Going Home

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I groaned as I woke up. The red drapes hanging over me seemed constricting. I couldn't wait to go home. I missed my mom and my brother, and I missed my two best friends. Frankly, I just wanted to go home. After everything with the Sorcerer's Stone, I just needed to relax for the summer.

"Nina," Lavender called from the other side of the drapes. "Are you coming? We have to get to the train. It's leaving in a few minutes."

"Yeah," I said, sitting up. "I'm kind of really looking forward to going home."

"Me too," Lavender laughed.

I smiled and pulled myself up into a sitting position as Lavender pulled my drapes open. We were alone in the room. Parvati, Lilly, and Hermione had already gone downstairs. Lavender held out her hand to me and pulled me up. I moved to the door, but stopped in the entrance way.

"I'll miss you guys," I said. "Promise you'll write to me? I don't know if you'll be able to visit because my fireplace isn't connected to the Floo."

"Course we'll all write," Lavender promised. She crossed the room and wrapped an arm around my shoulders. "You, me, Vati, and Lilly are best friends. There's nothing that'll change that."

I smiled, and, together, we walked down the stairs.

On the train ride back to Kings Cross, I sat with Lavender, Parvati, Lilly, and Neville. I was lying spread out across the seat with my feet on Parvati's lap and my head on Neville's. Lavender was sitting across from us with Lilly leaning against her, reading a book. The train ride was peaceful, and I quickly fell asleep.

What seemed like only minutes later, I was being woken up by the train slowing down and Neville poking my cheek.

"We're here," Neville said, grinning.

"Thanks, Nev," I smiled back. Yawning, I sat up. I grabbed my trunk and Skittles' cage. I slowly followed my friends out of the compartment and onto the train platform.

Once I was on the platform, it only took me a few minutes to spot two of my favorite people. Morgan and Diane were standing together at near the barrier. Morgan grinned widely when he saw me and nudged Diane. They both made their way over to me and our friends.

I threw myself into Morgan's arms as soon as he was within leaping distance, and he laughed, spinning me around.

"I missed you," he whispered into my ear.

"Me too," I said into his neck. I stepped back from the embrace and wrapped my arms around Diane for a slightly quicker hug.

"Hey, Nina," she grinned, moving back to stand next to Lavender and Parvati.

"Hey, Di," I said back. "Guys," I continued, turning to Lavender, Parvati, Lilly, and Neville, "this is Morgan and Diane Ross. They've been my best friends since I was like eight. Morgie, Di, this is Lavender, Parvati, Lilly, and Neville. They're my closest friends at Hogwarts."

"Nice to meet you two," Parvati grinned. "Nina was almost constantly talking about you."

Morgan grinned. "Yeah, That sounds like Sparkles."

I rolled my eyes and elbowed Morgan in the side. "Shut up," I grumbled. Morgan stuck his tongue out at me.

"Real mature," Diane groaned. She turned to my friends and smiled widely. "It's lovely to meet you all, but we really need to get going." Diane held her hand out to me. "You ready, Nina?"

"Yeah," I said. I quickly gave all my friends hugs. "See you guys, around." I grabbed Diane's outstretched hand, and held Skittles' cage in my free hand. She was oddly quiet for her. Morgan took my trunk, and we left King's Cross.

Morgan and Diane led me to an alley where it was safe for us to disappear with none of the muggles noticing.

"You ready, Sparkles?" Morgan asked. I nodded and wrapped my arms around his waist, snuggling in. Diane wrapped herself around the both of us, and we disappeared in a mix of silver and golden light.

When we arrived at our destination, we were on a grassy hill in the middle of no where. We were definitely not anywhere I recognized.

"Where are we?" I asked as Morgan separated himself from Diane and me and set down my trunk.

"Long Island," Diane replied, unwrapping her own arms from me. "Your brother's here." Both my friends looked each other in the eye. They seemed to be having an argument.

"Why is Percy here?" I asked, stopping Diane and Morgan. "I mean this is the middle of no where."

"Nina," Morgan sighed. "There's something we need to tell you."

I always knew there was something off about them, Skittles grumbled in my mind.

Shut up!

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