Zombies and Circe

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Apollo] [Lavender B., Percy J.], Words: 207k+, Favs: 585, Follows: 550, Published: Jul 8, 2013 Updated: Jul 5, 2016 702Chapter 33: Zombies and Circe

I am celebrating my longest chapter at a little over 3,000 words. YAY!:) Thank you Lorelai Sofia Petrova for your review. Don't forget to send them in with any questions you have about the story or any songs or other stuff you might want me to add. Enjoy the chapter!

Chapter Thirty Three: Zombies and Circe

There was a hydra standing right in front of us! Now, normally I can keep a pretty cool head, but this thing had five of them. I gulped and pulled Mov from its sheath. Percy had pulled out Riptide and Annabeth had her knife. She glared at me like this was all my fault. I turned to see Tyson holding a rather large branch. I thought back to how Heracles had beaten the thing. "Fire!" I shouted.

"Where?" Percy yelled back.

"No, we need fire to kill it. Tyson I'm going to light your branch on fire. When we cut off a head, burn the wound so that no more grow back!" My brother nodded. I pulled out my wand, "Incendio." The branch caught on fire and Tyson began brandishing it. We all ran forward to try and kill it. I managed to stab one head but not cut it off. Finally, Percy chopped one off. Tyson ran forwards and burned it. We continued this until only one head was left, the one that couldn't be cut off.

"Move aside," I heard from behind me. I flipped around to see a civil war vessel with its cannons aimed at the hydra. Tyson grabbed me around the waist and pulled me to safety while Percy did the same with Annabeth. "Fire!' came the voice who had spoken earlier. I recognized it. It was definitely a girl's voice. Wait a minute, warship, girl, gruff voice. It could only be...

"Clarisse, is that you?" I called out.

My friends head popped out over the edge of the boat. "You miss me Jacksons?"

I grinned up at her and she tossed a rope down for us. I was the first one up followed by everyone else. I gave my friend a tight hug just as Annabeth popped up. She glared at me again. "This is all your fault, Jackson!"

"How is a hydra my fault?"

Clarisse glared at the girl. Annabeth continued, "If you hadn't been playing that stupid guitar of yours, the hydra never would have found us!" Clarisse and my brothers were watching us like we were a tennis match.

"I'll have you know, I had wards set up so only you, me, Percy, and Tyson could hear anything going on inside there!"

"Ugh, you're such a freak!"

I blinked back tears as Clarisse rounded on Annabeth. "Don't you dare call her a freak Miss Princess. Nina is amazing! Now, let's get you a tour of the C.S.S. Birmingham."

On the tour there were zombie Confederates everywhere. I guess when you lose a war you have to pay a debt to Ares since he's the god of war. Clarisse showed us the mess hall, the hammocks we would be sleeping in, and where she stayed in the captain's cabin. It wasn't much bigger, it just had privacy. I put the duffel bag Lord Hermes had given me on an empty hammock and skipped out after everyone else.

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