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Nina's POV

I ran, trying to keep up with Thalia. The stupid hunter blessing gave her way more stamina and made her way faster. It was just unfair. "Where *gasp* are we *gasp* going?" I asked.

"West," Thalia said simply. How could she not be out of breath at all?

"No duh," I groaned. "I meant city, or maybe the state?"

"Nebraska, Omaha to be exact." I nodded. Why Percy would be in Nebraska was completely beyond me, but oh well.

At around noon, we reached Omaha. Thalia led us all to a diner. I'm guessing she's been here before. I chatted with a couple of the newer hunters while we waited for our cheeseburgers. They were really good burgers.

After lunch, Thalia led us to the city. On the outskirts was a large mansion. Something felt off about it. Something unnatural was going on, and I didn't like it. A shiver ran down my spine. "Monster?" I asked Thalia.

She shook her head. "I almost wish it was," she muttered. What could it be?

Thalia motioned Phoebe and me forward. She signaled for everyone else to stay back. "What's in there?" I asked.

"Something from the fields of punishment. Something I regret making you meet, little cousin."

"Just great," I groaned. "Do we ever get a break?"

No, we don't, Skittles mentally complained. You always end up in trouble and drag me along with you.

I am so terribly sorry you decided you needed to follow me everywhere. Maybe I should have brought Norberta instead.

How would a dragon help you?

I...have no idea.

I cringed as the door creaked open. Okay, it didn't really squeak, but I imagined it did. Thalia held her bow tightly as she entered the mansion. I summoned my own from my magical bracelet while Phoebe summoned hers from middair.

We were in the middle of what looked like a large throne room. In the throne sat a short man in a gold suit with fluffy, white hair. He looked like a messed up Santa. "Midas," Thalia hissed. "You have no place in the world of the living," she said aloud.

I stared at the man. No way this was the real Midas. I looked around the throne room. It made sense, everything here was gold. A ridiculously buff dude stood next to Midas. He was a little too buff for my taste. Also, I was not liking the dark red hair. I preferred blonds myself. Don't tell Apollo I said that. Great, I'm talking to myself.

"Who are you to tell me what to do, daughter of Zeus?" Midas interrupted me. "I shall have my son rip your head off." Midas' son, Lityerses if I remembered correctly, which I normally do, grinned evilly. I gulped and looked down. "You may run free with your hunters. I only wish for the daughter of Poseidon."

I took a step back nervously. Do the fates have some vendetta against my brother and me? Midas stood up and Thalia jumped in front of me. Lityerses swung his pole, knocking Thalia out of the way. She hit the floor with a mighty Oomph! I would have laughed had my situation not been so dire. I had a feeling I was about to get turned to gold.

"No!" I shouted as Skittles flew from my shoulder, talons extended. She was aiming at Midas' eyes, but she missed. She swung around to try and hit him again, but Midas was ready for her. Smirking, he stuck out his ring finger, freezing my poor familiar in mid-air.

Skittles rolled across the ground. She skidded to a stop next to my feet. A stray tear rolled down my cheek as I stared down at my poor owl. I didn't notice my bow clatter to the floor. I scooped up my snowy owl and clutched her tightly to my chest. With teary eyes, I looked up at the approaching figure of Midas.

He stopped in front of me. He seemed almost sympathetic. Of course, he wasn't really. "Pity," he sighed," That I need to hand you over to my mistress once your turned to gold. You would have made a wonderful addition to my collection."

I shuddered and tried to scoot back. I looked over to Phoebe for help. She was engaged in a battle with Lityerses. Midas smirked at me as he almost tenderly reached towards me. His hand touched my cheek. Just before I lost all senses, I heard him grin and say, "At least I was promised you after all my service to Gaea. And then I felt no more.
Freya's POV

I sat on the dock swinging my legs. Lav had just gone to get me some mac and cheese. I missed Mommy. I thought she said I would see her over Christmas break. Mommy lied to me. She didn't come home to see me and Siri. And now my daddy came and then he just left me. Why do they always have to leave. Am I not good enough? Am I really as bad as my first mommy said? Do Daddy and Mommy not want me? AM I a bad girl?

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