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I stepped onto the boat after Percy. I could tell Frank and Hazel were nervous. They were the other two that were going on the quest with us. If I wasn't a daughter of Poseidon, I would be freaking out too. I looked over at Percy. He refused to look at me. He was mad at me for some reason. I think it's because I'm in a different cohort. I don't see how that is my fault, though. If he wants to be mad at me about it, then so be it. I am so not apologizing.

Percy used his mage powers to pull the boat away from the dock. I swear on the Styx it was just a little dinghy. Argh! Octavian is probably laughing his head off right now. I looked back to see a hippocampus following behind us. I smiled and waved at it. It neighed, rearing its head.

Hello, Nina, it said in my mind.

Do I know you? I asked, albeit somewhat impolitely.

It's Rainbow, Nina, the hippocampus snorted. Your brother Tyson's friend.

Biting my lip, I furrowed my brow. Tyson, now why did that name sound familiar? Tyson must be my brother, according to the hippocampus-er, Rainbow. I'm sorry, I sighed. The name isn't ringing a bell.

The hippocampus sighed before diving back under the waves. Hazel looked at me funny. "What?" I asked. She just shook her head and turned back to looking at the bottom of the boat. She was looking a little green. Every now and then, I would catch her staring at me. I wondered why.

A few hours later, Percy suggested we land for a while. Frank and Hazel agreed. I didn't know what to think. I was getting this uneasy feeling in my stomach like something was off. Suddenly, I felt extreme pain in my head. I gasped and clutched at it. "Are you okay?" Frank asked. I didn't answer. I was too lost in my own mind.

We were all standing together at the edge of a field. For some reason, Percy left. Frank and I were talking as Hazel looked out at the field. For some reason she fell to the ground. Something invisible started dragging her off.

My eyes shot open. My head was still throbbing. The memories inside began to get fuzzier and fuzzier. "No," I gasped. "We can't land yet. Something bad will happen if we do. I didn't see the whole thing, but I don't want to take any chances."

"How do you know?" Hazel asked suspiciously.

"I-I don't know. I just got this insane vision of something dragging you off."

Hazel's eyes immediately softened. Yeah, I know what you mean."

"What?" I asked, confused. Hazel blushed and refused to say anything else.

Percy groaned. "How much farther do you want me to go?" he snapped. "I don't have endless power you realize."

I started to feel really bad. I hadn't thought of the power drain going this fast must give him. "I'll take over," I offered. Percy just glared at me and stared back out at the ocean. I sighed and tapped into my own powers, subtly taking the strain off of Percy. He seemed to realize what I was doing and backed off his powers a little. I had no idea what had gotten into him. I used my senses to find out where we were, somewhere off the coast of Oregon. We were getting close to Washington. I figured we could stop off in some town in Washington.

I looked out at the sea ahead of me. It looked beautiful. The sun had just started to set. Beams of light were bouncing off the calm water. "Thanks, Daddy," I murmured under my breath. I couldn't help but feel like he had made the ocean calm just for Percy and me. The water itself was a rainbow of colors. Little fish were darting in and out of my vision. As I felt my power start to wane, a killer whale offered to pull the boat for a while. I smiled and thanked him before throwing him a rope. The whale bit down on it and started to pull.

Nina's DestinyWhere stories live. Discover now