"Daddy! Daddy! Daddy!" Gracie's singing voice interrupting me. I knew she was just trying to show off in front of the fans.

"Darcy Grace, you are interrupting me and that's rude. I said sit there and be quiet."

I looked over and said to her and she crossed her arms as she pouted.

I went back to talking and answering questions with the guys when I was pulled out of that by the sight of Gracie dancing in my peripheral vision.

"Darcy, I said enough!" I snapped in the microphone.

Her eyes went wide as I raised my voice and she slowly sat down on the stage. I saw the fans look at me with mixed expressions and I sighed before pulling out my phone.

I called Carter and watched Gracie as I waited for her to pick up.

"Yeah?" Her voice came through the line.

"Hey, where are you?"

"Literally pulling up into the lot by the bus." She chuckled.

"Good. I need you to come get Gracie."


"She's in timeout on stage in front of the fans."

"That child. I'm walking there now."

We ended the call and I waited for a few more minutes and then heard the fans scream as Carter walked on stage.

I turned to see her in shorts and a tee shirt, her converse that were at least five years old on her feet.

She looked at Gracie and then made her way to me, leaning down to wrap her arms around my shoulders and kiss the corner of my lips.

"What did she do?" She asked.

"She drove her damn barbie jeep across the stage!" I said and Carter rolled her eyes.

"Alright. I'll take her to the bus." Carter went to walk away but I tugged her back to me and pulled her down to press a proper kiss to her lips.

"Hi. Glad you're back." I smiled.

"I missed you, Ash." She pressed one more kiss to my lips then cheek before going to walk over to Gracie with her arms crossed.

As soon as Gracie noticed her mom standing there with an unhappy expression she realised she was really in big trouble and began to cry.

"Oh, now you cry." I mumbled under my breath.

Carter walked over to Gracie.

"Come on, stand up." She said and Gracie sobbed as she did.

Carter went to lead her away but Gracie instead came over to me, her arms outstretched as she cried.

I brought her into a hug, my annoyance at her behaviour slipping away as she cried.

"I sorry." Her tears hit my neck.

"I know you are. You know I don't like getting mad at you but when you act up I have to be a Daddy and give you time out so you know not to do that again." I told her and she nodded.

"Gracie, come on." Carter patted her back.

"I love you." I said as Gracie let go.

"I wove you Daddy." She continued to cry and Carter took her hand, walking her off stage.

As soon as we finished soundcheck I went back to the bus where Carter was sitting on the sofa rocking Gracie back and forth in her lap.

"Now when Daddy gets back I want you to hug him and tell him you're sorry again." Carter tucked some curls behind Gracie's ear.

Haven Harbour: Beyond the Sea • a.i. • (Sequel to Haven Harbour)Where stories live. Discover now