Like Father Like Son.

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State: sorry we haven't uploaded in a while, Brandi slipped and fractured her foot (that's what you get for drinking too much) and blah blah excuses excuses, here it is:


The first 11 floors had buzzed a long time before i reached them and by the time i reached the 30th floor my legs were exhausted and i caved in, falling back and expecting to hit my head but i didn't care, i felt a hand cup my head nd the other support my body and i straightened out.

"Watch it Hal, i want to get out of here before i die" said a 16-year-old boy, i recognised his face, but i couldn't recall him.

"Who are you?" i demanded


Seth's P.O.V

"Hal, as if you don't remember me, Setali?" i smirked as i watched her face light up.

"Seth? from first grade?" she smiled dopely "You've... changed"

"Figures, 11 years older" I laughed.

I remembered 1st grade, i remember it well. The bell would toll for recess and excited screams of untamed kids would disperse as the classroom doors flung open and the joy of freedom filled the air.

I was not one of those kids.

A textbook lay without an owner on the teacher's desk, it yearned for me to take it.

The classroom no longer contained the kids in my class or the teacher who had gone for a quick cigarette behind the bike shed.

I took the textbook and entered the playground, the white light from the sun blazing down - so blinding that as i walked i felt as though i was on foreign grounds, so i ran to the shadows and slung down with my back against the wall.

Observing the behaviour of kids, how they reacted to attention and insults, how they fell out with their so called 'friends' and made up with them ten minutes later.

I wrote notes as good as a six-year-old could on what i entitled 'Normal' i analysed reasons for peoples reactions and learnt quick what was excepted as 'normal' and what wasn't, the truth was, i wasn't normal, my family life was not normal - i soon realised from how kids in my class talked about their home life, how they got into arguments with their dad because he wouldn't buy them the latest game.

How fortunate they were.

Hally Davis was a cute, extroverted young girl who wore her brunette hair up into pig-tails.

She made friends quite quickly on our first day of school and seemed to act like the leader of the group of girls, she was smart for her age - not like a class worm but more like a wise owl, she protected her friends like she was their mother and new a lot more about life than she should have.

It was on the 2nd week of 1st grade that she had came over and sat next to me against the wall.

"What ya' drawing?" she said in a cute yet extremely annoying voice.

"I'm not" i mumbled back.

"Your weird" she laughed.

I nodded in agreement and looked over to her giggling girl suck-ups.

"Why don't you go play football with the other boys?" she said peering over to my work, i shunned away from her.

"Why don't you go away?" i looked at her with warning eyes, but she just laughed it off.

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