Werewolves and Dementors

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All too soon, it was September 1st. Lav, Vati, and I spent all day saying our goodbyes. Thalia and Percy were helping us get to platform 9 3/4. Thalia was a Lightning Mage and would be taking Vati and Padma. Percy and I would be taking Lavender since I couldn't do both of us by myself because of my back. I rode on Chiron's back up to the top of Half-Blood Hill where we met the others. My brother took me into his arms and Lav put a hand on his shoulder. Vati, Thalia, and Padma were all holding hands. We sure did look weird. With a flash of lightning and a covering of mist, we were all gone. When we arrived at the landing point, Percy put me onto my feet and slung one of my arms over his shoulder.

When we got into the station, I saw Harry, Hermione, and the Weasleys. They waved and walked over to us. "Hey, Nina, Lavender, Parvati, Padma," said Harry. "WHo are those people?"

"This is my twin brother Percy and my cousin Thalia," I introduced them. They nodded when I said their name. "Perce, Thals, this is Ron, Hermione, Harry, Fred, George, Ginny, Percy, Mr. Weasley, and Mrs. Weasley." They raised their hand or waved when I called their name.

"Oh, my dear, you need to eat some more you look so skinny. You're paler than I remember too. Are you alright, dear?" Mrs. Weasley asked me.

"I'm okay," I told her.

Thalia scoffed, "Nina you can hardly walk. We're supporting most of your weight right now."

I pouted at her. "I had an incident over the summer, Mrs. Weasley. I scraped up my back pretty bad and a, erm, chemical, yeah, a chemical got in it that prevents magic from healing it." I lied a little about the chemical part, but I couldn't just say I got in a fight with someone from a myth who had poison claws and that said poison prevents magic from helping me heal.

"Oh, be careful, dear. Fred, George, why don't you two help get her on the train."

"Sure thing, mother dearest," said Fred. He grabbed my left arm from my brother and wrapped an arm around my waist. George took the other side from Thalia.

"A little higher, George, your arm is on a gash.

He quickly moved his arm up and I sighed in relief. My brother kissed my forehead and Thalia hugged me carefully after maneuvering around the twins. "Take care of my sister, Lav, Vati, Padma. See you guys around," my brother waved.

"See you later, Fish Face, Barbies 1, 2, and 3," came my older cousins lovely voice. Everyone waved to them as they left the platform. I said goodbye to Mr. and Mrs. Weasley before Gred and Feorge helped me onto the train. I pointed them to an emptier compartment with a man that seemed to be in his early thirties. Something seemed off about him and I wanted to find out what it was. Lav and Vati sat between me and the man. They sensed that something was wrong with him too and incase he tried to attack, they wanted to make sure I wouldn't get hurt. Padma left to go see her Ravenclaw friends, Ginny left to see some of her friends, and Fred and George left to go find Lee. Ron, Hermione, and Harry were the only ones to stay with us.

Lavender helped me position myself so I could see everyone, including the man. "Hermione," I asked.


"Could you let the cat out? I would like to see him."

"I would," here she threw a glare at Ron, "but Ronald, here, thinks that poor Crookshanks is out to eat Scabbers." I could barely suppress my growl at the mention of the rat who got my cousin's son locked in jail. Wow, Sirius Black is Thalia's nephew. She'll get a kick out of that one.

"He'll stay in my lap, he won't harm your rat, Ron," he just grumbled and Hermione happily took Crookshanks out of his basket.

"Isn't he gorgeous!" she exclaimed.

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