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Requested by @lieannforever : Can you do one where Y/Nand Kendall are dating for a year but Kenny always denies her relationship withY/N and it hurts Y/N because Kendall always is doing PR Stunts and then whenKendall comes back home Y/N decided to end their relationship and where Kennyregrets everything about keeping her relationship with Y/N as a secret 

A card, for your one year anniversary instead of waking up next to Kendall a card she had left on your dresser was the replacement. You got out of bed and you looked over to the card and you opened it, Kendall wrote 'Happy One Year Babe!' and that was all, you remembered she had the interview today though and you went downstairs to turn the TV on. 

"Ms. Jenner you look beautiful today" The interviewer complimented and Kendall smiled thanking the woman. They went through some questions having to do with any upcoming projects and she teased at a few things. "So, we've seen that you've been hanging with a rumored to be special someone" The interviewer leaned in her chair hoping Kendall dished out some of her love life, yet her fruitless attempt wasn't shocking. "No Y/N and I are just good friends, I have a lot of friends and since I hang out with them doesn't mean we're dating" Kendall ended the topic and you just sighed looking at the TV hopelessly. 

The whole day you scrolled through your camera roll under the album 'Kenny and I 💕' it was all the photos you weren't able to post because they showed some sort of PDA that the public would eat up. 

You were tagged in a photo on some drama news site and it was a photo of Asap and Kendall. It was captioned 'Competition?' You sighed and tossed the phone on the couch. Kendall said she had work to do today yet she avoided the date she had with him on your guy's one year anniversary. 

It was 11 at night and you were laying in bed watching an episode of friends when you heard the door click. Kendall sent you a weak smile and you rolled your eyes at the girl. "This'll be a fun hour together of celebration for our anniversary" You remarked and Kendall's small smile turned into a huge frown.

"Listen babe, I can't control management and you know that" You frowned again. "Well if you're under your managements control and we can't go public then we aren't going anywhere and I'd actually like to make it past the only kissing in our home" You pointed out and Kendall's eyes widened as she shook her head.

"No, no, no, Babe c'mon" She plead and she tried to grab your arm but you were farther than she estimated so she just sat there on her knees tears falling down her face and you just sighed. "Listen I wish I could do this but you know how much it sucks seeing you all up on another guy while I'm just here powerless and doing nothing!" You couldn't contain what you were feeling anymore so you kind of just bursted. 

"I got a fucking card from you today that said 'Happy one year babe!' there wasn't even an I love you on the card, you know how that made me feel?" You exploded and you had definitely reached your breaking point. 

You looked down and saw Kendall crying even more and you turned away, it was painful to watch. "Listen Ken we're gonna have to split for time being, I'll sleep on the couch until I find a friend ok?" She shook her head no but you were already grabbing a pillow and some blankets. 

You laid on the couch and just looked at the ceiling in thought. Why'd you have to be her secret? Why can't she look at you lovingly but she can do so to the meat stick she had to pretend to be with? You were Kendall's dirty secret and it wasn't fun to be. The first couple of months it was sexy to be in a relationship where only you two know about it but it gets tiring not being able to hold her hand and such. 

You set your alarm early and you started to pack some things before Kendall woke up since she always would wake up early. You never knew how she did it. 

You went to get some breakfast and then you were going to check into a hotel for the time being. You watched the TV while sipping on your coffee when you saw photos of Asap and Kendall's date. It was mostly them entering and leaving the restaurant. You sighed and took your eyes off the screen to the coffee, you swirled it around trying to entertain yourself for time being when someone sat across from you. 

"Babe" Your shoulders tensed up as you did not want to deal with any of this Kendall drama at the moment. "Ken I just want to enjoy breakfast" You said calmly looking at the table anything but looking in Kendall's brown eyes was okay for time being. "Ok, I want to enjoy breakfast too" You sighed and she called a waitress over and ordered her usual order. 

"Listen I regret everything, I want everyone to know the feeling I get when I lay my eyes on you" Kendall started and she bit her lip as if she were plotting something. "Just wait and see what I have in store" Kendall smirked and our food came and she thanked the waitress while you just looked a Kendall skeptically. 

All day you've been very curious on what the Jenner has planned. You guys were in a crowded place and Kendall had sunglasses on covering herself even though some people still noticed her it wasn't too hard. 

Kendall stopped in the middle of a park and she yelled out. "Can I have everyone's attention?" You could hear people whispering and some taking their phones out filming this. "This is Y/N, many of you know her as my friend but she's more than that" Kendall paused and examined everyone's faces and then mine and I as well was shocked. 

"Y/N is my girlfriend and we've been dating for a year and a day" Kendall stopped her "speech" and she brought her lips to yours and when she pulled away she smiled and turned to everyone. "Y/N is no longer my secret" People started to clap and you couldn't help but blush. 

When you got back to the house your phone was blowing up with notifications and articles about you not being Kendall's secret anymore. Kendall smiled at you as her head rested on your shoulder and you guys looked at the photos from today. "I love you Kenny" You smiled and kissed her quickly but Kendall wanted more pulling you into a more passionate kiss. 

"I can't wait to do that in public" 


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