Freya's Birthday and Promises

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Nina's POV

Freya and I reappeared in the middle of the Dining Pavillion. Almost instantly, people ran up to greet us. "Any news of Percy?" Grover asked eagerly.

I shook my head sadly. "No, but when did you get back, Grover?"

"Yesterday," he sighed. "I looked all over Texas for Perce, but I couldn't find him. Er...who's the kid?"

"Oh, Grover, this is Freya. She's a daughter of Apollo. Freya, this is Grover. He's the head satyr."

"Hi, Grover," Freya smiled, waving her tiny hand. Grover grinned back at her and gave her a little wave.

"I need to put my things away," I said sadly. I walked into my cabin. It wasn't the same without Percy. It was neat instead of the usual messy. I felt tears well in my eyes. I squeezed my eyes shut to rid myself of them. Sighing, I placed Freya on my bed and moved to my dresser to put my clothes away.

"You can stay in here if you want, Freya," I said, turning around. "Your as much my daughter as you are Apollo's, so you will always be welcomed here."

"Really, Mommy?" Freya asked gleefully. I smiled and nodded. "I-I would like to stay with you, Mommy."

"Great," I grinned. "You can sleep in the bunk above mine. How does that sound?"

"Good!" Freya exclaimed. She jumped off my bed and climbed up the ladder to hers. She screamed when she got to the top and disappeared out of my line of vision. I got really worried, and started up the ladder myself. Freya was still screaming. I couldn't stand losing her too. I almost laughed when I saw the cause of Freya's screams. Sitting on the bunk, tickling my little girl, was her father.

"Apollo," I gasped. "You shouldn't be here."

Apollo smirked at me and held a finger to his lips. "Hermes is disguised as me right now. We tested it out yesterday. I can't believe my father was stupid enough to believe it. Besides, I can't miss my little girl's birthday can I? You're what, twenty three now?"

"No, Daddy," Freya giggled. "I'm six."

Laughing, I climbed up onto the bunk. "You didn't tell me it was your birthday, Sunshine."

Freya frowned and looked down at her hands. "My old mommy never celebrated my birthday, so I didn't think anyone else did either."

"Didn't you get my birthday presents I sent you?" Apollo frowned. "I send all my kids birthday presents." Freya shook her head. Apollo's frown deepened. He pulled something out from behind him. It was a little wrapped box. "Well, here's your birthday present!"

Freya took the present nervously. She looked up at me. "Go on," I encouraged her. Slowly, she ripped open the paper. Inside, was a jewelry box. She flipped open the box to reveal a gold necklace. The pendant was a miniature, golden pair of headphones. Apollo took it out of the box and wrapped it around Freya's neck.

"Whenever you need to defend yourself, Sunshine, just hold the pendant and wish for whatever weapon you want. You got it?"

Freya nodded and ran a tiny finger down the pendant. SHe looked up at Apollo. Tackling him in a hug, she shouted, "Thank you, Daddy. This is the best birthday ever."

"I'm glad you think so," Apollo smiled. He held Freya in his arms as she curled up in his lap. He made an amazing father. "I need to go visit my other kids soon, Nina," he murmured.

"I missed you," I whisper back. I smiled down at Freya who was perfectly content playing with the ear buds around Apollo's neck.

"I missed you more," Apollo smiled. "I have something for you too." Apollo reached into the pocket of his leather jacket and pulled out another box. Eyeing my boyfriend carefully, I opened the box.

"It's beautiful, Apollo," I gasped.

"It's a promise ring," Apollo explained, taking it out of the box and putting it on my finger. "Because you are my one and only true love. After the war is over, I'm going to beg my father to make you immortal, and we're going to be together forever. We'll get married one day and have tons of kids. That's a my promise." Apollo slipped the golden ring with sea green gems onto my left ring finger.

"Ti amo, Apollo," I sighed, wrapping my arms around Apollo's neck., careful not to crush the oblivious Freya.

"Ti amo troppo," Apollo said, pulling me into a hug with Freya in between us. Not that either of us minded.

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