Back to school

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Nina's POV

I was nervously twisting my promise ring on the first day back at school. I now kind of knew where Percy was, but I wasn't positive. All I knew was that my brother was at some Roman version of Camp Half-Blood and that he might be in some serious danger.

Zacharias Smith came up to ask Harry about the next D.A. meeting. "I have er-Remedial Potions," Harry said. "I can't do it tonight."

"You take remedial potions?" Zacharias surreptitiously asked. I rolled my eyes at his obnoxious attitude and turned back to Lav and Vati. Lav was doing slightly better now that we knew what was wrong with Percy. I glanced at the headline of the Daily Prophet Neville had left behind. He seemed slightly out of it. So did Luna, Fred, and George for that matter. I wonder what's wrong with all of them.

"Come check this out," I gasped. Lav and Vati glanced over my shoulder.

"There was a mass breakout from Azkaban?" Vati asked. I nodded.

Lav groaned. "Just what we needed."

I looked over to see Neville looking very nervous. "Are you alright, Nev?" I asked.

"F-Fine," he stuttered, staring at the news paper in front of him. I shrugged it off. The mass breakout must have freaked him out. Jumping, I turned around as I felt someone's hand on my shoulder.

"Hermione?" I asked. She glanced over nervously at Lav and Vati. I gestured for my two friends to get up and leave us alone. Giving me a meaningful look, they stood up and left to go talk with Luna. Hermione sat down next to me.

"I was wondering if you might want to meet me in the Three Broomsticks at around midday."

"Why?" I questioned, not understanding why someone who really didn't like me wanted to meet with me.

"Well, you see," Hermione looked around nervously, "I convinced a reporter to come do an article about how You-Know Who has risen. I owled Cedric, and he said he would come. He's bringing Cho though, since he was originally coming to go on a date with her. Harry said he would come too."

I wasn't too sure about going since Harry was going to be there too. We haven't been on the best of terms as of late. "I guess I could go, Hermione," I sighed. "It's not like I have anything better to do."

"Great," Hermione grinned. "It's high time the people know the truth."

I groaned when she left. What have I just gotten myself into?

I sat down at an empty table in the Three Broomsticks. Lav and Vati had just left to go to Madam Puddifoot's. I hated that place, and they loved it. They figured it would be a perfect time to go get a coffee. I looked outside as the rain started pouring down the window pane. A little bell rang as the door swung opened. A familiar blond woman walked in. When she saw me, she grinned and began walking over. It was Rita Skeeter. She sat down across from me.

"How are you, Nina, dear?" she asked eagerly.

"Er...fine," I said. "Why exactly are you here?"

"Oh, dear, didn't Hermione tell you? I'm doing the interview."

"How lovely." I forced a smile. The door swung open again. Cedric and Cho walked in. Cho sat next to me, and Cedric slid into the seat next to her, taking her hand.

"Dreadful day isn't it?" Cho murmured, staring out the window. I nodded. The next time the door opened, Harry, Hermione, and Luna walked in. Hermione and Luna sat on either side of Rita, and Harry sat next to me. I groaned and slid my chair closer to Cho.

"Shall we start?" Luna asked airily. "Daddy can't wait to print this story. I'll get all three of you free copies of the Quibbler tomorrow."

"That'll be nice, Luna," Cedric smiled. He and Cho both seemed to know something about Luna the rest of us didn't. I looked at them curiously, but neither Cedric, Cho, or Luna were willing to say.

"Excellent," Rita grinned. She pulled out a deep blue quill. I was just glad it wasn't her Quick-Quotes quill. "Let's see. You three are the only witnesses of Voldemort's resurrection. Any comments?"

"We weren't the only ones there," Cedric argued.

"There were about a dozen Death Eaters there too," I added. "You want there names?"

"I'd love them," Rita breathed. "Good thing we're printing this in the Quibbler. Daily Prophet would never accept it."

"Macnair," Harry started. "Lucius Malfoy, Peter Pettigrew, Crabbe and Goyle senior."

"Avery, Nott, and Amycus and Alecto Carrow," I continued.

"Rowle, Travers, and Yaxley," Cedric finished. Rita quickly scribbled all the names down.

"How did you get there?" she asked.

"Well," Cedric started, frowning, "We were all in the maze together. We reached the cup at the same time. We grabbed it at the same time. Harry was injured, a spider had bitten his leg, so Nina and I carried him over there. When we touched the cup, we found out it had been a portkey. It transported us to this graveyard." Cedric broke off.

"There was this person in the background. He was carrying a bundle. 'Kill the spare,' a voice had hissed. The man pointed a wand at Cedric. I realized what was happening a split second before it happened. I knocked Cedric to the ground and told him to pretend to be dead." I continued for Cedric.

I looked over at Harry as he picked up the story. "I thought Cedric had died. Nina jumped up and yelled, 'You killed him!' She was trying to make sure Cedric stayed safe. The man put the bundle down and walked over to us. He placed the body bind on us and tied us to two gravestones. I was tied above Voldemort's father, and Nina was tied above his grandparents. I realized who the man was when I realized he was missing a finger. It was Peter Pettigrew."

I jumped back in. "Pettigrew put the bundle into an enormous cauldron. He-he cut off his hand and dropped it into the cauldron. He took a bone from Voldemort's father and dropped it into the potion. Then, he took mine and Harry's blood and put that in the cauldron too." I broke off.

"I was watching what was going on," Cedric explained. "The potion revived Voldemort. He used Pettigrew to call back his Death Eaters." The interview continued on a lot like that.

The next day, almost everyone in the school was reading the Quibbler. Harry and I got tons of mail from people. Some of the mail was people saying they didn't believe us, but the rest was people saying we had them convinced. I was so happy. All day, people came up to us saying they believed us.

Nina's DestinyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora