"Oh Khalaya don't cry babe I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you" I hugged her.

"It's okay mummy I forgive you" she smiled as we entered the bathroom "oh do you now?" I chuckled.

This girl is too much.


"Glory you're five minutes late!" Hector scolded as we hurried into the building.

"Yes I know I'm sorry, this cheeky madam wouldn't get up and it's really chaotic out there with the paps" I breathed out.

"Well chica it is New York don't expect any less and thank God you're not near the beginning or we would have a disaster on our hands" Hector acted as though he was in distraught.

"She's only 5 minutes late, it's not that bad" Justin shrugged as he held Laya's hand.

"Not that bad? Listen honey you may be Justin sex god Bieber but let me tell you something" he got all sassy.

"Being five minutes late is like being 2 hours late in the world of fashion. You have to be on time! Now go shoo Glory go get changed" he shooed me off.

Yes, Hector was the stereotypical gay mexican fashion designer, in this case he was the director of the show.

"Wait Glory, I'm going to the studio with Khalaya, call me when you get a lunch break or something like that yeah?" Justin stopped me.

"Yeah, have fun" I smiled before walking backstage.

"Joey?! What are you doing here?!" I exclaimed enveloping him in a big hug "I'm part of the crew aren't I?" he chuckled.

"But I thought you worked at wok&go?" I furrowed my eyebrows together.

"Yeah that's just a side job" he flicked it off "oh" I dazed heading to my dressing room.


We'd gone over the whole show five times, it was 8:25pm now and we were gonna run over it one last time since it took 2 hours then I'd finally be going home!

"Glory you're on in two minutes" Joey informed as he walked with me "thanks" I smiled.

"No problem, break a leg" he winked, smacking my ass as I walked away "oi! Thats not yours" I warned.

"But it could be" he smirked pulling me closer "I'm with Justin silly" I laughed playfully smacking his chest.

"I won't tell if you don't" he whispered into my ear, holding my waist.

"Oh well that's good.." I trailed off putting my hands on his shoulders ".. Because there's nothing to tell" I spat kneeing him in the crotch.

"Arr fuck!" he groaned falling to the floor.

"Never knew you were a cheeky bastard" I huffed "never knew you were a lethal bitch" he shot back.

I kicked him twice in the stomach then went down to his height "I guess I am aren't I?" I cocked my head to the side.

"Go rot in hell" he hissed in agony.

"Be careful what you say boii or you'll end up there before me" I fake smiled.

"Glory chica you're on in ten seconds!" I heard Hector shout.

"I gotta go, see you round yeah?" I wiggled my fingers as I started walking away but then something caught my eye.

"Justin how long have you been there?" I croaked out.

"I saw everything" he folded his arms.

"Talk later yeah? I've gotta go" I smiled hurriedly walking to the stage.



"Damn girl you've got a fine pair of legs" Justin bit his lip as he entered my dressing room.

"Only just noticing now?" I smirked.

"Well I already knew but then you out there... Wow" he whispered the last part which made me laugh.

"You ready to go?" he raised both eyebrows.

"Well as you can see Justin" I motioned towards my body "I can't find my tank top, my beanie or my Jordans" I listed.

"And you've checked everywhere?" he scratched the back of his head "three times" I rolled my eyes.

"Wait where's Khalaya?" I wondered "here I am!" she shrieked, jumping out from behind the couch...

That's where my things are...

"Khalaya why are you wearing my things?" I sighed "I dunno, I felt like it" she shrugged handing me my top.

"Shoes and beanie too" I raised an eyebrow "okay" she sighed "thanks hun" I smiled fixing my hair.

"Wait Glory...?" Justin trailed off "yeah?" I asked "who's performing tomorrow?" he wondered.

"Ermm.. Kanye West, Jay Z, Maroon 5 and... Oh our Robyn is performing aswell" I beamed.

"I'm not sure I want you to do the show" Justin sighed scratching his neck.

How I Met Your Father(Justin Bieber interracial fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now