Car Troubles

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Requested by @lisapaul55 : How about one where Y/N hascar trouble in the desert and Kendall picked her up and they fall for eachother on the way? 

     The Mojave Desert, it was the driest desert in North America. You wanted to drive down their and visit the famous desert. It was about a four hour drive from LA to there and you left pretty early in the morning so you got there faster than regular travel time. You made sure to bring plenty of water for you. The drive their you were facetiming your good friend Hailey. She wasn't in California at the time but if she was she would've went with you. 

      As you were driving through the desert you were taking pictures and videos posting them on your socials. Everything was going fine until you heard your car making these weird noises. You stopped the car and got out letting the heat hit your body. It was so hot and you sighed lifting the top of your car up seeing what the problem was. You didn't see anything wrong so you put the hood back down and got in, ignoring the noise the car was making. 

     You had been driving for 20 minutes when your car came to a sudden stop and it wouldn't move. You were slamming your foot in the pedal but your didn't move an inch. You didn't get it because your radio, air conditioner was running yet your car wasn't moving. You got out and checked the hood again and still didn't know what was wrong with your car. You walked back in the car and grabbed some water to cool yourself down. 

     You were scrolling through your contacts seeing who to call and ask for help. Most of your friends weren't in California right now, you didn't know if Kendall was in Cali right now or not. The two of you are friends but you aren't too close, you met her from Hailey. You pressed the call button and she answered almost immediately. "Hey Y/N, what's going on?" She asked and you chuckled a bit looking around. "Well you see um I'm in the Mojave Desert and my car stopped and I'm stranded. I was wondering if you were in California?" You asked and on the other end you heard shuffling then a jingle of keys. "I'm on my way, make sure you call someone to tow your car also, I'll try to get there as fast as I can" Before you could even respond she hung up. You followed her advice and called someone to tow your car. 

      While waiting for Kendall you sat in the car with the A/C on so you wouldn't burn your ass off. You felt lucky to know someone like Kendall, you had a small crush on the girl but you hadn't told anyone except Hailey. She insists that you should hang out with her more and see if the feelings grow maybe, this is good time to see if it's more than a school crush. You decided to facetime Hailey and see what was going on with your friend. "Hey Y/N hows my bestiee?" She asked laughing "Terrible, my car fucking stopped working" Her eyes widened "Are you ok? Shit Y/N that's brutal" You nodded "Yeah, I called Kendall and asked if she could pick me, she's on her way" Hailey wiggled her eyebrows "Ooh you can see if those feelings are real, I bet that they are" You blushed a bit and she winked at you. "Ugh I have to go but I'll talk to you later" She waved before hanging up. 

     When Kendall finally got there she got out of the car and you, being bored out of your mind ran to her and gave her this huge hug. "You're here! I'm so happy" You exclaimed and she giggled at you. The tow truck pulled up and started hook your car up so you got in Kendall's car and she got in driving back to LA. 

     As you sat in the car and she turned up the radio. The song I Don't Wanna Live Forever came on and you started to sing it. "I Don't wanna live foreverrrr" Kendall was laughing at you trying to hit the high notes and then she joined in with you. The two of you were terribly singing Zayn and Taylor Swift laughing at each other. When the song ended she looked to you with this huge grin on her face. You couldn't help but have this big smile on your face, you'd never seen Kendall like this; you perceived her as someone who was intimidating and very serious. 

      You and Kendall were talking about everything, from family, to her modeling, photography. You were so intrigued with what she was telling you. "I've seen the photos you've taken, you have a real eye Ken" She gave you a slight smile "Thanks Y/N, so what's been going on with you recently?" She asked you "I've been exploring recently" You told her, she didn't know that when you told her that you were exploring you also meant explore your feelings for her. 

     You reached your halfway point and you and Ken decided to stop for some food. When you stopped you guys went in a small restaurant. You walked in and took a seat, you were staring at her admiring her features while she was studying the menu. She looked up at you and you looked down fast with red cheeks. She chuckled and lifted your face up with her fingers looking you dead in the eye. "You're cute when you blush, you should look in my eyes more often" She smirked and you blushed even more. "That's more like it" She stated and looked back down at the menu as did you. 

     When your food came you guys started to talk about relationships. "So Y/N you dating anyone?" She asked and you shook your head. "No, I'm single" You shrugged and you don't know if it was your eyes deceiving you but you could've sworn that her eyes it up, as if she were hopeful for something, maybe she shared the feelings you had for her. You shook the thought out of your head, "What about you" You questioned "I am single as well" You nodded and felt as if there were some chance with the model. 

    After you finished lunch you guys got back in the car. It was silent but you didn't mind you were just admiring her. You defined her as perfect, the way her dark-brown eyes turned into an amber color when the sun shone in her eyes or the way her hair flew around when the wind was blowing. "Whatcha thinking?" She brought you out of your thought "Not much" You lied "You sure because you seemed deep in thought?" She examined you and you shook your head. "Ok, well besides that, I was wondering if you'd like to hang out with me when we get back to LA" You smiled and nodded. "I'd love that" She smiled and continued to drive.

     When you guys were close to her place you turned up the music and the song Bleeding Love came on. "I don't care what they say, I'm in love with you" The two of you sang in unison, trying to hold the notes but you both were failing but it gave you guys a good laugh. "This song is 10 years old, damn I was 11. I feel young" You gave her this look. "Ken, no shit you feel young you're 21" She nodded "I know but time goes fast and there's so much I want to do, I just want to do it now" She explained and you nodded. As she was explaining to you this all her eyes seemed to be a shade lighter, you loved when the girl talked about something important she got so happy and her physical features changed and you could tell. 

     When you got to her place, you got out of the car and you couldn't believe what four hours did for you. The feelings for Kendall had grew and you didn't know how to explain it but, Hailey was right this was more than a school girl crush. You didn't know if you should act on your feelings or not so you did what you would usually do; contact Hailey. You texted her the whole situation while you entered Kendall's. "Who you texting?" She had her arms crossed as she was examining you smile from the text you received from Hailey; her advice was that you should definitely act on your feelings. "Hailey, she's crazy" You laughed turning your phone off putting it on the table. "About?" You looked down and shrugged, not wanting to be rude but not wanting to reveal the conversation. 

     You had your head in Kendall's lap and the two of you were watching a scary movie. You were looking at Ken when all of a sudden she snapped a photo of you. "Hey!" You yelped and she giggled. "What? You looked really cute and I decided to capture it" She defended herself. "Ok I'm letting this slide because you called me cute" You told her and she nodded. You took your head away from her lap and she pouted a bit. "Ken, when I was talking to Hailey, we were talking about you" She rose an eyebrow at you. "About how I like you" You shot out before you could have a second thought on what you were saying. "Shit I'm sorry I fucked up didn't-" She cut off your rambling by kissing you. You were shocked but you kissed back, when you guys broke the kiss she was smirking. "You're cute when you're rambling but you're even cuter when we kiss" She giggled and you blushed. 

    "This little road trip we had brought light to me, I like you a lot. I liked you before but you're so adorable and my feelings grew" She told you and you couldn't help but smile, you were lucky enough to control yourself from screaming. "So Y/N would you like to be my girlfriend?" You nodded and she smiled kissing you again. 

(A/N: I was listening to a bunch of 90's 00's music while writing this. Destiny's Child, Aaliyah, Alicia Keys, etc. it was great )


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