A Baby

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Requested by KNJVS_ : Can you do one where Kendall gets pregnant and have a baby boy but Y/N doesn't know it because they broke up

    "Why have you been out late?" You asked your girlfriend of two years. "I told you Y/N it was work" Ken looked down and you knew she was lying. "I can't believe you, you were cheating on me" You yelled at her and tears started to fall down your face. "I wasn't I promise" She pleaded and you shook your head "I wish I could believe you, Ken you've been acting weird lately and I can't believe this, I mean we were talking about having a kid together like we were looking for potential donors" you told her trying to hold tears back. "Y/N babe it's not like that" She told you but you shook your head and walked out of the house. "Bye Kendall" those were the lasts words you said to her. 

     It's been a year since you've talked to the girl. You blocked her from everything you could, just in case if you got drunk and tried to contact her as that never goes well for anyone. You had a relationship four months after the break up with Kendall, it lasted for about two months until she had cheated on you. It didn't really hurt you because she was someone you weren't into. She didn't leave the damage Kendall had left. She had your heart in pieces and she still does but you try not to let it show, you've done it for a year. 

     You lived in a two bedroom condo but the other room was empty, It was pointless to buy a two bedroom place it just made you feel empty, that was the last thing you needed. You were hoping to get a roommate but you'd never got around to asking. You had checked the fridge for food which there was none. Your groaned filled the house as you grabbed your keys and drove to the market. 

     When you walked in you grabbed a cart and you made it straight for the section of ice cream. You were walking to see what flavor you should get when you knocked into someone on accident. "Oh I'm so sorry, Kendall!" You jumped back seeing the girl and a baby? "Y/N... It's been a while" She looked down and scratched her neck. "Yeah, a while" You also looked the other way. "This is Connor, he's 3 months old and my son" You couldn't believe Kendall was saying that, you'd always imagine you helping Kendall while she was pregnant. "He's so cute" you smiled at Connor. "Yeah, would you like to talk at my place?" She asked and you nodded with a light smile. 

      When you got to her place she had put Connor down for a nap and you guys sat on the couch. It felt weird for you to be sitting there just thinking about every memory you guys had together it opened up the wound even though it had been closing, slowly yet this stopped any healing you'd had. "I can't believe it been a year" you heard her mumble to herself as she was making you both a snack. "Neither can I" She looked at you and sighed. "Y/N, I want you to know that I didn't cheat on you" you couldn't make eye contact with the girl but she walked over to you and lifted your chin up with her fingers. "say something" She had tears brimming her eyes "If you didn't cheat on me, then how is Connor here?" you rose and eyebrow looking at the girl skeptically. "I was going to surprise you and tell you that I was pregnant because you showed a liking to that donor so I met him and he seemed like a good guy" She told you which made your heart drop, you broke up with Kendall thinking that she had cheated on you when she was trying to surprise you with being pregnant because the two of you really wanted a child. You started to cry and she gave you a hug "I don't deserve you, I'm such a fucking jerk. I can't believe I left you and you had to go through a pregnancy without me" She pulled away from the hug and looked at "I'm not mad at you for any of that, I was just so heartbroken and you made it impossible to contact you" She laughed as a way to lighten the mood but it didn't work. "My family really helped me out during the pregnancy, if you want we can watch the videos that they took" She suggested and you nodded. 

     You both were snuggled on the couch and it felt like how you guys used to be. Her arms wrapped around your body as if she weren't going to let go as if she did you'd be gone forever. You started to drift off as did she when you started to hear whining. "Ken stay here I'll do this" You told her in a rushed tone before she could object. You ran to the room to see Connor crying. You picked him up and started to bounce him a bit, "Hey little boy, what's wrong?" You cooed "I think someone's hungry" You smiled as you put him in the high chair and fed him some baby food. "Here comes the airplane, wooo" You led the spoon to his mouth and he ate it and you gave him the rest of the food. "Aww you're so cute" You picked him up again and set him in the crib again. "Connor you have to go back to sleep, good night" you kissed the top of his and turned to see Kendall standing in the doorway watching you with a smile. "Y/N, you're a natural at this" She whispered and you sent her a smile and walked out of the room. 

     You guys decided to go lay in bed and you were looking at her as she was looking back at you. "Y/N, I have a question for you" She bit her lip which made your stomach swirl. "Yes?" you asked her "Would you like to move back in and take care of Connor with me?" She asked you and that warmed your heart "Of course Ken, I'd love to" Her face lit up as she leant in for a kiss. When you guys pulled away she had this huge smile on her face "I've been waiting a year to do that again"

    "Kendall, I can't believe Connor's turning a year old!" You exclaimed and she looked very excited also. The two of you were setting the party up for later today. "Neither can I, soon he's gonna be 18 and off to college" You gave her a frightened look "Ken, please don't give me an attack" She laughed at you and you walked to Connor's room. "Hey Connor how's my favorite boy in the world doing?" you asked him as he smiled at you and you looked at his big brown eyes. "Ugh you look so much like Kendall you cutie" you kissed him on the head and fed him. "Ken the baby is fed" you told the girl "Thanks babe" she kissed your cheek then you guys went back to setting up. 

      "Kendall, Y/N this party is awesome" Kylie complimented the two of you. "Thanks Ky" you gave the girl a smile as you saw everybody playing with Connor. "He's so cute!" Kourtney squealed which made you giggle. When you were dancing with Kendall you heard someone say "Mama!" and both of your eyes widened as you turned to see Connor pointing at you and everyone let out an "Aww" and you and Kendall looked so happy. "Connor's first word is Mama this is to much" Kendall cheered you on the other hand, you were speechless but you saw everyone smiling at the three of you. "Kenny he said his first words" you yelled out loud and the two of you did this little celebration dance "I know babe this is so exciting" She grinned and you gave her a big kiss. Everyone there was awwing again and that made your cheeks go pink. "Y/N's blushing how cute" Kylie pointed out which made you blush even more which made everyone laugh. 

"Ken, I love you so much" you told her "I love you more" she challenged "Nah not possible babe" you both seemed to be in your own world with your guy's son. "I can't believe Connor said his first words today" You couldn't help but just smile at this all "Neither can I and the word was mama" she kissed your nose and you guys just danced for the rest of the night. 


Kendall Jenner ImaginesTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon