Reunions and The Start of a Journey

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Freya's POV

I sat huddled up in Mommy's closet. I couldn't let any of my aunts and uncles know I was on the ship. They get mad and send me back to camp. I didn't want to go back to camp. I wanted to see Mommy. Auntie Thalia said Mommy got kidnapped by Auntie Thalia's evil step-mother. I talked to Daddy after Mommy went bye bye. He was really sad and kept crying. I told him not to cry. I don't like it when people cry, especially not Mommy and Daddy. Mommy and Daddy are big and strong. When they cry it means something really bad happened. Daddy stayed with me all night. He and all my big siblings kept giving me hugs and telling me it would be alright the night Daddy came to tell us Mommy was kidnapped.

I could hear yelling outside. It sounded like Annabeth was pleading with someone. I heard Uncle Leo yell that this person didn't have any arms to hit him with. How can a person have no arms?
Nina's POV

I came out of the Senate House standing next to Percy as the Argo II began to descend. I couldn't wait to see all my friends again. I could hear one of Terminus' statues up there yelling at them for bringing the ship inside the Pomerian Line. I could see Jason standing at the front of the ship. His purple cape billowed in the wind.

Bill groaned as he came up to stand beside me. "You realize we have three Praetors now, right?"

I looked over at him. "What's wrong with having three Praetors? Isn't three the magic number?"

"Rome has never had three Praetors," Bill replied. "It's hard enough getting two to agree with each other, but having three, that'll be a nightmare."

"You poor baby," I answered as the first person began to descend the rope ladder. It was Annabeth. I didn't think Annabeth was one of the seven. How come she came along? Next came Leo. Then Lav, followed by Piper. Jason came down last. I sighed. I had been hoping I could say hello to Parvati, but she was here. The five demigods that had travelled on the ship came to stand in front of Percy and Reyna.

"Jason Grace," Reyna said solemnly. "My former colleague. I welcome you home. And these, your friends-"

I'm pretty sure she didn't mean to, but Lav surged forward. Percy moved towards her at the same time. They wrapped their arms around each other, and they kissed. They were in their own little world.I politely looked away.

"God, I never thought-" I heard Percy say. I head a body slam onto the ground. I turned to see that Lavender had judo flipped my brother.

"Hold!" Bill shouted as a bunch of members of the third cohort surged forwards. He was smirking.

"Stand down!" Reyna yelled to the other four cohorts.

Kneeling down, Lav put her knee on Percy's chest.

"If you ever leave me again I swear to all the gods," she growled before Percy started laughing.

"Consider me warned," Percy laughed. "I missed you too." Lav's face lit up and she pulled Percy into a tight hug. Helping him up, she turned to me.

"S'up, Nina," she grinned.

"You have no idea," I smiled back, pulling my friend into a close hug. "Is Vati here?"

"Chiron made her stay behind," Lav whispered back.

I sighed and pulled away. "I missed you."

"I missed you too!" Leo shouted as he ran up to me. His arms wrapped around my waist and he spun me around. "I asked Vati out!"

"What did she say?"

"Come back alive and we'll see," grinned Piper. "Nice to see you, Nina."

"It's been awhile," I grinned.

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