Hippie Godesses

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Nina's POV

"C'mon, Percy!" I yelled over my shoulder at my black haired companion.

"I'm coming, Nina!" he shouted back. "Just give me a sec!" Percy picked up the necklace he had dropped.

His necklace was one of the things we had in common. It was actually weird. I remembered him, but I couldn't remember how I knew him. I was having trouble remembering things. It's not that I couldn't remember it, it's that everything was fuzzy, like when you are squinting. I remembered everything, but I couldn't see it clearly. I remembered two girls named Lavender and Parvati. I think they were my closest friends. I also remember this set of twins. I'm not entirely sure if their names were Morgan and Diane or Apollo and Artemis. It was all really confusing. One thing I knew for certain was that I hated being confused.

"Come out, children of Poseidon,' a voice shrieked. I groaned. It was Euryale. She and her sister Stheno have been following us ever since we left the Wolf House. Apparently, we killed their sister Medusa. If I thought hard enough, I could kind of remember that. We had been travelling with this goat boy and a blond girl. In my defense, Medusa tried to turn us to stone. That was a big no-no for me.

Percy pulled out his sword. I pulled out my magic wand thingy. I knew that if I said the right words, jets of light would shoot out of the end. So far, all I had remembered was stupefy. It didn't kill the gorgons, but it stunned them long enough for Percy to stab them. Our problem was that as soon as they died, they started to reform.

"How about some mini wieners," Stheno offered us.

"Just ate, thanks," I growled, raising my wand higher.

"Oh." Stheno looked rather put out. "They're really good. I added a bit of my blood to it."

"Your blood?" Percy asked.

Stheno nodded excitedly. "Just a drop and you'll die instantly," Stheno grinned.

"Don't tell them that!" shrieked Euryale. "Now they really won't take them." Stheno seemed even more upset. I thought she was the oldest gorgon. She acted like the youngest.

Percy was staring at the mini wieners. He didn't remember a thing from his past, but he should know better than to eat poison wieners. "On second thought," Percy grinned, "We'll take the whole tray." I looked at him like he was insane. I'm pretty sure he was. Stheno didn't seem to think my companion was insane. She handed him the entire tray. "Thanks ladies," Percy grinned. He dumped the tray, cut through the gorgons with one sweep of his blade, and grabbed my arm.

"What the Hades!" I screeched as Percy pulled us over the edge. He pushed me in front of him and we used the empty tray as a sled. We went careening down the ridiculously steep hill. Nervous and fearing my death, I clung to the arm Percy had wrapped around my waist. Just as we reached the highway, I heard the hoarse calls of Stheno and Euryale. Percy and I climbed over the fence and onto the highway. This wasn't my best idea by a long shot.

With the agility of a cheetah, we dodged in and out of honking cars towards the center of the traffic lane. In the center, a hippie was sitting in the road. "You're right of course." She was looking at Percy. "It's the entrance to Camp Jupiter."

"Camp Jupiter," I murmured. "That doesn't sound right."

The hippie lady scowled at me. I wondered if I'd offended her. "Silence, Christina Jackson. If you weren't..." She trailed off. I wondered what her problem was. "You can go through the tunnel to Camp. You could also continue west to the ocean. You could save yourselves, but everyone else would perish."

"Lav, Vati, Freya, all of them?" I asked. The old lady nodded.

"We'll go through the tunnel," Percy sighed.

"Perfect," the old lady smiled. She held up her arms. "You must carry me through. I can't do it myself. My name is June by the way." Percy scowled, but lifted the lady up anyway. I felt sympathetic for him. She did not look light.

Heavily breathing, we struggled to where two demigods were stationed at the entrance of the tunnel. At least I assumed that they were demigods. I could hear the gorgons flying closer and closer to us.

"Frank, get them to Camp!" the girl shouted to the buff boy.

"What about you, Hazel?"

"I'll be fine. Go!"

Sighing, Frank grabbed my arm and lead me through the tunnel. I looked back to see the girl, Hazel, unsheath her sword. The tunnel was much longer than I anticipated. It curved like a snake slithering towards it's prey. Eventually, we reached the end. Frank lead us to a river. I grinned. I loved water.

As I stepped foot in the river, aa voice spoke in my head. I felt like it was a normal occurrence for me.

You must give up your blessing, first born daughter of the sea. It is a Greek curse. You can not carry it into a Roman territory. I vaguely remembered taking the curse of Achilles. Percy and I had done it together about a week before some battle. At least I think there was a battle. It was still really fuzzy. A boy had been with us. I think his name was Nico.

"I forsake the Curse of Achilles," I whispered. I could practically feel the curse washing off of my body. I continued my way through the river. A crowd was on the other side, coming to see what the commotion was. Percy placed June down on the other side of the river before helping Frank and me out. Frank helped Hazel out of the water. I hadn't noticed her right behind us.

Groaning I realized the gorgons were behind us too. I pulled out my wand. It turned out I didn't need to use it. Percy raised his fists, and two giant fists of water formed. Each fists grabbed a gorgon and turned it to dust. That warranted me giving Percy a huge hug.

"Well, that was a lovely trip," June grinned. "Thank for bringing me here, Percy and Christina Jackson."

"Percy...Christina...Jackson?" a girl in a purple toga choked. We weren't expected to wear togas, were we?

"Oh yes," June smirked. "You'll have such fun together." Shockingly, everyone knelt in front of the hippie.

"Lady Juno," the girl murmured. Percy and I quickly bowed, knowing that Juno was the queen of the gods and could easily blast us.

"Romans, I present to you the son and daughter of Neptune. Their fate is in your hands. Death must be unleashed by the Feast of Fortuna if you wish to stand a chance in the battle. Do not fail me!" Juno disappeared.

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