Checklist pt. 2

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    You woke up in a bed that wasn't yours snuggled into Kendall. You looked around the room trying not to disturb Kendall who was passed out seeing that you were in a hotel room. You tried to slide out of Kendall's grasp around you. You got out of her tight grip but she woke up "Y/N come keep snuggling with meeee" she outstreched her arms for you to go back to the bed. "Ken why the hell are we in a hotel room?" she had a small smile on her lips "Well you got really tired after the diner at late night and I got tired and I took us here" she shrugged. "What time is it?" "9am" her eyes widened as she jumped out of bed. "We have an hour until we have to go" you looked confused as she scurried around the hotel room grabbing her backpack and she grabbed my arm. "Ken what's going on?" you asked trying to catch up with her. "Well I set a flight to somewhere at 9:30" your eyes widened "A flight to where?!" Kendall ignored you and got in the car. "It's a secret"

     You and Ken stopped at Dunkin Donuts for some food. You go to where the jet was. You both walked in, you've never been inside a private jet before. "Woah" Kendall giggled at your reaction "Take a seat and admire it from sitting down" you gave her a playful glare as she winked at you. "So Ken where are we goingggg" you whined "Y/N I'm not telling you so calm the fuck down" you started to pout and watched a movie on the plane. You started to get tired so you took a nap. 

    "Y/N wake up we're here" you opened your eyes to Kendall very close to your face, your mind shut down but your heart was beating so fast the it could burst out of your chest at any moment. "Hello, earth to Y/N are you ok?" After you broke out of your thoughts you ran off the jet to see your destination: Florida. "KENDALL I LOVE FLORIDA!" You jumped up and down happily. "I know you do that's why we're going to Universal and Islands of Adventures" You ran to Ken and jumped into her arms wrapping your legs around her waist. "You are the best Kenny" you hopped off her and Ken walked to the car you both would be using. 

    You arrived at Universal and some fans started to ask to take photos with Kendall. You waited for a couple of minutes after the fans were done she ran back to you "What ride first?" Kendall thought and a devious smirk appeared n her face "Rip Ride Rocket" your heart started to beat a little, you've never been on this ride but you have seen people ride it. You waited in line as your hands got sweatier and Kendall could tell "C'mon babe it's not that bad" she assured you. You nodded and noticed you guys were next. You guys got front row. "Kenn I-I-I don't know" she grabbed your arm "Calm down shhh" she said before you guys sat down. You chose the song 'Glamorous by Fergie' the ride started to go up and your heart started to pound faster and faster as you got to the top the drop happened. You could hear everyone's screams including your own added to the bunch. The ride did it's loops, twists and turn and when it was finished you felt relieved "That was fucking awesome" Kendall said with a grin on her face. "Yea real fun" 

     You guys went around both parks and went on all rides and areas. "That was a great donut" Kendall patted her stomach. "That donut was huge Kendall I don't think we should use the train anymore" you joked. "Haha real funny Y/N" you curtsied "I try, I try." You and Kendall were having a blast Kendall was so funny and she was always so cute. You just wish she would like you but that's to much to ask for. She's probably straight anyways. "Y/N let's go become wizards!"

    You and Kendall got back to the car with huge grins on your faces because today was just great. "We have two more things to do on the list you made!" Kendall said with a grin implanted on her face. Whilst Kendall was driving you decided let me take a selfie. Kendall decided to photobomb, you rolled your eyes and added a filter to the photo and captioned it 'My bestfran' and you tagged Kendall. The rest of the drive you guys were listening to some Kanye West. 

    When Kendall go to the jet you guys got out of the car with the merch you guys bought. You entered the jet and Kendall said "This is gonna be a bit of a long ride" she said. You gave Ken a skeptical look as she just smirked. "So Y/N any crushes?" Ken said nudging me. "Uhm yea I have a crush" your face reddened at the thought of Kendall finding out that your rush was her! "Oh my gosh who is it?" She asked. "Not saying. Do you have a crush?" you asked curious. "Yea I have a crush on someone" She sad smiling probably thinking of that person. When she brought talked about her crush, Kendall's eyes would turn a shade lighter, she would always have a small smile and it looked like Kendall admired whoever she was thinking about. "Well I think anyone is lucky to have you Ken, you are beautiful the way your hair falls out of place and I have to push it back or when your eyes light up or how your laugh is the cutest thing ever." You looked down embarrassed that she may figure it out. "That's so sweet Y/N anyone is lucky to have you also" 

     You woke up with your head in Kendall's lap and you woke her up. "Mom, the cookies, oh shit I was dreaming" she said wiping her eyes. Kendall blindfolded you and led you off the jet. "I'm gonna keep these on until we get to my location" you groaned as she laughed at your eagerness. Kendall led you to the rental and drove off. "Kendall Jenner are you going to murder me?" You asked ever so nonchalantly "Nah I'm gonna abduct you though" you groaned and she giggled. "so are we close?" "No Y/N we are not close not I'll tell you when we are there" you laughed at her annoyance. "Calm down Kenny it's ok" you could feel Kendall rolling her eyes at you.

    "Y/N we're here" you jumped up and tried to find the door handle. "You still need the blindfold until we get to where I want us to be" you sighed "Kendall goshh" Kendall led you up where ever you where. You were inside an elevator you could feel something going so that's how you know. You finally got the floor Kendall wanted and she said "Take off the blindfold" 

     You untied the knot she had so the blindfold wouldn't slide off. As you took off the blindfold you saw that you were in PARIS! Not only that you were at the top of the Eiffel Tower! "Kendall Nicole Jenner! Holy shit I love you so much" Kendall grinned at your words and gave you a big hug and as you pulled away from the hug Kendall said "There is one more thing on your list" your eyebrows furrowed as Kendall lent in and kissed you. You wrapped your arms around her neck and smiled into the kiss. As you guys ended the kiss you looked to Kendall "I thought I erased that one" you said with a laugh "Well your erasing sucks but I'm glad it does" she smiled pecking your lips again. "Thanks for the best summer Ken" Her brown eyes started into yours as she said "It's my pleasure, I am happy I completed your checklist" She leaned in for another kiss and you felt like the luckiest person in the world.  

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