Keep Holding On

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Norberta set us down in a clearing just outside of Camp Jupiter. Tyson, Ella, and Mrs. O'Leary were standing there. Tyson helped Percy and me unhook the chariot we had tied to Norberta, so we could carry all the weapons.

Bye, Nina, Norberta mentally called to me.

Later, Nor, I called back. Norberta stretched her wings and took off.

Tyson and Percy used the leftover rope to harness the chariot to Mrs. O'Leary. We all climbed into the chariot, and Mrs. O'Leary took off. When we reached the Fields of Mars, the battle had already begun.

Hazel whistled and her horse, Arion sped next to her. She jumped onto his back. Brandishing her spatha, she rode off into battle. Frank, who can apparently change forms, shifted into a bald eagle. He soared over the battle, taking down enemies with his razor sharp claws. Tyson grabbed his club and ran into the middle of the battle. "Bad Pony-Men!" he shouted. "BOO!" Ella flew over his head spurting facts about farming. We had wrapped a flag from the legion around him. This way the legion wouldn't mistake him as an enemy. As for my twin, he rode into battle on his hellhound. He was holding the legion's eagle above his head. We had recovered it in Alaska. The chariot was being pulled by Mrs. O'Leary behind him.

I whistled. Standing in the middle of the battle, I waited. I smiled when I felt the presences of all three of my familiars. Skittles landed on my shoulder. Norberta was on my right side. Silvermist was on my left.

You know what to do, I told all three of my familiars through our mental link. I swung myself up onto SIlvermist's back. Skittles flew off my shoulder to join Frank in the air. Norberta flew up and began to blast fire at our enemies. I looked over to where Reyna was fighting on her pegasus and decided to join her. "Need some help?" I grinned.

Reyna smiled at me and nodded. I drew Mov and joined Reyna in her fight.

"Fifth Cohort!" I heard Percy shout. His cohort ran to join him. The monsters stayed disintegrated as our blades crashed through them. Thank you, Thanatos! Tyson charged the lead cyclops. She was wearing a chain mail dress.

"Who?" she asked.

"Bad Cyclops Lady!" Tyson shouted. "General Tyson says GO AWAY!" I shook my head, smiling. Tyson was an awesome brother.

I noticed Frank flying towards Percy. Once he reached him, he changed back into a human. His centurion's badge was glinting. "Fifth Cohort! Get your Imperial gold weapons here!" he shouted.

"Let's go! Let's go!" shouted Dakota. He was grinning like a maniac. "Our comrades need help!" The fifth cohort joined with the third cohort against the enemy centaurs.

"Follow the eagle!" Frank ordered. Soon, only earthborn and one giant remained.

"Percy!" I shouted. "It's the bane of Poseidon! We need to defeat him!" Percy nodded and ran towards me. I helped him onto Silvermist's back.

Take us to the giant, I thought. Silvermist took to the air and we flew towards the giant. Percy had given the eagle to Dakota. It was shooting lightning off at the monsters. Percy and I jumped off my pegasus' back when we reached the giant.

"You cannot defeat me," Polybotes bellowed.

"That's what Grandpa said," I smirked, referring to Kronos. "He ended up in Tartarus."

Suddenly, a new army came forward. "Tha amazons," Percy grinned as the female warriors began to attack the monsters.

"To my sister's aid," the queen shouted. "Destroy the monsters!"

"Romans advance!" Reyna called.

Polybotes turned to glare at Percy and me. He had us backed up away from the water. Like that would help. "Use your power, daughter of Neptune and consort of Apollo," Polybotes mocked me. I glared at him and threw a wave of water at him. The water turned green as it touched his body. He flung it back at Percy and me. We both managed to dodge it. "My touch turns water to poison. Let's see what it does to your blood.

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