Lockhart and Saying Goodbye

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A few weeks before Hogwarts started up, the Skittles trio got their letters. They were training when they arrived. Lavender had chosen to fight with twin daggers that fit into braces on her forearms and she had a wand holster on her upper thigh. Parvati had a sword that shrunk into a dove pendant. She kept the pendant on a string that was tied around her wrist. The three girls paused their practicing to read the supply list. The owls, then stayed with the Athena cabin for the night so they could rest.

Their book list had all of the Lockhart books on it. Nina rolled her eyes. She had looked through one last year at Flourish and Blotts. There was no way he could have cured a werewolf. It was impossible unless they drank a nectar and ambrosia mix. She had asked Chiron if Gilderoy Lockhart was a demigod and he had informed her that no, he was not.

A few days later, Vati, Lav, Nina, and Padma all met at the Big House to go to Diagon Alley. Apparently, the fireplace was connected to the Floo Network because of a son of Hermes that disappeared 11 years ago and a grandson of Hades. The four girls walked through into the Leaky Cauldron. Nina waved to Tom and led everyone out to the entrance to Diagon Alley. First, the girls stopped off at Gringotts to exchange the drachma Chiron had given them for wizard money. Nina remembered doing this with Apollo back before she knew he was Apollo. She missed him a lot. She quickly shook those thoughts away as they made their way to Madam Malkin's for new robes, all the girls having grown some muscle while training. She didn't miss Apollo, she hated him. At least she tried to make herself hate him. It was just so hard.

"Oh, hello there, Nina," Madam Malkin said, recognizing Nina from last summer. "Where's your blonde friend?" Lavender and Parvati growled at the mention of the man who had hurt their friend so bad. Padma was oblivious.

"We had a erm, argument. We haven't spoken all summer."

"Oh, you poor dear. You two were getting along so well, too. Well, let's get you lot fitted." Madam Malkin led the girls to the back and chatted away merrily as she fitted them for new robes. She waved goodbye to the girls as they went to get their potions ingredients.

After that, they got the rest of their things and headed to Flourish and Blotts to get their books. They rolled their eyes at the long line to get books signed by Lockhart.

Nina's POV

Lockhart is such an idiot. More than half the things in those books are impossible to achieve unless you're a demigod. What a fraud. Oh, there are the Weasleys, Harry, and Hermione. I waved to Fred who pointed me out to George. Both twins grinned and waved at me. They carefully snuck away from the rest of their group and walked over. Lav, Vati, and Padma waved hello. Fred and George filled us in on what was going on.

Lockhart was forcing Harry to take tons of pictures with him. I pitied Harry. I would hate being on the front page of the Daily Prophet with that loser. Poor, poor Harry. Everyone else agreed with me. Harry got a free complete set of Lockhart's works. He gave them to Ginny. Fred, George, Lav, Vati, Padma, and I all looked at each other before saying, "Ooh, someone's got a crush." We all started laughing then. When, Draco Malfoy walked up to the Golden trio and Ginny, we went over to back them up.

Malfoy scowled at us and then his dad, Lucius showed up. When Mr. Weasley said Lucius first name, I started giggling. Thank the gods except for Apollo I was able to hide it. That would have been bad. I saw Mr. Malfoy put something in Ginny's cauldron. It looked like a little, black book. I shook my head, thinking it was my imagination. Mr. Weasley and Mr. Malfoy then started to fight. It was so cool. Mrs. Weasley yelled at Mr. Weasley for fighting. I wanted to defend him, but decided against it. I didn't want to be rude to Fred and George's mom. I introduced myself to Mr. Weasley and Ginny, them being the only Weasleys that hadn't met me yet. Mr. Weasley smiled at me and Ginny blushed. Aw, she's adorable.

The girls and I said our goodbyes then headed back to the Leaky Cauldron so we could Floo home. When we arrived, I told my brother how a fraud would be our DADA teacher. He was mad that his little sister wouldn't be taught proper defense. I hugged him, pretending to be a drama queen, claiming he did actually care about me. He rolled his eyes and patted me on the back. I stuck my tongue out him.

"Very mature, sorellina," he laughed. I grinned and ruffled his hair. He did not like that. I spent the rest of the afternoon hiding in a place my brother would never go. The and of the barbie dolls, in other words, the Aphrodite cabin.

When it was time to go back to Hogwarts, my brother hugged me very tight and told me not to do anything dangerous like last year. I told him that I made no promises. He slapped me on the back of the head. I hugged him and told him I would be safe. I hugged Grover, Silena Beauregard, a daughter of Aphrodite, and Beckendorf goodbye as well. I would miss them all. So, with Skittles on my shoulder and my trunk in hand, I mist travelled to the station. Mr. D. was using his earth magic to transport Lav, Vati, and Padma because they didn't inherit any Mage magic.

When we were all together, we walked into the station. Padma left to go sit with her Ravenclaw friends waving goodbye and saying she would see us later. Lav, Vati, and I went to sit with Neville and this blonde firstie. Her name was Luna and she was even more insane than I am.

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