Say You Won't Let Me Go

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Requested by @ssweet-waake:
Could you do a oneshot on the song "Say you won't let me go" by James Arthur?

You sat at the bar upset at the fact that you had just caught your ex-girlfriend cheating on you and you were just so sad about the whole thing so you decided to drown your feelings out by drinking. The more drinks you had consumed the more you forgot about the girl who broke your heart. A girl sat next to you and you looked up to see a gorgeous girl looking at you. "Hey you ok?" the girl asked you. "I'm fiinnee" you slurred "You don't seem fine, breakup?" She asked you looked up to her and nodded. "Well then maybe I should get drunk with you" She smiled at you and ordered a round of shots.

    You and the girl just sat at the bar drinking together and she made you feel better. You had seemed to forget about the girl who had recently broke your heart. "What's your name by the way?" You asked "I'm Kendall and what about you" She asked "I'm Y/N, Kendall is a pretty name" you said and smiled at the tall girl. "Y/N is prettier" you shook your head and stood up from your chair stumbling a bit. "Come Kendall dance with me" She nodded and followed you to the dance floor and the two of you struggled to even stand up straight. "Shit we're really drunk" Kendall laughed, you nodded and kept holding onto the taller girl so you didn't fall.

     You decided to take an uber to Kendall's house. When you walked in to her condo you saw the room spin and Kendall looked sick. She rushed to the bathroom and started to throw up and you held her hair back with one hand. You cleaned her face up and she turned to you and you could feel yourself turning sober because Kendall still looked sick. You may have not known Kendall for that long but there was a deep connection. You pulled her into a hug and her face nuzzled into your chest and she asked you "Y/N can you stay over? I don't wanna be alone" you pulled away from the hug and gently grabbed her face "Kendall just get some rest" you told her and she pouted. "Here let me take you to your room" you guided her to her room.

    You laid her down and put the covers over her. "Y/N please lay with me" she said patting the spot next to her. You shook your head and you heard her whine "Pleaseee just until I fall asleep" you sighed and jumped on the bed. You felt Kendall snuggle into you and you wrapped your arms around her.

     You and Kendall have been friends for a year, ever since that night you guys met you've been attached to the hip. After knowing the girl for a year you had definitely figured out the fact that you are in love with her, you had known since you met her but you couldn't admit it to yourself. Kendall would never know about the strong feelings you have for her so, you never tried to start a relationship you always acted like you'd only want to be friends with her because you were afraid, afraid that she would let you go. Letting you go is the worst thing that could happen to you and you couldn't have that. You wanted Kendall so bad, no you needed her but you would never let it show. You put the thoughts of growing old and having kids with her aside even though it was all you could think about.

    You soon got tired of hiding these feelings and you drove to Ken's condo and knocked at her door. "Hey Y/N you never knock what's up?" she asked "I'm in love with you" You told her and she looked at you with wide eyes "I don't need to her you say you love me back, I just need to hear you say that you won't let go" you looked into her eyes, she looked at you and said "I will never let go" and she crashed her lips to yours as the both of you got caught up in the kiss that you had desired for over a year. You pulled away and Kendall said "I've been waiting a year for that" she smiled and kissed you again.

    When people used to tell you that time flies fast you didn't understand until you found the real happiness in life. You were right now making breakfast for your wife and kids. It's been 10 years and a lot has happened since Kendall had said the the words 'I won't let go' it was life changing. You are now married to her and you guys have to kids one is 9 and the other is 6. They were still asleep as you made Kendall breakfast. You made Ken eggs, pancakes and bacon when you finished you walked upstairs, plate in hand, and you gave it to your favorite model. "Here you go babe" you handed her the plate as she smiled. "Thank you so much honey" you smiled and nodded. "I need to go drop the kids off at school" you said, before you left the room you kissed her head and walked off.

     You and Kendall were watching the stars after the kids were all tucked in and asleep. You looked to the stars and you guys saw a shooting star. "Make a wish babe" Ken said. You shook your head and said "I have everything I need" you said and she turned to you and gave you her signature Kendall smile. "Ken" you said resting your head on her shoulder. "Yea?" she asked confused "I don't understand, I can never get bored of seeing your face after 10 years of us together I still get butterflies in my stomach and your beauty grows, it's eternal" you told her and she smiled at you and kissed you. "I just want you to know how helplessly in love I am with you, we've gone this far together, I mean we have children! But we still have a whole eternity to spend together" You tell her this all as Kendall hugs you "I love you so much Y/N, I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you" Ken said. "I'm gonna keep on loving you, I'll stop when my lungs give out." you hugged Kendall and smiled as this was all you needed in life.

Thank you so much for 2k, First Update of the Year! Requests are open btw just comment, pm me or message on my board ❤️

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