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The next morning, I woke up to see sapphire eyes staring down at me. "Hey, Freya," I yawned as I sat up.

She crawled into my lap. "Hi, hi." Freya snuggled into my chest.

"You hungry, little girl?" She nodded. I picked her up and maneuvered my way out the door and down the stairs. All the Weasleys, Harry, Hermione, Siri, and Remus were already there. I plopped Freya sown in Sirius' lap and went to get some food. "Cornflakes okay?" I asked.

"Yeah," Freya answered. I pulled out the box of cereal, a bowl, spoon, and the milk. I made Freya's bowl then made a bowl for myself. I was about to take her from Sirius, but he was already feeding her. I smiled and started eating my own cereal. Mrs. Weasley was already putting away the other's dishes. Sirius informed us that we would be cleaning all day. I laughed when Freya started grumbling about it under her breath. Sirius and Remus looked like they were trying not to laugh themselves.

Over the course of the day, many things were accomplished. We managed to clean the drawing room. I was introduced to Sirius' creepy house elf, Kreacher. Freya became deathly afraid of Kreacher. We found a locket with an S inscribed on it. The locket plain out refused to open. A pair of robes tried to strangle Ron. A magic music box almost put us all to sleep. We found a lot of doxies in the curtains. Fred and George took some of the doxy venom. It really was an interesting day.

There was a lot of crying on the day we had to leave for Kings Cross, all done by one person in particular. Freya was clinging to my leg and trying to stop me from finishing my packing. She had really bonded with Sirius, Remus, Fred, George, and me. She was very good with Bill, Charlie, and Tonks as well. She liked me the most. "Freya, baby, I promise you'll see me again. I'm not leaving forever."

"B-but you're gonna be g-gone for a really long t-time and I don't want you t-to leave me."

"Sirius, Remus, Bill, Charlie, and Tonks will still be here, Freya."

"But you and Fred and George are l-leaving." Freya was giving me her best kicked puppy eyes and I was very tempted to forget school and stay here with her. I shook my head.

"Freya, I would stay if I could, but I really have to go to school. I promise I'll visit you as soon as I can."

"Pinky promise?" she asked.

""Pinky promise," I agreed, locking my pinky with hers.

We ran downstairs. I willed my trunk to shrink and stuck it back on its place on my bracelet. Mrs. Weasley was giving us instructions. "Christina, Harry, you're to come with me and Tonks. Leave your trunks and your owls...Christina, where's yours." I gestured to my bracelet.

A friend of my charmed it so it would shrink at my will."

"Right, Alastor's going to deal with the luggage." Skittles made an annoyed sound at being called luggage.

How dare she call me luggage!

Oh, hush you.

"Oh, for heaven's sake, Sirius, Dumbledore said no," reminded Mrs. Weasley. I turned to see Sirius walk up in his animagus form. Freya giggled and clapped her hands. She stretched her little arms out to her older cousin and I placed her on his back. He was more than large enough to support her. Freya grabbed onto Sirius' ears. It didn't seem to bother him at all. He barked happily. "Oh, honestly..." Mrs. Weasley groaned. "Well, on your own head be it!"

Mrs. Weasley led Harry, Siri, Freya, and me out the door and up a hill. Freya was laughing as she rode on top of Sirius. He was very careful not to let her fall. I stood next to them, ready to catch Freya, just in case. Tonks had used her metamorphmagus powers to make herself look like an old lady. It took us 20 minutes to reach the station. Everyone was already there waiting for us on our platform.

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