Siri's innocent

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When I got back to Hogwarts, Lav and Vati swarmed me. "I need some help, guys. I have some new pictures to put up on my headboard and I want to put the rest of my old ones back up."

"You mean the ones with Apollo?" asked Lav. "You two finally made up?"
I nodded, grinning, and dragged them up to our dorm. I pulled the old pictures out of my trunk and the new ones out of my knapsack. As we hung the pictures, I informed my two friends about the quest. Vati pulled the chunk of hair that was silver out of my ponytail. "It looks cool." I laughed and picked up a picture of Apollo and me in his garden on Olympus. We were lying down in the grass and pointing out all the constellations.

"Aw! How cute," Lavender squealed over my shoulder.

"You know, I met your mom on Olympus. You guys sound a lot like her."

"We're going to take that as a compliment," both girls said together.

I smiled at my friends. We grabbed our DADA books when we were finished and ran to Professor Lupin's class. WHen we got there, Professor Lupin smiled at us. "You're looking very happy, Christina."

"Something amazing happened over Christmas," I sighed as I sunk into my chair. I hadn't been able to stop grinning since the winter solstice. I was so happy, even if there was the Great Prophecy looming over me. Lavender and Parvati started giggling insanely. Professor Lupin raised an eyebrow, but continued on with the lesson. Everyone kept casting curious glances at me, but I kept my head in my book.

My next few months at Hogwarts flew by. Harry wouldn't shut up about the new Firebolt he had been sent anonymously. Ron wouldn't stop complaining about how Hermione had told Professor McGonagall about it. McGonagall had confiscated it to have it checked for curses. Hey, you never know. It may have been sent by a death eater. Ron was refusing to talk to Hermione as well because apparently her cat ate his rat. I wouldn't talk to Ron because he was being such an idiot.

Lav and Vati told me how they had visited Sirius during a Hogsmeade day during the holiday. He told them about Peter Pettigrew being an illegal rat animagus. Peter Pettigrew was in actuality Scabbers. I never liked that rat! How dare he frame my family for his crimes.I was glad Crookshanks ate him.

A few weeks later, there was a quidditch match. Harry had finally got his Firebolt back just in time. Thank the gods, he finally shut up about it. Ron was still refusing to talk to Hermione. I was getting sick of his attitude. He was really being obnoxious. Gryffindor won the match against Ravenclaw. At the end of the match, three dementors showed up on the field. I could tell something was wrong. I didn't feel the cold or the despair that I associated with dementors. Harry cast a charm and a silver stag erupted from his wand.

The stag cantered down to the dementors and knocked them over with its horns. It disappeared. Under the dementor robes, were human feet. McGonagall rushed down and pulled them up. It was Malfoy, Crabbe, and Goyle. Why those little...

After the match, we had party. I went down with Fred and George to the kitchens. We got a lot of candy and when Fred and George weren't looking, I summoned a lot of American party foods from my bracelet. When Angelina asked where we got the food, Fred shrugged and whispered something in Harry's ear. Harry started laughing. I wonder what he said.

The Gryffindor party went on until 1 in the morning. At that time, Professor McGonagall came in and yelled at us to go to bed. I went straight to bed along with Lav and Vati. Hermione was already in bed. I fell asleep almost instantly.

About an hour later, I was woken up by a scream. It had come from a little ways off. Lav, Vati, Hermione, and I jumped out of our beds and rushed to the common room where a crowd of people were already gathering. Dean and Harry led a shaking Ron down from the boys dormitories. They were followed by Seamus and Neville. I wonder what happened. Percy came running down telling us all to go back to bed. He took one look at Ron and he instantly shut up.

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