallas as she shook her head.

"Does he know hell! he's probably off with some other girl right now!" she smirked at the blond girl and she looked at the floor avoiding Dallas' glare.

"Dallas, i've known you for four years, and i couldn't see anything happen to you... that's why i think... we think... you should give up the baby" Rebbecca swallowed hard and Dallas leaped off the mattress snatching the baby off Rebbecca, causing the baby to cry again.

"I want you to leave now" she shouted at us, she held the baby close to her and didn't look like she was prepared to let go.

"Dallas, we can take the baby and leave her somewhere where the guards can find her, she'll be safe, trust me" Rebbecca moved closer to Dallas to take the baby.

"Liar!" Dallas screamed, the baby started crying louder "They'll kill her!".

"They're going to kill her Dallas, i'm sorry, but you can't raise a kid and keep her cooped up in this cell without the guards finding out, what sort of a life would you be giving her?" Rebbecca moved even closer towards Dallas and the baby with her arms outstretched to show she meant no harm.

"Get out!" Dallas shrieked, pulling a knife from under her mattress, Rebbecca moved back towards the door.

"Alright, we're leaving, but i'm not giving up on you Dallas"  Rebbecca edged towards the door and we left without another sound.

Rebbecca only spoke to the blond girl, which i was told was called Mia and the rest of us remind silent on our way back down to the yard.

I never thought about the girls in prison having kids, i knew most of them were having sex from what Fellissa had told me, but i didn't know what contraception was in place to stop this from happening to other girls.

The Yard was it's usual self, loud and a blitzed no-mans-zone, with prisoners standing at the edges and sides of the room. It felt good walking into the yard with Rebbecca's crew, i felt more respected as people moved out of the way for us. Rebbecca lent against the wall at her usual spot, we joined her and she resumed staring over at Crash.

I could see Fellissa's boyfriend joking with the other boys and men, he looked like a funny guy to be friends with, but boys and girls didn't really mix that much until it was time to go to their cells. Seth had his top off and tucked into the side of his tracksuit trousers, he saw me and immediately started walking towards us.

"Here he comes" Rebbecca said uninterested

"What a dickshit" Mia replied rolling her eyes.

Seth came to a stop in front of us, he looked me up and down like i was the latest pair of trainers he wanted to buy.

"Good afternoon Ladies" he said with a smile on his face.

"Put a top on you dick" Mia replied harshly.

"I was hoping if i could have a word with Hally?" he looked at Rebbecca, totally ignoring Mia.

"You know the rules, us over here and Crash and his ass clowns over there" she stared emotionlessly at him, Mia sniggered like a kid.

"I totally respect that, so maybe i'll come back later?" he was obviously pushing the boundaries and Rebbecca became impatient.

"Just go Seth, now's not the time" i said harshly, Rebbecca lifted an eyebrow surprised that i had got Seth to consider walking away.

"Well, i'm going to the toilets, so if you happen to bump into me there then maybe we can catch up?" he said with a wink, we could see the boys at the other side of the room smirking and sniggering at Seth's weak attempt to talk to me.

"Bye Seth" i said uninterested, and he left.

"God, how desperate was he for sex right then?" Mia laughed.

"Really?" i looked at her and she laughed even more.

"Have you even had sex with him yet?" Mia spoke to me as a small child, and that irritated me.

"No, why? have you?" i said giving her dirty looks.

"As a matter of fact no, i don't go for ugly mugs like Seth" she literally spat at me.

I was inches away from bitch slapping this tramp.

"Oh... that's not what i heard" i said trailing off and her face turned mad.

"Enlighten me" she said with her hand on hip, winding her neck like she was ghetto.

"I heard you take anyone you can get" i smiled.

That's when Mia launched at me, but Rebbecca pushed her back down to the ground, Mia looked up at her like an angry troll.

"Both of you calm the fuck down, we've got a bigger crisis on our hands and i'm not babysitting two Primadonnas that are arguing over who's been fucking who, i don't have the time" Rebbecca barked at us both, she looked sad - almost scared, and for Rebbecca to look so frightened, told me that things were about to get a lot worse.

I decided to walk away, the only place i could think to go was to the toilets.

"Yeah you go cry to your boyfriend, slut" Mia shouted in my direction.

"Suck my big hairy cock" i shouted back laughing.

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