The Yard.

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Brandi here, right me and Status have agreed to release another chapter and after that we're going to release one every week, become a fan of us and we'll become a fan of you, btw does anyone find that writing books is addictive? serious question.
Thanks again for reading :)

Hally's P.O.V.

I'd never moved schools in my life, most people moved because they got bullied, they moved houses or they just wanted a fresh start.

Of course this rarely happens and in the books where nerds move schools and get the player of their dreams to admit their undying love and affection for them, are far from the truth.

'The new kid' - not worthy of addressing them with their real name.
Often the new kid gets all the abusive language and is left alone with their thoughts - if they're lucky a newer new kid will turn up and maybe people will start talking to the kid they tormented for weeks.

So you could say starting at a new school sucks, but being the 'new kid' in prison is much, much worse....


I arrived at the front of the prison and went through the strip procedures. A short and stocky guard to me into a waiting room and told me to sit down, he forgot to close the door and i heard him discussing with a female guard.

"Did you hear about last night?" she said in a concerned voice.
"Yeah, that's now 2 dead in a week! 7 dead this month" he exclaimed.
"Officer Martin hasn't sent the report to main office yet, they're non the wiser" she said disgustedly.
"You forget Sarah, if main office find out some maniac has been stabbing other prisoners, we'll loose our jobs, besides people die in here all the time" he sighed.
"No way Martin's going to say it was murder, he'll just blame the lack of food and brutality of the prisoners" she half-laughed.
"Well he better find out who is committing these murders and he better do it quick, he cant blame lack of food forever" he said walking into the waiting room, i stood up and we went through a door leading to the prison building.

The guard prodded me in the back with his truncheon, implying that i was walking too slow.

I went over the advice my cousin Marley had given me;

-Don't look at anyone in the eyes, unless they're weaker than you.
-Try not to draw attention to yourself.
-If someone bigger than you wants something of yours, then give it to them.
-Choose a smaller cell, that way people wont be fighting you to take it off you.
-Don't trust anyone.

"The time i make it, is 2.10pm, you have another half an hour in the yard" the guard said as we came to a stop, i nodded slowly as my mind was elsewhere.

The guard lightly hit me over the head with his truncheon and pointed to a door twice my size.

"You're a quiet one aren't you?" he said hand on hips and i nodded "That's good, nobody likes a loud mouth here" he chuckled at himself, i remained silent putting both hands on the heavy, metal door.

"Oh and kid-" the guard said and i turned around "try not to get into any trouble" he smiled which was something i did not return, i pushed the door open and it close behind me.

Prisoners are required to wear grey tracksuit trousers and cobalt blue t-shirts, prisoners are given a change of underwear everyday, the only things we weren't allowed were shoes and socks.

The floor was cold like iced daggers, but very smooth. The yard was full of people aged anything from 14-80, most were 18-30 years of age and their shadows towered over me as a group of them ran circuits around the room.

"Fight, fight, fight, fight" jeered boys and men gathered around an aggressive Alsatian of a man; making savage noises as he went for the larger man who simply used his weight against his opponent and got him to the ground.
I walked on carefully avoiding the eyes of people passing by as i was stopped by an amazonian sized girl, she brutally grabbed my hair and i let out a cry of pain.
"My name's Rebbecca, welcome to our luxurious guest house" she said sarcastically gesturing towards the rest of the yard, she gasped my hair tighter and pulled my head towards the direction of a group of strong-looking 20 year olds beating the crap out of a weakling.
"Ya see him?" she said viciously, i replied with a quiet "yeah".
"Good, now that's my boyfriend Crash, and he runs this place, ya got that?"
"Good, now here's the pecking order; Crash" she said putting her hand up high and pulling my hair as she did it.
"Me" she said lowering he hand a bit.
"All of the other worthless pieces of shit in here" she lowered her hand again.
"The cripples and the oldies" she dragged my hair down.
"Then there's you, she dragged my hair so far down to the ground, that i fell over and her cronies laughed in unison.
I tried to get to my feet when i saw Rebbecca pull out a knife and allowed the tip to rest against my heart.
"Did I say ya could get up?" she snapped as i moved back so as to release the pressure of the knife against me.
"No" i said quietly feeling like such a weakling.
"No, don't test my patience..."
"Hally" i replied.
"Hally, my cousin was called Hally, until she died" said a tanned brown haired crony from behind Rebbecca.

"Shut up Fellissa!" Rebbecca snapped now turning the knife on her and she quickly shut up.
Rebbecca then turned back to me and held out her hand to pull me up, i hesitated, judging by her impatient face she was ready to run the knife through me, i grabbed her arm and she pulled me up to my feet.
"Hal be a babe and go get Crash, i need to talk to him" she said with a firm grip over my arm, then she released me and i almost half-ran to this 'Crash' guy.

As i approached the group of tough-six-pack-t-shirt-off late teens, they gave me dirty looks and some bared their teeth like wild dogs.
"Yo, what this chick doin' here?!" a man in his 20's spat.
"This is for the big boys, no girlies allowed" an ugly-broken-nosed boy said.
The attention of the men were taken off the man they were beating up and they surrounded me and pushed me to one another as if i was a ball, i felt extremely intimidated and Rebbecca seemed like a cute bunny rabbit compared to them.
All the noises of the jeering men rung silent in my ears as i saw a boy, similar of face, i know that boy from somewhere.
The crowd silenced as Crash came over, i turned away from the boy and looked at Crash, he was tall and had big bones and muscles, he had pale white skin which was covered with ugly tattoos, his hair was damp and short and his stubble was way-over due for a shave.
"This ain't no teddy bear's tea party, now bounce" he gestured for me to go away.
"Rebbecca said she wanted to speak to you" i said in a small voice.
"Tell that bitch that i'll do her in if she carries on distracting me" he growled.
"She obviously can't come here, so you go to her" i covered my mouth surprised with what had slipped out, Crash stared at me with murderous looks.
"I don't normally beat on girls, but bitch i'll make an exception if you don't get out of my face" he growled.
I turned around and the crowd of men parted, i walked back over to Rebbecca, her and her cronies looked at me in shock.

"You actually went over and did it?" Rebbecca said as her jaw literally dropped.
"Yeah, you told me to" i replied with a confused expression on my face.
"God you are dumb" Rebbecca laughed "i'm surprised he didn't brake your legs"
"He said he doesn't beat up girls" i shrugged.
"He doesn't beat up girls? my ass!" Rebbecca said with fire in her eyes "I'll tell you when he stops, when his name is carved into his grave and he's lowered down into hell! that's when he'll stop beating up girls" she stormed off angrily, the remaining girls were now glaring at me, as if waiting for me to go away..

I turned to Fellissa who looked deep in thought.
"What does she mean? does Crash hurt her?" i said suddenly feeling sorry for the bully.
"Well, Hal, when you get locked up, so does your freedom and... i guess it's like survival - the biggest guy will take what he wants and no one is going to stop him" she said looking just as weak as i had felt.
I paused for a minute starring at the floor.
"It's not that bad Hal, some of the guys in here are nice - sort off, well Jackson - my boyfriend is" she waved over to a Jamaican guy and he smiled back as his friends gave him digs.
"But, there is another option..." she said looking back to me.
"What?" i said, which almost sounded too desperate.
"That's Wendy" she said pointing to a massively-overweight-greasy haired girl.
"She use to be one of the prettiest girls in here, but she stopped washing and started to stuff her face so the boys would leave her alone, and i guess it worked, no one goes near her now" she laughed.
"Plan C?" i asked laughing back.
"Sorry hun" Fellissa said just as the alarm sounded.
Crowds of people slowly merged into another, pushing through to get up the stairs to the cells.

I walked up what seemed like thousands of stair cases.
When a cell door shut a red light would buzz at the top to indicate it was taken.

The first 21 floors had buzzed a long time before i reached them and by the time i reached the 30th floor my legs were exhausted and i caved in, i started to fall backwards and expected to hit my head but i didn't care, i felt a hand cup my head and the other support my body and i straightened out.
"Watch it Hal, i want to get out of here before i die" said a 16-year-old boy, i recognised his face, but i couldn't recall him.
"Who are you?" i demanded.

Behind Prison BarsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora