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Nina's POV
"What happened?" I asked Ron as we left the Great Hall after our last O.W.L.
"Harry had another vision," she hissed, running after Harry and Ron. We were joined by Neville, Luna, and Ginny.
"Since when has he been having visions?" I asked.
"For awhile," was Hermione's simple response. I shook my head and continued running after the Golden Trio. Neville, Luna, and Ginny were on my tail.
"What's going on?" I demanded as we stopped outside Umbridge's office.
"Sirius is in trouble," Harry gasped. "We need to make sure he really is at home."
"What's wrong with him?" I shouted. Harry quickly shushed me.
"I think Voldemort has him."
"Neville, Luna, Ginny, Christina," Hermione whispered, "You four guard the hall. Make sure no one get's down here." We all nodded. Neville and Luna went down one hallway, and Ginny and I went down the other.
"Someone dropped a dung bomb down there," I told a third year Hufflepuff as he tried to get past. The boy's eyes widened and he quickly turned around.
"Harry's mine," Ginny said suddenly after no one came by.
I stared at her for a minute. "I thought you were dating Michael Corner."
"So, I still love Harry. Besides, I've been thinking of breaking up with Michael for ages. He's gotten boring."
"You can have Harry," I snapped. "What part of 'I already have a boyfriend' do you wizards not understand?"
"Well, you've been getting pretty close to Harry," Ginny snarled. "You wouldn't want that getting back to your boyfriend now would you?"
"Ginny, there is nothing going on between Ha-" A crash caused me to stop mid-sentence. "What was that?"
Ginny shrugged and pulled out her wand. Malfoy and Crabbe started walking towards us. "Someone dropped a dung bomb down there," Ginny warned. "I wouldn't go down there."
"The blood traitor's trying to lie to me," Malfoy sneered.
"Get lost, Malfoy," I growled.
"I don't think so, Mudblood." Malfoy fired the first hex. I fired a stunner back at him. Our curses went back and forth until Malfoy landed the leglocker jinx on me. I just managed to catch myself as I fell forwards. Malfoy pulled me up by my hair. I felt tears forming in my eyes from the force.
"I win, Mudblood," Malfoy smirked. I glared at him. Malfoy tied my hands behind my back and performed the counter jinx on my legs. He began pulling me along. Looking back, I noticed Crabbe had lifted Ginny up and thrown her over his shoulder.
Malfoy dragged me down to Umbridge's office. Inside, Harry was seated in a chair, Neville was being held back by Goyle, Luna was standing next to Pansy Parkinson, Ron was being held back by Theodore Nott, and Hermione was being held at wand point by Blaise Zabini, who looked like he could care less about this whole ordeal.
"Ah, Miss Jackson," Umbridge sneered. "I should have known you were helping out with this."
I struggled to get out of Malfoys grip. "Now, Mr. Potter," Umbridge simpered. "Were you trying to contact Dumbledore?"
"No!" Harry growled.
"Oh, I think you were."
"No, I wasn't."
"I think a little pain will help sort this out," Umbridge smirked. She raised her wand. "Cru-"
"No!" Hermione screeched. I noticed she had buried her face in her hands and was pretend sobbing. "I-I'll tell you."
"Hermione, no," I growled. No way was she letting Umbridge know she had been contacting my cousin.
"I have too!" Hermione shrieked. "We w-were contacting Dumbledore. We needed t-to tell him it's ready. The weapon is ready."
"Ah ha!" Umbridge announced. "Dumbledore was building a weapon. Can you take me to it, girl?"
Hermione nodded through her hands. "Can Christina and Harry come too?"
"Of course, of course." Umbridge pulled me from Malfoy's grip and beckoned for Harry and Hermione to lead the way. Hermione walked in front, and Harry and I followed close behind. Hermione led us out of the school and into the Forbidden Forest.
"It had to be hidden so students wouldn't accidently set it off," Hermione explained. She led us deeper and deeper into the forest. Eventually, we made it to a clearing.
"Are we almost there?" Umbridge asked.
"We are right here," Hermione smiled. She dropped to the ground as an arrow went flying over her head.
"Centaurs," I gasped. The entire herd of centaurs came up and surrounded us.
"How dare you enter our forest," one centaur snarled.
"This forest belongs to no one," I retorted. The centaurs' eyes narrowed when they saw me.
"Say what you wish, hero," another centaur said, "But this is still the forest we roam. We shall allow in it whom we wish. We will allow you to go free because of what you've done for us, but the others I cannot allow to go free."
"I couldn't care less what happened to the toad, but the other two go with me." I wasn't sure what to call Harry and Hermione. We were definitely not friends.
"Very well," the lead centaur agreed. "We shall take the toad and leave the others, hero."
"What? No!" screeched Umbridge as two of the centaurs behind her grabbed her under her arms and carried her off. The other centaurs followed behind them.
"Why were they calling you that?" asked Harry as we began the trek back to the school.
"Calling me what?" I asked innocently.
"You know what I mean."
"Harry, I'd really rather not talk about it. It's really hard to talk about it because a lot of my family was killed during the whole thing." I felt blinked back my tears. It was still so hard for everyone to talk about the war, and now we were being sucked up into another war. "I just don't think I can talk about it yet."
"I'm sorry," Harry said quietly. He grabbed my hand and squeezed.
"Thank you," I whispered hoarsely. We were about to continue walking, when we were joined by other people. Luna, Neville, Ginny, and Ron had joined us.
"How?" Hermione asked.
"Neville knocked out Goyle," Ginny said in shock.
"Nice one, Nev," I laughed. He shrugged. Luna giggled a little.
"We need to get to the ministry, fast," Harry said. "Any ideas?"
"How about thestrals?" Luna suggested, pointing behind Harry. I turned around to see seven thestrals. "There's enough for all of us."
"Great idea, Luna," I grinned. I swung myself up onto the closest one. Luna hopped onto the one behind me. Neville and Harry helped Ron, Hermione, and Ginny on since they couldn't see the thestrals.

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