'Happy' Travels

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Requested by @Kingyen and @Ellentaytay : Hi can you make a storyabout Kendall and Y/N traveling with friends and then Cara joined the lastminute and Y/N get jealous of CaraxKendall sweetness.. and Could you do one wherejealous Y/N likes to tease Kendall a lot?

     "Ken are you ready for Mexico?" You asked the girl as you smiled. "Yeah, Cara's going to pick us up" She told you as your eyebrows furrowed "Cara?" She scratched the back of her neck "I know it was only supposed to be you, Gigi, Bella, Hailey and I but I felt bad so I invited her" You sighed at the girl.

      Cara was not someone you really liked. Whenever she's around she clings to Kendall and only Kendall which leaves no time for you and Kendall. You knew that jealousy takes over you when she is around but you can't help it when your girlfriend is the most known model and Cara is another model who is all over Ken. 

      "It's whatever, when is she getting here?" you asked her, Kendall could tell you were annoyed and she wrapped her arms around you "I'll make sure it's more you and I time than Cara and I, ok?" You nodded and she pecked your nose. You both heard a knock at the door and you brought your head back and groaned, Kendall gave you a light slap and went to answer the door. 

     "Kenny!" You heard the brit yell. "Cara I've missed you" You walked up to the girl and gave her a side hug "Hi Cara, nice to see you again" you walked back to grab your bags and you put them all in her trunk. Kendall decided to sit passenger as you sat in the back, by yourself. "This is going to be so fun!" Cara exclaimed which caused you to roll your eyes. "I'm having so much fun" you muttered. Kendall had heard you and she sent you a glare and you smiled at her sarcastically. 

       For the duration of the ride you had your headphones in as you looked out the window. You were pulled out of your daze when your best friend, Hailey had pulled you out of the car and gave you a big hug. "Y/N, it's been forever" you laughed at the girl as it's only been five days which isn't a lot unless you are a clingy best friend like Hailey. "Hails I missed you too" you smiled at her and you walked to Gigi and Bella and gave them hugs. You turned around to see Kendall and Cara laughing at god knows what and you could feel your heart start thumping and your expressions changed. "Y/N, babe pay them no attention" Hailey told you and the two of you got on the jet and sat next to each other. 

     During the trip you and Hailey had talked about stupid things like 'If the tour guide would only speak Spanish' you don't understand how you'd land on the random topics but it never failed with the two of you. You looked to see Gigi and Bella watching a movie together and Cara's head was resting on Kendall's shoulder and for some reason that made your skin boil. You never understood jealousy but it was something you definitely have. "Y/N, you probably should chill and not send Cara obvious glares but you should tease Kendall" She winked at you and a smile formed on your face, "God Hailey you are such a genius!" she smiled at you "I know no need to tell me" you lightly shoved your cocky friend. 

      "Bye California and Hello Mexico!" you shouted and smiled when Kendall creeped up behind you and turned you around so you were facing her. "Hi" A smile grew on her face "Hi Ken" you brought your lips to hers and in the midst of your heated make out session you pulled away and gave her a sly smile. She gave you a disapproving look and you turned to the blonde who was taking selfies. "Y/N help me with this post for Instagram" she handed you the phone and you snapped the photo of the girl making a silly pose. You couldn't help but laugh at the girl's silliness. Kendall on the other hand didn't look all that amused as you did leave her hanging. "Why don't we go in our hotel rooms first?" Gigi suggested, everyone seemed to agree. Everybody piled up in the car and you were in between Kendall and Hailey. Hailey was on her phone doing god knows what and Kendall on the other hand was pouting. "Babe what's wrong" You asked her with a smirk. "It's nothing" she gave you another glare and you snickered at her behavior. "You're such a cutie" you gave her a peck and she pulled you into a longer kiss. She then whispered in your ear "I always get what I want" and winked at you leaving you a bit flustered. 

      When you got out of the car and in the hotel there were three rooms. "Ken and I call this room" you had claimed the room with one bed when Hailey had yelled out "Don't ruin the sheets" your cheeks turned pink as you sat on the bed. "We can't make any promises" Ken yelled back which made your cheeks turn a darker shade. All the girls saw how embarrassed you were and decided to taunt you. "I bet fifty shades darker is just about Y/N's cheeks getting darker" Bella joked which got all the girls laughing. "I feel very threatened right now" You gave all the girls glares. "We love you Y/N" they all jumped on top of you giving you a group hug. 

      You guys were on the way to the beach and as usual Kendall and Cara were laughing and joking. You turned to Bella who was jamming to the radio. "Hey Y/N, how're you doing!" She asked you excitedly "I'm doing pretty good what about you?" She didn't get to answer her question because Hailey interjected "Bella back away from my bestie!" You started to laugh at the girl, "Well she's my girlfriend" Kendall challenged "Ladies, Ladies calm down" You guys all bursted in laughter. "You guys are so stupid" Gigi shook her head and Bella thumped her on the head. "Oww, BELLA!" everyone started laughing at Gigi and she shook her head "Idiots" she muttered jokingly. 

     When you guys got to the beach Cara and Ken ran off to the water. "Well I feel included with them" Gigi sarcastically remarked. You huffed and shook your head as the rest of you set up. Paparazzi had found out where you guys were going and they started taking photos of Cara and Kendall. "Great, the paps" Hailey rolled her eyes "I think we should come her a different time, but on the down low" everyone nodded, you turned to see the two girls splashing each other with water and your jaw clenched. "Poor Y/N, she's jealous" Gigi pointed out. "I mean look at Cara and look at me, Ken looks way better with her and they always cling when they hang out" you sighed plopping down on the sand. "Well, you and Hails are really close why not make her jealous with Hailey" Bella suggested and the three of them smirked at you. "Oh no you guys have a plan don't you?" They all nodded which kind of scared you as they didn't say anything. 

    All of you were in the car and they had initiated the 'plan' which you didn't really know how to think about it. When you all got in the car Kendall and Cara were sitting on towels because they were the only ones who got to go in the water. "Y/N sit on my lappp" Hailey whined and you sat down as Kendall rose an eyebrow. "Y/N why don't you sit on my lap?" She asked defensively you looked to her wet body and she recognized why. "I'll sit on your lap" Cara sat down and you balled your fists up when Hailey calmed you down and the two of you were conversing with Bella and Gi, yet again Cara and Kendall were in their own world. 

     For the rest of the day it was like this, you had tried to make Kendall jealous yet it failed and she had made you even more jealous. When everyone was going to bed you had dragged Kendall out before she could say goodnight to Cara. "Y/N I didn't get to say-" You cut her off "What you didn't get to say goodnight to Cara, I don't care. You didn't say goodnight to me" You crossed your arms "Yeah because we aren't going to bed quite yet" She looked to your lips then your eyes and you guys got closer to one another. "You know, you're really cute when your jealous" She says this as you guys are very close to each other "Nice way to ruin the-" She cut off your small rant by crashing her lips into yours. The door had opened and you saw Hailey standing in the doorway with a smirk. The two of you looked up. "Oh, don't mind me" She wiggled her eyebrows as you threw your pillow at the girl. "Fuck you Hailey" She laughed and walked out. "You get jealous of Cara and I? Look at you and Hailey" She frowned at saying Hailey's name. "What do you mean?" you asked raising an eyebrow. "You and Hailey always hang out and I also get crazy jealous" She told you and you smiled "I guess we're just two jealous girls" you laughed. 

(A/N: Most likely not updating this weekend I have friends staying over for my birthday and like they're most likely going to be staying up all night with me so I can't just be antisocial, but I may prewrite Idk yet)


Kendall Jenner ImaginesTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon