The Qudditch World Cup

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The next day, Percy and I ate cold pizza for breakfast. Sally was still being nice, um, nicer to me and even Percy was starting to get suspicious. What is that woman up too? When I finished eating, I began to play with the new charm Apollo had given me. It would summon any demigod necessity I needed. Demigod necessities were rope, sleeping bags, pillows, and the most important, duct tape. There were other necessities we needed too, but those were the main ones.

I jumped when I heard our Floo go off in the living room. I jumped up and ran into the room, followed by Percy and Sally. Two red-headed men were stepping out of the fire. One had a pony tail and a fang earring. He was tall and lithe. The other man was average height and had short hair. He was very well built and had burn marks all over his arms. "Hello," said the taller man. "I'm Bill Weasley. I'm guessing you're the twins' friend, Nina?"

"Hi, yeah, I am. You know, I would have thought you would've called me Ron's friend."

'Nah," laughed the shorter man. "You seem too smart to be friends with Ron. He's not the brightest of us Weasleys. Charlie Weasley, by the way." I shook Charlie's hand. "You got all your stuff?"

"What, oh, yeah. A friend of mine cast a charm on it. It's right here." I showed Charlie and Bill the charm on my bracelet that was my miniature trunk. Bill was fascinated by it. Fred and George did say he always loved Charms and Ancient Runes. I hugged Percy goodbye and waved to Sally. I climbed into the fire after Charlie and said "The Burrow," just like he had. The fire flew round me and I shut my eyes. I needed to keep the soot out of my eyes. I pulled my elbows in to keep them from banging against the fireplace walls. I definitely prefered mist travel over this.

Bill and Charlie led me into the kitchen where I was greeted by an enthusiastic Mrs. Weasley. She hugged me and I awkwardly hugged her back. I love hugs and all, but I've hardly spoken more than 10 words to the woman. Charlie seemed to notice my discomfort and tried to distract his mom by asking when Harry would get here. She was about to answer when a thump announced the arrival of people. Four people walked into the kitchen. "Hey, Nina," Fred and George sang, simultaneously. I grinned and waved at the two pranksters. Ron nodded at me and Harry waved before being pulled into a hug by Mrs. Weasley. At least he knows her better than I do.

Mr. Weasley came into the room a few minutes later. He didn't notice Mrs. Weasley. He began to scold the twins and threatened to tell Mrs. Weasley about some prank they pulled on Harry's muggle cousin. Mrs. Weasley demanded to know what was going on so Ron, Harry, Bill, Charlie, and I snuck outside to the garden to set up the tables for lunch. Hermione and Ginny were already out there. Harry smiled at them both, and Ginny flushed, her face turning the shade of red known as Weasley Red.

Bill and Charlie raised their wands and began to levitate the tables into position. One table bumped into the other. Bill smirked and flicked his wand. His table flew back and then went crashing into Charlie's. And that, my dear friends, is how the Great Table War started. Charlie's table knocked off one of the legs on Bill's with a loud clap. Percy stuck out his head and told us to keep it down. Charlie rolled his eyes as he apologized. The brothers set down the tables and repaired the leg. Harry, Ron, and I set up all the plates, glasses, and cutlery.

Bill and Charlie were sitting on either side of me during lunch. They asked me if I wanted anything since I had just eaten breakfast and I said no. It was about halfway through the meal and Mrs. Weasley noticed I wasn't eating. "Nina, dear, you are far too thin. You must eat something."

"I just ate breakfast Mrs. Weasley. There's a five hour time difference between here and New York. It may be one in the afternoon here, but over there it's eight in the morning." Mrs. Weasley blushed and looked down. Most witches and wizards didn't know about timezones.

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