Charms and Pink,Ew!

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Justin Finch-Fletchley, Colin Creevey, and Sir Nicholas were petrified too. I really missed my conversations with Nick. They were pretty much the only intellectual conversations you could get around these places.I loved Lav and Vati, but you could not get a sensible conversation from them.
I went home to visit Percy over Christmas break. I really missed him. I went with Sally to pick him up. He was very surprised to see me. I slapped this one kid named Matt Sloan who made a comment about how I couldn't be related to Percy. He went after me and Percy went demigod on him. Apparently no one touches his sorellina. Overprotective much?
I finally got to meet Tyson. He came over for Christmas. He was so sweet and I told him about the immortal world after everyone else had gone to bed. He believed me. I was so happy to have another sibling. I also explained how Sally didn't like me very much. He told me she was dumb and that I was the best sister ever. I laughed and told him I was probably the only sister he was ever going to get. He seemed a little put out by that.
The next day, I received a present from everyone but Sally. I was used to that, but it still kind of hurt. It always had. Even though she didn't get me a present, she was still being a lot nicer to me. I wonder what happened?
Percy got me a Baltimore Ravens jersey. They were my favorite team. I loved football. The only reason I liked the Ravens the best instead of the Giants was because the Ravens' color was purple. I started jumping up and down. I liked quidditch and all, but my heart would always belong with my football team. GO RAVENS!
Tyson had made me something too. He had borrowed some metal scraps from my mother and made a beautiful silver necklace. Why did Sally give him silver? She is clear-sighted. She must know Tyson is a cyclopes. The necklace had tiny links and a silver violet. It was beautiful. I gave Tyson a scarf a knitted at Hogwarts. Don't judge, I was bored and decided to make a Christmas present for my half-brother.
Apollo sent me two more charms. One for cloths and one for weapons. I sighed as I clipped them onto my bracelet. Percy didn't know about the prophecy and I wasn't about to tell him. It was way too personal.
Percy and I told Tyson about how I was a witch together. I didn't want to do it alone because I was afraid mia fratellino would be afraid of me. I loved him already. If he didn't like me, it would break my heart.
While we were eating breakfast, Skittles flew in with a letter.
I have a letter from Harry, Nina.
Oh, why is he sending a letter.
Something about the Heir of Slytherin.
Thanks Skittles. Help yourself to some waffles.
Skittles dove into my half-finished waffle. I rolled my eyes at my owl and opened the letter.
Dear Nina,
Hermione, Ron, and I made poly juice potion. It was the only way to find out if our suspicions were correct about the Heir of Slytherin. Ron and I snuck into the Slytherin common room, pretending to be Crabbe and Goyle. We asked Malfoy if he was the heir. He's not.
I'm really worried about you and Hermione. So many muggleborns have been petrified already! I don't know what I'd do without you two. When you get back, please try to be safe.
Your friend,
It was really sweet of Harry to be worried, but it didn't help any. I was worried plenty enough on my own, thank you very much. I sighed. What if I ended up being the muggleborn who got killed? Would Lav, Vati, and my brother come visit me in the Underworld?
When I got back to Hogwarts, everything seemed to speed by. Before I knew it, it was Valentine's Day. The Great Hall was a bright pink. I threw up a little in my mouth. I will never complain about the Aphrodite cabin again. Compared to this, it was a boring beige.
The worst part was Lockhart. He had on vivid pink robes. Absolutely disgusting. I was horrified. "Happy Valentine's Day! And may I thank the 46 people who have already sent me cards. Yes, I have taken the liberty of arranging this little surprise for you all-and it doesn't end here!" Lockhart clapped his hands and a few dozen dwarves appeared. They were dressed like cupids. This must be classified as dwarf abuse. They were supposed to bring all of us our cards. Poor things.
I got a lot of cards. Most of them were from guys telling me I was pretty. Lav, Vati, and I had fun burning them. Pink looks the best while it's burning. I felt bad for Harry. Ginny Weasley sent him a musical card. The lyrics weren't all that great and the dwarf could not sing. Talk about public embarrassment. It was horrendous.
Harry's bag ripped while he was trying to run from the dwarf. Malfoy picked up a black book. He thought it was Harry's diary. I was about to yell at him for reading it, but Percy beat me to it. It turned out the journal was blank anyway. Take that Malfoy.

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