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Nina's POV

We had made it inside the Department of Mysteries. So far, there hadn't been any problems. Luckily, we hadn't run into anyone. We were standing in a room with twelve doors give or take a few. "Let's try that one," Ron suggested. He swung open a door. The was a pool in the middle of the room. I stepped closer to take a better look. Freaked out, I jumped back.

"There are brains in there," I gasped. Everyone else gathered around to look inside. Ron reached out to touch one, but Hermione slapped his hand back.

"Reckon they're dangerous?" asked Harry.

Brow furrowed, Neville nodded. "Let's leave," he suggested. "I don't want to be in here if one attacks." Neville was nervously rubbing his left thigh. I found this odd considering he kept his wand in a holster on his right wrist. None the less, I followed everyone else out of the room. Hermione made a blazing red cross on the door so we would remember we tried it. It was lucky she did because as soon as Ginny shut the door, the room began to spin.

When the spinning stopped, I was ridiculously dizzy. I grabbed Nev's shoulder to keep my balance. I gazed straight at the door in front of me until my balance was regained. I walked to the door and opened it. There was a long hallway filled with clocks and things of tha sort.

Curious, I stepped into the hallway. The others followed me to make sure I didn't get lost. "This must be where the Ministry keeps its time turners," Hermione explained, gesturing to a shelf. I nodded, but it was still the wrong room. We left and tried another.

This room was different. It was almost completely black. Little balls of light went zooming around. There was a large ball of light in front of me. "Apollo," I murmured, reaching out to the miniature sun. I brought my hand back as I felt a sudden blaze of heat. We went out of the door and to the next room, or at least tried to.

The next door was locked. We tried everything on it, but nothing would open it. "I wonder what's in there," Hermione frowned before placing an x over it. The next door opened just fine.

This room was an like a huge wizarding court room. We carefully made our way down the stone bleachers towards the center. There was a veil. It seemed to be whispering. The voices were familiar, but I couldn't make out what they were saying. Hermione and Ginny begged for us to move on. Harry, Luna, Nev, and I were entranced by the voices.

You mustn't touch the veil, a voice said in my head.

Why not?

It will kill you. Rip apart your very being. Stay away, daughter of Poseidon. It is not yet your were three voices. After a moment's thought, I realized it was the Fates. If they were telling me to back away, it must be bad. I grabbed Luna and Nev's hands while Ginny grabbed Harry's. We pulled them away and back out of the room.

The last room we entered was the correct room. Go figure. Harry led us down the long rows of prophecy's until we arrived at the correct one. Neville was staring at something in the row. I stood next to him to see what he was looking at. The inscription under the prophecy read S.P.R. to A.P.W.B.D. Dark Lord and (?) Harry Potter.

"Hey, come look at this," Neville called out. "It's got Harry's name on it." Everyone came forward to look at the prophecy and its inscription. Harry picked it up.

Suddenly, there was a gust of cold wind behind us. We all turned to see six Death Eaters. The two in the front were Lucius Malfoy and Bellatrix Lestrange. Nev was glaring at Lestrange like she had killed his father. Come to think of it, she probably had done something along that line.

"Give us the prophecy and no one get's hurt," Malfoy threatened Harry.

"As if," Harry growled.

"We will torture you until you tell us."

"I won't."

"Let's start with the youngest then, shall we?"

Everyone subconsciously stepped in a circle around Ginny. "When I say now" Harry murmured in my ear. I quickly passed the message.

As Malfoy was beginning to talk again, Harry shouted, "Now!" We all fired curses at the Death Eaters causing them to scramble. We all started running. I ended up running into the time room again. I quickly dove under a desk. I heard Death Eaters run past the door. After a few minutes of silence, I stepped out from behind the desk.

"There you are, Mage," a Death Eater snarled. I pulled my fist back and brought it down on his temple, effectively knocking him out. I ran from the room. I was back in the spinning room. When everything stopped spinning, I ran into a room. I looked around. It was the Death Room.

With a skill that came from four years of training, I managed to jump down the bleachers three at a time. I turned in time to see Death Eaters coming in from all doors. I just had to give up the high ground. Percy would be so mad. If I ever see Percy again, I thought solemnly. Harry and Neville came in another door, followed by two more Death Eaters. They quickly ran down to join me. We stood back to back, but I knew all hope was lost.

I created two water whips from the water vapor in the air. Neville raised his arm and vines started ripping through the stone. He had definitely been training his Earth Mage abilities. As the vines wrapped around the Death Eaters legs, they had to stop moving to rip them away. It was stalling them, but they would still get here pretty quickly.

Just as I thought I was going to make my last stand here, new people began apparating in. It was the Order! Sirius, Tonks, Remus, Kingsley, Dedalus Diggle, Hestia Jones, Mad-eye, and many others were joining us. Almost immediately, they began firing curses. I lost track of who was firing where until Sirius tackled me, shoving me out of the way of what was either a crucio or a stupefy. I was just glad I didn't have to find out.

"You okay, Nina?" Siri asked. I nodded and hugged him.

"Please be careful," I whispered back. Sirius smirked before running back off into the fight. I jumped up and looked around, trying to find somewhere I could help. Bravely, I ran in to help Tonks with Bellatrix. Soon enough, she was replaced with MacNair. Lestrange went to go fight Siri.

"Go to Harry and Neville," Tonks shouted, nodding to where the two boys were struggling up the stairs. I ran towards them.

It's time, a cold, familiar voice hissed in my head.

"Huh?" I asked out loud, flipping around. I watched as Bellatrix's stunner hit Siri and he went through the Veil of Death. "No!" I shrieked. I started running towards the veil. I saw Remus grab Harry around the waist as he tried to get at Siri. I felt warmth enveloping me. Everyone stopped fighting to look at me. There was a pure white glow surrounding me. Slowly, everything was fading into blackness. The last thing I heard was someone calling my name.

I awoke in an off white room. No matter how hard I tried to focus on something, I just couldn't. I wondered if this was how people with glasses saw without their glasses on. "She's awake," a smooth voice called across the room. A gently smiling face appeared above me. The face was so familiar, but I couldn't place it. My vision was still too blurry to see properly.

"Good," a woman's voice called back. "Erase her memories."

"You know that won't work, Hera," the blond man said. "Σύντομα η αγάπη μου. Soon we will be together again. We will no longer be apart from each other."

"Apollo," the woman hissed. "Take her to the Wolf House. She needs to be with her brother before you set the sun tonight. That is when he will be leaving."

"Very well, Hera," the man, Apollo, sighed. "Σ 'αγαπώ."

"Ti amo troppo, Apollo," I murmured, finally realizing who the man was as I disappeared in a flash of golden light.

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