A Boggart and Sirius

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Malfoy didn't show up in classes until Thursday. He was milking that wound so bad. If I had a wound like that, I'd be up and training and hour after receiving it. What a wimp. He walked into Potions late and disrupted the whole class. Sev didn't give him detention because he was pretending to play favorites. If you looked into his eyes, you could see how annoyed he really was. Good thing descendants of Hades were really good at masking their emotions. Malfoy began to make up excuses as to why he couldn't cut his roots or skin his shrivelfig. I could almost hear Sev's patience snap. "I know for a fact, Mr. Malfoy, that you are right handed. Your injury is on your left arm. You do not need Miss Jackson's aid in creating your potion." Malfoy scowled at Sev who winked at me. "She is injured far worse than you are and I don't hear her complaining so be quiet and get to work." I smiled at him. He may pretend to favor the Slytherins, but he would always put me first.

I growled when Malfoy began t goad Harry about Sirius. He told Harry that he should go after Sirius for revenge. Malfoy is such an idiot. Why does he have to be so cruel. "Mr. Malfoy, I must insist you stop distracting Potter from his potion. He has enough trouble as it is." The whole class was in shock by the end of Potions. Thank you, Sevvie.

After class, Hermione disappeared. She's been doing that a lot after classes. I wonder where she's running off to. Wait a minute, how is she getting to all her classes? Most of her classes are at the same time as at least one other. I wonder...

After lunch we had Defense Against the Dark Arts. I wasn't nervous about being taught by a werewolf anymore. If he had wanted to kill Lav, Vati, and me, he would have done it on the train instead of saving my life, I mean soul. When we got to his class, he wasn't there.

Good afternoon," he smiled when he walked in. "Would you please put all your books back in your bags. Today we will be having a practical lesson. You will need only your wands." I hoped this wouldn't be like Lockhart's practical lesson last year. That was a catastrophe. "Right then, if you'd follow me." He left the classroom and we all followed.

On the way, we ran into Peeves. He was shoving gum into a keyhole. I was about to tell him to take it out, when he spotted Professor Lupin. "Loony, Loopy, Lupin," he sang. "Loony, Loopy, Lupin, Loony, Loopy, Lupin-" Instead of getting mad, Professor Lupin smiled.

"I'd take that gum out of the keyhole if I were you, Peeves. Mr. Filch won't be able to get into his brooms."

Peeves blew a rather loud raspberry. "Peeves," I said. Lupin looked at me, so did the rest of the class. "Please take out the gum. Filch always yells at you when you do stuff like this, and his voice really hurts my ears."

"Okay, Nina. Peeves will take the gum out for his little friend."

"Thanks Peeves. Means a lot to me." Peeves stuck his tongue out at me and began to pull the gum out.

"I must say, I am impressed. Peeves doesn't listen to anybody except the Bloody Baron," Professor Lupin said.

"You just have to be nice to him. Helping him with a few of his pranks doesn't hurt either. Nobody's nice to him except maybe five of the students, so he doesn't help anyone. He did say he had a soft spot for three men called Prongs, Padfoot, and Moony, whoever they are."

"Three-fourths of the infamous Marauders," Professor Lupin said as he continued down the hall.

"Who?" asked Dean Thomas.

"The Pranking Kings of Hogwarts back in the 70's. I went to school with them. There was never a boring day with those four around."

We all laughed as Professor Lupin led us into the teachers lounge. Sev was walking out as we walked in. He insulted Neville and Hermione on his way out.

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