Cyclops,Dreams, and Thalia

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We sailed on the Queen Anne's Revenge all day until we reached the island of Polyphemus. Yeah, Grover got kidnapped by the Cyclops from the Odyssey. At least the Golden Fleece was here too so we wouldn't have to make any other pit stops. The island looked nothing like I expected it too. There were no bones or anything even remotely gory. Frankly, it looked like paradise. The only thing scary was the rope bridge spanning the chasm between the two halves of the island.

I could feel the power of the Fleece. It felt so strong just to me. I can only begin to imagine what a satyr must feel. This must be why none of them ever come back from their mission to find Lord Pan. They get brought here because of the scent of the Fleece, which is probably very similar to Pan's scent, and killed by Polyphemus. I shuddered, if Grover hadn't been able to make an empathy link with Percy, he would most likely be dead. I would hate for my friend to be killed.

I looked over when Annabeth gasped. There was the Fleece on the other side of the island. It was surrounded by huge...sheep. I face palmed when I saw them. I looked up again and I saw a deer walk into the meadow with the sheep. Oh gods, I turned my head into Percy's side, unable to watch. The sheep had begun to tear the deer apart. Percy told me when they were done. I looked back to see a pile of white bones. Gulping, I realized that if we didn't get a move on, that's what Grover would look like very soon. We started looking for a way out when I saw a lifeboat from the CSS Birmingham. It was Clarisse's lifeboat. She was alive, for the time being.

Annabeth led us to a cliff. She and Percy began to climb up it. I stood at the bottom and tried to call them back down. They either didn't hear me or didn't want to listen to me. I sighed on concentrated on the misty air. I dissolved into mist and reappeared at the top of the cliff. Uh oh, there are more sheep up here. These sheep seemed content on eating the grass. I sighed in relief. I wasn't going to be eaten by piranha-sheep. At least not yet, we still needed to get the Fleece, which was guarded by piranha-sheep.

I sat down and waited for Percy and Annabeth to reach the top. About half an hour later they finally made it up. "How'd you make it up here so fast?" sneered Annabeth.

"I mist travelled," I replied before standing up and walking off. My two companions followed suit. We kept walking until we found a cavern that we were looking down into. Clarisse, Polyphemus, and Grover were inside. Clarisse was yelling at Polyphemus to fight her. Don't be an idiot, Clarisse! Clarisse was upside down and dangling from a pot of water. Grover was in a wedding dress. Percy had said that Polyphemus thought Grover was a lady Cyclops and wanted to marry him. Talk about awkward.

Clarisse accidently told Polyphemus that Grover was a man and a satyr. Big mistake there, Risse. Polyphemus turned on Grover and ripped the veil off, revealing curly, brown hair and little satyr horns. Now, Polyphemus wanted to eat Grover and marry Clarisse. Grover glanced up and saw us. He quickly began stalling for time. He told Polyphemus about a recipe for satyr that used mango chutney. Polyphemus left to get mangos. How dumb can you get? What satyr would know how to cook themselves?

When Polyphemus left, he closed the cave off with a huge boulder. We tried moving it, but to no avail. We sighed and fell back against the large rock. I jumped up. How stupid could I get? Am I a witch or not? I pulled my wand from its holster and pointed it at the rock. "Reducto!" Chunks of the rock came off. I need a stronger blasting curse. "Confringo!" The entire boulder burst into thousands of tiny pieces. Annabeth and Percy looked at me in awe. I ran in and they followed, still rather shocked. Oops, the blast brought Polyphemus' attention back to the cave.

In a quick moment of genius, Annabeth put on her invisibility hat and ran outside. She started yelling at the Cyclops. Nice, pretend to be Nobody and Polyphemus will go after you. Not nobody like nobody was there, but Nobody like what Odysseus called himself when distracting Polyphemus in the Odyssey. I got to work on untying Clarisse and Percy untied Grover while we listened to Annabeth and Polyphemus.

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