Mountain Climbing

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Thalia, Jason, and Leo left the cave about an hour later. I didn't know what they were talking about in their, but I would respect their privacy. If they didn't want to tell, I wouldn't ask. We need to get to Aeolus' palace," Thalia said.

"So a hiking trip," I grinned. Thalia rolled her eyes and nodded. "Should I get Freya?"

"Yeah," Thalia said. "I don't want her by herself, and I don't want her going off on werewolf hunt with the rest of the Hunters. I nodded and entered my tent to wake my daughter up.

"Freya, it's time to get up, baby girl."

"I'm tired, Mommy," my baby girl groaned.

"I know you are, sweetie," I said sympathetically. I hadn't gotten any sleep all night. "But if you don't get up, the tickle monster is going to come wake you up."

"No, Mommy," Freya giggled. "The tickle monster is the evillest monster ever!"

"Then I would get up if I were you," I smirked.

"Nope," Freya giggled.

"Well, I'm not protecting you from this monster," I warned. I lunged at Freya and started tickling her. She shrieked with laughter.

"I'm up, Mommy! I'm awake. Stop tickling me!" I laughed and helped my baby girl up. I helped her off the cot and transfigured her clothes.

"C'mon, sweet heart. We're going on a hike. Parvati's coming with us."

"And Thalia too?" Freya asked, getting excited.

"Yup, and three other demigods named Jason, Piper, and Leo."

"I like Leo!" Freya grinned.

"You've met them?" I asked.

"Before I ended up here," Freya nodded.

I smiled and took Freya's hand, leading her outside. It was a really bright day compared to the gloomy ones that had been constant since I last saw Apollo. "Daddy's happy," I told my daughter. "Do you know why?"

"No, Mommy, do you?"

"Nope," I said as I led Freya over to Thalia, Jason, Piper, Leo, and Vati. "Shall we?" I asked. Thalia rolled her eyes at me and led the way up the mountain side. I turned back to see the rest of the Hunters already disassembling my borrowed tent.

"I'm tired, Mommy," Freya complained when we had almost reached the top. Sighing, I picked my tiny daughter up. She wrapped her arms around my neck and rested her cheek on my shoulder. I pushed her short blond hair out of her eyes, kissing her forehead.

"We're here," Thalia said. She glanced down nervously. Knowing how much she hated heights, I felt bad for her. "I'll go first with Piper," Jason said. "Leo and Thalia, follow us. Nina, you and Freya take up the rear."

"Sounds good to me," I said. I really didn't want to meet Aeolus anyways. He's a wind god, and I'm a daughter of the sea. It does not sound like a good mix to me. As Jason started walking out, clutching Piper's hand, a vision hit me.

Thalia was standing in the middle of the ice bridge. Leo was almost off, but he was steaming. Thalia was trying to keep her balance. The bridge was melting. Terrified, she screamed as the bridge melted beneath her feet. Arms flailing, she screamed as she fell the few thousand feet to the ground.

Gasping, I came back into the present. "Thalia, wait a minute," I hissed as I saw her about to step onto the thin bridge. Thalia froze. Leo was almost halfway across.

"Come on, Thalia!" Jason called.

Thalia looked back at me nervously. "She'll come over in a second, Jason," I called back. "You'll fall if you go out there, Thals. I don't want to lose you too." I said the last part only loud enough for Thalia and Freya to hear. Thalia nodded. We looked back as my vision began to play out. The bridge melted away. Leo just managed to jump across.

"Thanks," Thalia gasped. "Go!" she called to Jason. "I'll meet you back at the Wolf House!"

"See you later, Vati!" I called. My long time best friend waved goodbye to me. I held Freya tighter and grabbed Thalia's hand. We disappeared into the mist in the air. Thalia shook her head as we reappeared in the new camp for the Hunters.

"I'm taking Freya back to Camp, Thals," I told my cousin. "I don't want her out here. I couldn't stand it if she got hurt by one of the lycans."

"Stay with her, Nina," Thalia said. "You've done enough already and you need to get ready for the new school year."

I gave my cousin a tight hug. "I'll see you later," I promised.

"See you later," Thalia grinned. "Bye, Freya."

"Bye bye, Thalia," Freya smiled, waving her little hand.

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