Rome and Rescue Mission

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ashnicatthelibrary: Your wish is my command. Not really I just love The Genie from Aladdin.

Xby: Thank you.

julie662: They did blow up New Rome, but no one got hurt so don't worry. I love the pairings too. I came up with it before I found out about Cleo(Calypso/Leo) but I love it and won't change it. The question is what will Vati do when she finds out about Leo on Calypso's Island?

percyjacksonfan135: Freya likes getting herself in danger.

Chapter Eighty Three: Rome and Rescue Missions

Leo landed us in a park in the middle of Rome. "We're outside the Tomb of Scipios," Jason said. "Nina meet us back here after you save Apollo."

"Someone should go with her," Percy said.

"Percy we talked about this," I groaned. "If anyone comes with me, he'll kill Apollo before I even have the chance to save him. I need to do this by myself."

Percy looked conflicted for a moment before pulling me into a tight hug. "Ti amo, sorellina. Please stay safe."

"I'm older, fratellino," I smirked. "I'll always come home. Ti amo troppo."

I grabbed my bag. It had a change of clothes for Apollo, a jar of Greek fire, nectar, and ambrosia. I could only hope I wasn't too late to save Apollo. I whistled and a white blur immediately appeared by my side.

Another quest? my pegasus mentally asked me. I nodded grimly and swung my leg over Silvermist's back. She jumped off the ship and started walking. I closed my eyes, hoping a vision telling me where Apollo was would come to me.

"Hello again, poco semidea."

"Otus," I growled. "You speak Italian?"

"Of course, principessa del mare. You are searching for your amato, are you not?"

"Where's Apollo?" I snapped. "And how are you in my head?"

A deep chuckle filled my mind. "There is an old warehouse a few blocks down from the Colosseum. It is abandoned and easy to find. You will find your amato and me in there."

Blinking back tears, I opened my eyes. "I'm coming for you, Apollo," I whispered softly. "C'mon, Sil. Take me to the Colosseum." Silvermist began trotting along the sidewalks. Thank the gods for the mist. The mortals didn't even notice us. I zoned out as Silvermist led me to my destination. Before I knew it, we were outside the Colosseum. "This is where I go by myself," I murmured. I slid off Silvermist's back and ran my fingers through her hair. "See you later hopefully, girl."

I fixed the straps of my bag and continued on foot. Otus was right. The empty warehouse was easy to find. Trying the door first, I realised it was locked. I went to a window and picked up a rock. Slamming the rock through the glass, I managed to break the window so I could climb through. I climbed through and jumped down, landing on my hands and knees. I grimaced, feeling the glass enter my palms. I quickly wiped the excess glass off my hands to prevent anymore glass from entering the shallow cuts.

"Hello?" I called. "Is anyone there?" I didn't receive an answer. I pulled my wand out and lit the tip. I cringed when my grip made the glass dig deeper into my palms. I gasped when I saw Apollo chained to the wall in the corner of the room. There was nothing here except for us. I quickly strapped my wand back to my forearm and ran towards Apollo. I knelt down in front of him and lifted his chin.

Apollo's tan skin was paler than the moon. His cheeks were sallow from lack of food, and his beautiful blue eyes were bloodshot. Apollo's golden hair was covered in both golden ichor and red blood. Most of the ichor was dried and made Apollo's hair stick to his forehead. The blood was still fresh. I pulled out my canteen of nectar and poured it on the gash running from Apollo's temple, over his eyelid and nose, and ending at the base of his right ear. It sealed over, leaving an ugly, jagged scar.

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