The Son of Hermes

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It was getting towards the end of August. Thalia had carried me out to the beach so we could talk together without being interrupted. Thalia was really cool. She was the perfect mix between a sister and a best friend. She was a really close friend. We started talking about different ways to behead a drakon, when there was a thump behind us. We both flipped around. Thalia pulled out her spear and made her shield Aegis appear from her silver bracelet and I pulled out my bow and quiver from Artemis. We rolled our eyes and put them away when we saw Lav and Vati running towards us. "Sorry to interrupt your cousinly bonding, but the Daily Prophet just got here!" said Vati.

"There's been an escape from Azkaban! Sirius Black, he's a mass murderer!" I gasped and grabbed the Prophet from Vati's hands. Thalia looked at us, confused. She knew the basics of the wizarding world because of Vati, Lav, and me. Everyone here at camp did. She just didn't know everything. Lavender explained about it. I looked at the picture. It was the man from the demigod dreams I've been having.

"Guys, I think this guy is a demigod."

"What do you mean?" asked Thalia.

"I've been having dreams about him. In the dreams, he says he needs to protect the daughter of Poseidon. He said we were family."

"We need to go to Chiron," Parvati said. We all nodded and Thalia picked me up off the ground.

"Ugh, Fish Face, you think Chiron will let you borrow his wheelchair?"

"Shut up, Airhead," I grumbled.

We ran, well I was carried, up to the Archery Range where Chiron was instructing some children of Hermes. "Chiron!" I shouted. "We need you."

"Has your back gotten worse?" he asked getting very freaked out.

"No, there's been a breakout from Azkaban. A mass murderer by the name of Sirius Black. Is he a demigod."

"Yes. Sirius is the son of Hermes I told you about a few years back. He was framed for those murders. I was there that day. A man named Peter Pettigrew killed those people. He then cut off his finger and changed into a rat. I'm still wondering about that part. The ministry arrived and took Sirius straight to Azkaban without a trial. When I tried to explain to the ministry, they just told me to go away."

"Our brother was thrown in prison without a trial?" ground out Connor Stoll. His older brother Travis looked just about ready to bash some heads together. Chiron nodded, sadly. "Hermes cabin, we're storming Britain. Which way to the ministry?"

"You can't storm the ministry," Chiron sighed. "But at least he's not in that place anymore."

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