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Requested by @Horny_Hood : Can you do one where Y/N and Kendall are not out yet to the public and they go out and people refer to Y/N as a friend until paparazzi take pics of them kissing?

You were sitting in your condo scrolling through your phone to see a post saying 'Kendall Jenner and friend hanging out' you looked at the post and sighed. Kendall wasn't your friend she was your girlfriend. She wasn't aloud to come out as management has other things in mind for her. Instead of letting her have a happy relationship with you they think if they hook her up with some random basket ball player or rapper will get more publicity and money.

You didn't want to dwell on it knowing it would only put you down and Kendall was coming over. You got a text from Kendall and she said that she may be running a little late. You got bored again and decided to keep looking through your phone and you saw another one saying 'Kendall Jenner's friend approves of the models boyfriend, Jordan' you got mad seeing that you never said anything and it was false information. You hated getting called 'Kendall Jenner's friend ' and the more you saw these posts the more you got upset. It got to the point that you turned your phone off and watched a movie.

"Honey I'm home" you heard Kendall yell. "Kenny, I've missed you" you hugged her and she smiled. "Babe do you wanna go clubbing tonight?" She asked you "Sure, I was planning in for a stay at home kind of night but that's better" she chuckled "Go get ready" you nodded and went to get ready.

"Kendall are you trying to kill me?" you asked seeing your girlfriend's dress. "I think you already have stabbed me, babe you look amazing" she kissed your nose and the two of you smiled at each other. You walked to the car and you guys drove off.

When you got there you saw all the paparazzi with there cameras ready. "Kendall how are you and your friend Y/N tonight?" a guy said and you clenched your jaw and Kendall grabbed your hand and you both walked in ignoring the comments. You whispered in her ear "I hate when they call us friends" she nodded "I do too" You walked to the bar and you two looked at each other "Ready for some shots?" you said and she nodded at you.

5 shots later and the two of you were both drunk. "Y/N dance with me" Kendall took you to dance and you were grinding on her and she was smirking at you. "Nice dancing babe" she laughed and you winked at her. The two of you were walking out of the club and you guys went to the back and you looked at her. "You look so pretty" you slurred and she smiled and brought her lips to yours and as soon as that happened you saw flashes and you both got sober real quick. Kendall grabbed your arm and the two of you ran to the car. She was silent and not saying anything, "Babe, I'm so sorry this is my fault" you sighed looking at your fingers. You felt her fingers under your chin and she looked at you this is nobody's fault but mine, I kissed you in public knowing that management wouldn't approve" you nodded "I'll just drop you off at your condo" you nodded.

"Bye babe, call me tomorrow" you said kissing her on the cheek. You walked into your place feeling like shit yet kind of relieved maybe you guys could go on regular dates now, maybe you could kiss her in public because you have the urge to and maybe they'll stop calling you her friend. The thoughts went through your mind as they soon put you to sleep.

You walked to your kitchen going to make some breakfast when you got a notification saying 'Kendall Jenner doing an interview right now!' you turned on the tv and saw your girlfriend on the screen appear. They were asking her a few questions until one really hit, "Kendall, last night you were seen with your friend Y/N, but the two of you were seen kissing in the back. What was that all about?" The interviewer asked. "Well, we had a lot to drink and we were both drunk and it just happened, we're just friends" your heart broke at this, you turned off the tv and started to cry.

You turned your phone off to ignore all of social media. Your door clicked open to see your best friend in the door way. "Oh Y/N I saw the interview" she had a worried look on her face and she went to hug you. "Lauren I hate her so much" you sniffled "Y/N, why don't you turn your phone on, call her and talk to her" she suggested "I don't want to hear her voice, anyways she said we're just friends so thats what we just are, friends" your heart broke when you said those words but it was what you had to do, is get over the model.

It's been 3 months since the girl you loved the most broke your heart. You haven't gotten over the tall girl and neither of you have contacted each other. Tonight you and Lauren were going to a dinner with a bunch of friends. "Lauren you ready to go?" you asked her "Yeah let's go" You and Lauren walked out and she drove to the restaurant.

When you there you saw about 15 other people, but only one caught your eye. "Lauren did you know that-" the girl cut you off "Yea, I did know and you aren't leaving so let's go" She told you "Lauren please" you whined "How about this we act like we're dating?" She suggested you nodded and the two of you walked to the group hand-in-hand. "Y/N, Lauren how are you guys?" Justin asked "We're doing great" she flashed Justin a smile but you couldn't help but stare at your ex. She was looking at you back it felt as if you were staring into her eyes for an eternity until you were pulled into the restaurant.

You sat next to Lauren and Kendall which made everything even more awkward for you. Everyone was in conversation except for you and Kendall. "How've you been?" She asked you. "I've been alright, what about you?" You avoided eye contact with her because you know you'd unravel and that'd be embarrassing. "I'm doing good" the conversation ended as Lauren turned to you "Y/N want to share a meal with me?" You nodded and gave her a peck on the cheek "Aww you guys are so cute" Bella said "We're not dating... yet" Lauren shot a wink at you and your face turned red and you felt the model tense up. "I need to use the bathroom" You walked to the bathroom. You couldn't help but get caught up in your feelings for the model. The door opened and you cursed yourself for not locking it.

"You ok?" you heard her voice. "Kendall do you really think I'm ok?" you held back your tears. "Y/N" She whispered and you just broke down "Don't Y/N me, Kendall we aren't dating anymore or to you we were never dating we were just friends so that Y/N shit doesn't-" she cut you off by bringing her lips to yours. You felt all the butterflies in your stomach arise. You kissed her back and you pulled away slowly and her brown eyes looked at your eyes. "Y/N, during the three months I didn't contact you I was a mess and I let management ruin me, so tonight I want to tell the whole world but you first" She smiled at you "Y/N I love you" Your moth was hanging open, neither you or Kendall had said that to one or another. You had loved her for a while but you were to afraid to tell her "Kendall, I love you too" the two of you smiled at each other not caring that you both professed your love for each other in a bathroom.

"I'm nervous" You said, intertwining your fingers with the tall girl. "So am I but as long as the two of us are together nothing will happen" She said confidently "That was so cheesy" you laughed and she smiled. Kendall was about to go live and you were about to tell her fans about you guys. She turned on the livestream and you read some of the comments some were saying 'It's Kendall's friend, Y/N' you cringed at the words and Kendall finally said "Hey everyone watching, some of you guys may know Y/N" She gestured to you and you smiled waving "Y/N and I have some news for you guys, Y/N is not just my friend, she is my girlfriend and I love her so much" She said looking at you and you had a huge grin on you face. A lot of comments were passing by and the both of had your phones blowing up seeing fans, articles and friends messaging you. "To clear anything up, the night we kissed at that club it was because we were dating, I love this nerd so much" Ken gestured to you as shoved her lightly. You whispered in her ear "What about management?" you looked concerned for the girl and she whispered back "Fuck them" and kissed you.

(A/N: Should've said this awhile ago but thank you guys so much for over 10k reads that means so much to me and always feel free to comment)


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