Explosion and Council

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Sally and Paul took Rachel, Percy, and me to a private stretch of beach. Percy was practicing his driving even though we weren't turning 16 for another week. I had gotten really close to Rachel over the last couple of weeks. She went to Percy's high school so she was his closest mortal friend. I'm pretty sure she's the only thing keeping my brother and me sane with the whole Titan war going on. Right now, Percy and I are on call for a mission. Any day now, Beckendorf was going to come get us so we could go blow up the Princess Andromeda. Rachel asked if we could go to St. Thomas with her and her family. We told her no because that would mean we would be out of Manhattan on our birthday, the supposed start of the Apocalypse. We couldn't be away when Olympus was either supposed to fall or be saved by us.

Rachel started to flirt with Percy and I just started laughing at how clueless he was. Rachel was trying to get him to kiss her and he looked like one of my boyfriends sacred cows-slow, dumb, and bright red. I was lying down on the sand laughing my head off when I heard 8 crunches. Hey, Nina. Nice car!

Aw, Sil, that's my step dad's! Now he'll never let me drive it! What are you doing here?

I looked up and saw who was riding. "'Sup, Percy, Nina."

"Hey, Beck," I sighed ushering the two pegasi off the car. Blackjack was the other pegasus and Beckendorf was riding him. Sil wouldn't let anyone but me ride her unless they said they had my permission. Don't even think about lying to her either. Apollo blessed her so she could sense lies.

"Time?" Percy asked.

Beckendorf nodded grimly. I sighed and jumped up. "Hi," said Rachel, looking up at Beckendorf.

"Oh, hey. I'm Beckendorf. You must be Rachel. Percy's told me...uh, I mean he's mentioned you."

Rachel raised an eyebrow and looked at Percy. "Really? Good. So, I guess you guys have to go save the world now."

"Pretty much," I agreed, hopping onto Sil's back. "Would you tell Paul and Sally-"

"I'll tell them. I'm sure they're used to it. And I'll explain to Paul about the hood." I nodded my thanks. Bet this is the last time Paul loans us his car. Rachel stood on her tiptoes and kissed Percy before he could do anything. "Now, get going half-bloods. Go kill some monsters for me." Percy climbed up on Blackjack behind Beck.

We shot off into the sky. "So," said Beckendorf, breaking the silence, "I'm guessing you don't want me to mention that little scene to Lavender."

"Oh, gods. Don't even think about it," was Percy's answer. Beck and I chuckled. Poor Percy, he's having girl troubles.

It was dark by the time we reached the Princess Andromeda. Silvermist and Blackjack were getting really antsy. They were held captive here for gods know how long and I hated bringing them back here. Our pegasi set us down on the lowest stern deck. "Don't wait for us," Percy told them.

But-started Sil.

"Trust us," I said. "We'll get out by ourselves." Sil nuzzled me before flying off with her twin. Beckendorf pulled out a piece of paper. At first, I thought it was a map. I realized it was a photograph. He stared at it in the low light-Silena's smiling face. They had finally started dating at the fourth of July fireworks last summer. Even with everything going on, Beck and Lena had been happier than I'd ever seen them. They were really in love and I was going to do everything I could to make sure Beck got back to his girl.

"Let's go blow Kronos back into a million pieces," he grinned, carefully putting the photo away. Beck led the way through the ship's maze of hallways. He stopped at a metal door. Engine room he mouthed. Beck pulled some chain cutters from his bag and broke the lock. I cast the muffliato charm around us so the monsters wouldn't hear the breaking metal. We dashed inside the room and Percy quietly shut the door. A telkhine was hunched over a control panel. I stabbed him with Mov before he even knew we were there. Beckendorf tossed my brother and me a couple jars of greek fire. I summoned duct tape from my bracelet. Percy and I worked on attaching the jars of liquid fire to the consols. Beck taped his jars to the turbines.

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