Magic Bracelet and Magic Mirror

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I fell into a habit over the next two months, and they passed quickly for me. I liked Hogwarts. It was fun, and I had made so many new friends. I was a little upset that I wasn't getting to go home for Christmas, though. There was just no way we could afford a plane ticket for a round trip from England to America and back again. I wasn't nearly skilled enough to just Mist Travel, either. I was stuck in England.

At least I wouldn't be totally alone, though. Lavender, Parvati, Lilly, Neville, and Hermione were all going home for the holidays, but Harry and all of the Weasleys were staying. The six of us were going to have Gryffindor tower to ourselves, and we were all pretty excited. We were planning on having a sleepover in the common room, at least, Ron, Harry, Fred, George, and I were. Percy didn't think a prefect sleeping in the common room was proper.

The ghosts were always fun to hang out with, too. They could teach you so many amazing things about history because they had lived through it. I always had a good time sitting in a deserted classroom with Myrtle and Peeves.

On Christmas Eve, Harry, Ron, Fred, George, and I spent our evening plotting out ways to get Malfoy out of Hogwarts. Some were kind of crazy, like giving him a love potion to fall in love with a troll and run away with her, but they were fun to think up. Professor McGonagall caught our plotting and told us all to go to bed, but I could have sworn she was smiling as she left.

The next morning, I woke up to presents at the foot of my bed. I sighed, realizing I would be alone to open my presents. All the boys were probably opening their presents in their rooms. I had gotten presents from Mom and Percy, Diane and Morgan, Harry, Ron, Fred and George, Lavender, Parvati, Lilly, and Neville. Percy got me a blue T-shirt that said 'Nobody is perfect. I am Nobody.' Mom sent me a care package of a bunch of different candies from the sweets shop she worked at. Diane sent a bow with a quiver full of arrows. The note said the quiver was charmed to have unlimited arrows. Harry gave me a book full of charms to use when you're trying to annoy someone, and Ron got me Cauldron Cakes. Neville, ever the plant expert, gave me a never-wilting delilah, which just so happened to be my favorite flower. Fred and George sent me a kit filled with magical pranks. From Parvati and Lavender, I got a make up kit with every kind of make up imaginable. I didn't know what half of the stuff in it was.

I opened Morgan's present last. It was a small box wrapped in shimmery purple paper. Inside was a jewelry box, which held a beautiful silver bracelet with four different charms on it. the first charm was a sun, the second was a flute, the third was a pizza slice, and the first was a bow and arrow much like the one Diane gave me. There was a small note that came along with it.


Merry Christmas! Or Happy Christmas as the Brits say it, so I hear. I hope you like the gift. There's a bit of an enchantment on it. When you touch a charm and think of what you want, it will come to you, within reason. The heart charm summons any healing supplies you might need - you better not need them - , the flute charm will summon any instrument you want, as long as it's hand held. YOU CANNOT SUMMON A PIANO! The pizza will summon whatever food you want. It's special so that it literally replicates the food and makes it appear in front of you. The last charm, the bow and arrow, holds weapons, like the bow Di sent you. All you have to do to put the bow and the quiver away into the charm is touch them to the charm and think 'Away'. To summon them again, or anything else you might want, just touch the appropriate charm and think of what you want. You should be able to hold your wand in the weapons charm too.

Thanks for the music book, by the way. I love it. Who knew there were so many freaking Disney songs?

See you soon, Sparkles!



I smiled at the letter, and put the charm bracelet around my wrist after "putting away" the bow and arrow. I carefully put everything else away, and threw on the T-shirt Percy got me. I added a pair of skinny jeans and my slippers. I left my dorm and went down to the common room where Percy, Fred, George, Ron, and Harry were all waiting for me.

Later that night, I left the comfort of the common room in favor of the chilly halls. I was missing my family, and couldn't fall asleep. The halls were lonely and empty, and I eventually made my way into an abandoned classroom. The classroom was mostly empty, except for a large mirror. The reflective glass of the mirror seemed to draw me in, and I stepped in front of it. Instead, of seeing the room behind me in the reflection of the mirror, I saw a beautiful garden. I was sitting on a park bench. It was me, though. I looked older, more mature. Morgan was sitting next to me, but he looked the same. We had matching wedding bands on, and a little girl was sitting in Morgan's lap. In my lap was a book, and it looked like I was reading aloud. The little girl was staring at the words on the page intently.

I heard the door swing open, and I jumped. There was a swish of fabric, and a person appeared. Harry.

"Nina?" he asked. "What are you doing here?"

"Just walking around," I managed to force out after a short pause. I looked back at the mirror, and saw Morgan gazing intently at me with his piercing sky blue eyes. "I was just leaving." I scurried out the door, not even saying good bye to Harry.

When I was lying awake in bed, I kept running over what I saw in my head. Why did the mirror show me married to Morgan with a family? Did the mirror show the future? But that was impossible. Morgan was my best friend, and that was it. Wasn't it?

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