Diagon Ally

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Nina's POV

"Alright Ms. Jackson, Miss Jackson, if you'll just take my arms, I'll apparate us to Diagon Alley," Professor Snape said, holding out both arms to the females in the room. Mom looked over at Percy nervously.

"Can Percy come too?" she asked.

"I'm afraid I can only take two at a time," the Professor said apologetically. Percy looked at Mom pleadingly, and I knew exactly what he was asking. Gabe was due home in an hour or two, and there was no guarantee we would be back in time. Gabe wasn't known for being nice when Mom wasn't around.

"I'll come with you guys," Morgan volunteered. Mom was about to say something, but he raised his hand. "I'm 17 Mrs. J. That's the age you become an adult in the wizarding world."

"At least let me give you money."

"I have more than enough," Morgan promised. I looked at him curiously. I knew his family was rich, but why would he offer to pay for me to go to school.

"Morgan," I said. "You don't need to pay for me to go to school."

"'Course I don't need to," Morgan said, "But you're my best friend, and besides I'm the only one out of us besides Professor Snape who has wizarding money.

Mom looked troubled for a minute before finally agreeing to it. "Now, grab onto my arm and I will apparate us to the Leaky Cauldron," Professor Snape said. At our confused looks, he added, "Which is the entrance to Diagon Alley." Morgan nodded his head, and we both grabbed onto Severus' outstretched arms. With a crack we disappeared and reappeared in the middle of the Leaky Cauldron.

"Ah, Professor Snape, if only you had come a few minutes earlier. Hagrid brought Harry Potter through here," the toothless barman exclaimed. He reminded me of a walnut. I noticed Professor Snape's jaw clenched at the mention of Harry Potter. "Are you on Hogwarts business too, then."

"Yes, I'm bring Miss Jackson to gather her things, along with her friend Mr. Morgan-" Professor Snape broke off, not knowing Morgan's last name.

"Ross," Morgan finished for him.

"Right... anyway, we must be going." Placing a hand on both Morgan's and my own shoulder, Professor Snape led us out into a small alleyway. Taking out his wand, he tapped a few bricks and stepped back, allowing the magic to do its job. Morgan and I stared as the passageway opened. Chuckling lightly at our expressions, Professor Snape led them into the Alley. "Welcome to Diagon Alley."

"Wow, that magic is very different from Mage magic," I said, in awe.

"Ah, yes, since most people here don't know that Mages still exist, I wouldn't tell anyone that you two are Mages. I have never told anyone." I nodded in agreement.

"Do you need to take money out of the bank, Mr. Ross?" Professor Snape asked.

"Yeah, actually," Morgan said a little sheepishly. "Only I've never exactly been to Diagon Alley so..."

"That is quite alright. I was just leading you to the bank. Welcome to Gringotts, the British wizarding bank." Professor Snape led us inside and to a goblin.

When the goblin saw Morgan he looked shocked and beckoned him forward. Why would a goblin recognize my best friend who isn't a wizard? Do goblins do dealings with Mages? The goblin and Morgan were speaking rapidly in a language I couldn't understand.

"Follow me," the goblin said in English after his quick conversation with Morgan.

"Hold my hand," Morgan whispered into my ear as the goblin led us through the room into what looked like a mining tunnel. The goblin ushered us into a mine cart, and as soon as he got in behind us we were off at break neck speeds.

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