Popularity Isn't Everything

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Requested by @shygirl1358 : Can you do one whereKendall and Y/N are in High School and Kendall is popular and her and Y/N havebeen secretly dating for a year but Y/N doesn't want anyone to treat her differentlybecause she's dating Kendall but Ken gets jealous because some girl is talkingto Y/N in the hallway and she pushes her against the lockers and makes out withher and leaves hickeys and she tells everyone that you are hers 

High School, many kids aren't the biggest fan of the place. You don't mind it that much, you have most classes with your girlfriend and even if you aren't officially public you guys make the best with what you have. Kendall is the popular girl, she's a cheerleader, she has a big group of friends. It's usually very unlikely for her to date someone who isn't a jock but she surprisingly had her eye on you. 

It was the end of the day, every day you and Kendall met up at your house. Her little sister Kylie would've definitely shared the secret if she knew about your secret relationship. 

"Babe, I was thinking we go somewhere really fancy for our one year anniversary this Saturday" Kendall proposed with a huge grin. 

"Where to?" You asked as you spun around in your desk chair. 

"Wherever you want babe? How about that Italian place you love" You smiled and nodded, Kendall knew you to well. 

You got out of the chair and stumbled a little until you fell into Kendall's arms. "We could've just spent our anniversary ordering Chinese and watching movies here and I would've been content" Kendall chuckled and ran her hands through your hair. "I wouldn't have allowed that, only the best for my baby" She smiled and kissed your forehead.

 The rest of the night you guys did your homework and around nine she left to go home. "Bye babe, see you tomorrow" She smiled and did a tiny wave and then left your room, leaving you to a silent and empty room. 

The next day when you walked through the halls you glanced at Kendall and she sent you a wink before turning back to her conversation. 

You made your way to class and you sat next to one of your friends, Zayn. You guys were in the middle of a conversation when Kendall sat down between the two of you as a barrier. You sent her a glare but she had the opposite look on her face. 

You poked her and whispered to her. "What was that about?" She furrowed her eyebrows as if she were confused on what you were asking her. "What're you talking about?" She asked, you could hear her acting as if she were innocent. "You cut our conversation off" You sighed knowing she'd play stupid. "Never mind" You shook your head and saw the smirk she had on her face. 

You were writing down notes as the teacher had the slides up and lectured you all. While taking notes you felt Kendall's hand on your thigh causing you to drop your pen. "Kendall!" You whisper yelled and she had that same smirk on her face. 

Kendall kept teasing you throughout class, she was acting odd she was never like this. When class finished you dragged her to a secluded area and she didn't let you utter a word, she kissed you. When she broke away from the kiss she dragged you into the empty class. "Let's skip 2nd, who cares" she continued to kiss you and you broke away. 

"Ken, you're acting very strange." You were implying to all of her actions today in itself. "What?! It's not my fault I have a burning desire for you" She shrugged and you sighed. "It started when I was talking to Zayn-" Her face changed at the mention of the boy. "AHA! You're jealous aren't you?" Kendall remained silent with with this look. "Babe, you have nothing to be jealous of, and we can continue this later... At home" She smiled and nodded and gave you on last kiss that wasn't filled with lust. 

It's Saturday, you and Kendall have been together officially for a year. You spent most of the day doing nothing but imagining how the date will go, you didn't have anything else to do. You got a text from Zayn, he was wondering if you wanted to go hang with him and his friends. You felt bad but you have plans for once so you asked if you could come and hang out another night, he was fine with it and would talk to you later at school. 

Once you were finally ready you just waited in your living room until she came. You heard a knock at the door and you got up excitedly. You opened the door which revealed Kendall, who looked gorgeous. 

"Babe you look stunning" She admired and gave you a quick peck on the lips before taking you to her car. 

While you guys were into the car you danced to the songs playing on the radio. "Carpool karaoke hit us up" You joked and Kendall started to laugh. 

Arriving to restaurant, you guys were sat in the private area. It was so pretty how everything was set up, Kendall really went all out for you. "Happy one year babe" She smiled and pressed a kiss to your lips. 

On Monday, you didn't see Kendall with her friends. You shrugged it off and walked to your locker, you're locker buddies with a friend of yours, Taylor. "Hey Y/N!" She smiled and you smiled back and waved. "I wish you could've hung out with Zayn and the rest of us Saturday" You nodded "Well she was with me" You jumped and turned seeing Kendall right behind you.

"Yeah, we were uh studying" You said slowly giving Kendall a look and she sighed and walked away. "Oh alright, well we go to this cafe and study on Monday's wanna come?" She asked and you took a moment to think and you smiled and nodded. "I'd love to" She smiled and waved goodbye running off to her class. 

In class you told Kendall that you'd be studying with Zayn and his friends and she wasn't too happy about it. She now is ignoring you but you'd survive, you guys really only share looks if you aren't in class together. 

Zayn offered to give you a ride with him and you accepted. You waved goodbye to Kendall but she gave you a cold hard glare. "So you and Kendall are close" You nodded and smiled. "Yeah we're uh good friends" He nodded and continued to keep his eyes on the road. "I think you'll like hanging with us we're a good pair" You smiled to yourself, it was nice to be apart of these things. 

When you guys arrived you saw a group of five other people at a booth and the two of you sat down. "Everyone, this is Y/N" They all smiled and waved. "There names are Harry, Taylor, Lauren, Luke and Shawn" You nodded and you guys all started talking about things. 

The next day at school Taylor approached you and smiled. "You have fun yesterday?" She asked and you smiled and nodded. "It was great, everyone was so nice and funny" She smiled. "So will you be hanging with us again?" She asked with a tone of hope in her voice. "Yeah I definitely-" Before you could finish you were cut off by someone's lips pressed against yours. That someone was Kendall and she started to suck on your neck leaving marks for sure. 

She pulled away and smirked at what she done, everyone had their eyes on the two of you. "She's mine so get used to it assholes" Kendall said to everyone and she grabbed your hand and walked you to class. 


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