Professor Severus Snap

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Nina's POV

Percy and I are turning eleven in two weeks. I know it's not that big and all but birthdays really excite me. Mom always takes off for our birthday and spends the entire day with us in the city. I love it. I turned sharply at a rapping on my window and smiled when I saw Morgan. He and Diane were 17 now. I quickly ran over to the window and let him in.

"Anything special happening today?" I asked excitedly. Normally when Morgan came over, he planned something really fun to do together.

"No," he frowned. "I just had this weird feeling like something odd is going to happen that I should be here for." I shrugged and sat down on my bed so that we could catch up. Before Morgan could sit down, Mom called for me from downstairs.

"Nina, sweetheart, there is a man at the door here for you."

"I'm on my way!" I shouted back. I sent an apologetic glance at Morgan, who just shrugged, and raced down the steps. "I'm here, Mom. Oh hello, I don't know you."

The man was very imposing. He was tall and pale with a hooked nose and dark eyes. He was dressed in an all black suit. The man stared at me for a second then said, "No, I do not think you would. My name is Severus Snape and I am a professor at a prestigious boarding school in Scotland," he replied in a heavy English accent. I struggled to bite back the giggle that bubbled up in my throat at his accent.

"Do you have any proof?" Mom asked suspiciously. Severus Snape raised a pitch black eyebrow at her. "It's just that I've become a little suspicious of people after living in Manhattan for so long." He nodded and pulled a letter from inside his coat pocket. Miss A. Jackson was clearly inscribed on the back of the thick envelope. "I guess we can speak in the living room, then," Mom said. She led him to the living room, with me following a little ways behind.

"Wait, do you mind if Morgan is here?" I asked abruptly, as Mr. Snape and Mom sat down.

"Your brother?" Mr. Snape asked.

"Her best friend," Mom replied. "I guess I should call your brother downstairs too, though." Mom went back to the stairs and called up them for Percy and Morgan to come down. Both boys came stampeding down the stairs together. Morgan grabbed me around the waist and put me in his lap on the couch. Percy perched himself on the arm of the couch next to us. I noticed Mr. Snape staring at Morgan with wide eyes, and Morgan was – smirking at him? His head was cocked slightly to the side like he always does when he's getting involved in a conversation.

"As I was saying," Mr. Snape continued, still staring at Morgan, "I am a professor from Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry where-"

"Wait what?" Percy interrupted him, staring at Mr. Snape incredulously. "You've got to be kidding."

"He's not," Morgan said cheerfully. "Witches and wizards are just as real as Mages."

"I thought you were insane when you said Mages were real," Percy grumbled.

"They are extinct to the wizarding world," Professor Snape interrupted. "Most witches and wizards think the last one died many years ago. I believe it would be well to keep it that way."

"Then how do you know," I asked curiously.

"Shadow Mage," Professor Snape admitted. I could feel the suppressed laughter Morgan was holding back. Did he think Mr. Snape was lying? I wouldn't get my answer because Mr. Snape waved his hand, and a pool of shadows appeared in the center of the coffee table. It felt like Morgan was laughing harder now. "And you are?"

"Percy and Nina are Water Mages," Mom explained. "Morgan is a Light Mage, as is his twin."

"Incredible," Professor Snape said. "And Antonina is also a witch." He passed me the letter, and I opened it gingerly. Inside was two pieces of thick parchment. One was a list, and the other was an invitation to attend Hogwarts.

"This is real," I muttered. Morgan read the letter over my shoulder and nodded to himself.

"Very much so, Miss Jackson," Professor Snape said. You are a witch."

I looked down at the supply list. "How do I get all this stuff?"

"Diagon Alley," Professor Snape said simply.

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