A Change of Plans

Start from the beginning

"Ú-'ohenathon. Cí dadwenithon, ú-'ohenathon im." Tauriel stated. "The king has never let orc-filth from our lands, yet he would let this orc-pack cross our borders and kill our prisoners."

She does have a point....

"It is not our fight."

"It is our fight!" Tauriel blurted. "It will not end here. With every victory, this evil will grow. If your father has his way, we will do nothing. We will hide within our walls, live our lives away from the light, and let darkness descend. Are we not part of this world?"

I puffed out my chest in pride at this act of stubbornness. She would probably get along with Kyja quite well- if they took the time to know each other, that is.

"Tell me, mellon." Tauriel asked, "when did we let evil become stronger than us?"

~ End of Flashback ~

So what you're saying is that the two of them are headed this way?

Yes. Along with the Orc pack.

I pinched the bridge of my nose in frustration and sat on the edge of the bed. Should we tell the dwarves?

They are all leaving anyway. I wouldn't bother.

What if the Orcs wreak havoc on the town?

Kyja, it's not our responsibility to protect everything and everyone we run into.

I let out a groan and re-fastened the black corset around my waist. "Why am I arguing with a bird?" I asked myself.

The same reason I chose to accompany you. Because I wanted to.

Shut it.

"Kyja, are you ready?" Novalee called.

"Yes!" I replied. "I'll be right out." I nodded at Mithren as she perched onto my shoulder. Exhaling softly, I swung open the door and was greeted with the sight of Baratinu.

"I thought you might need this." Novalee winked. Managing a smile, I took my sword and fingered the blade. It felt good to have it in my hands again. "Who's your friend?" She asked, gesturing to the gray bird on my shoulder.

"This is Mithren." I chuckled. "I met her back in my previous travels. She's never left my side since." All of a sudden I heard the Master's voice bellowing over the crowd outside.

"You'd better hurry." Novalee chided as she handed me a brown parcel. "I packed your breakfast in there. Now go and join the dwarves my dear. It was lovely seeing you."

Smiling, I kissed her cheek and opened the front door. As I sprinted towards the noise, I couldn't help but feel as if something was watching me.

Soon enough I arrived at the dock where all of the dwarves were dressed in fanciful armor. As I got closer, I heard Thorin arguing with Kili.

"I'm going to be there when that door is opened, when we first look upon the halls of our fathers, Thorin."

"Kili, stay here. Rest. Join us when you're healed."

My mouth dropped as Kili solemnly got out of the boat. "I'll stay with the lad. My duty lies with the wounded." Oin said.

"Uncle, we grew up on tales of the mountain. Tales you told us. You can't take that away from him!" Fili exclaimed.


"I will carry him, if I must!"

"One day you will be king, and you will understand. I cannot risk the fate of this quest for the sake of one dwarf, not even my own kin."

Fili then stepped out of the boat as Thorin tried to stop him. "Fili, don't be a fool. You belong with the Company." He insisted.

"I belong with my brother."

As he joined Oin and Kili, I strided up to Thorin and scowled at him. "And just when I was beginning to like you." I hissed.

"Kyja, now is not the time. Please get on the boat."

"I think that gold has gotten to your head. You are really leaving your nephew behind?" I spat. "You're more pathetic than I thought!"

"You know nothing!" He thundered.

Tightening my jaw, I grabbed Thorin's forearm and sighed. "Tell Smaug I said hello." I huffed. "Who knows- he may have more sense than you." With that I gently shoved the Dwarf King to the side and strode over to Kili.

"... And bring good fortune to all!" The Master laughed. The townspeople cheered and clapped as the dwarves sailed down the canal. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Bofur dizzily running towards us.

"Ah! So you missed the boat as well?" He hiccuped.

"You could say that." I replied. A loud moan escaped Kili's mouth as he started to fall over.

"Kili! Kili!"


First off, I am SO SO SO sorry for the late update. Things got in the way, and I was having trouble with the dialogue, but it's here now!

Also, sorry for the overuse of the phrases "softly", "suddenly", and "all of a sudden."

So, who was this "she" that taught Mithren elvish? Will this character show up again? Hmm....

Do you think Kyja was a bit mean to Thorin? Or were there truth in her words?

Is there a secret to Novalee that could change everything?

Thanks for reading you guys! Picture to the right is Kyja's new outfit.

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