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Requested by @lisapaul55 : How about Kendall is flyingsomewhere and meets Y/N on there and they're going to the same place and fallfor each other since they had the same idea

You got a text from your boss telling you your flight to London was tomorrow very early in the morning, You aren't a big fan of flights that depart before 7 am. Sadly this flight leaves at 5 so you'd have to wake up around 3 and leave at 4. 

You are a photographer, you shoot scenic photos it's what you have a passion for and it's a great job as it pays well, you get to travel and sometimes meet new people. You got up from your bed and pulled out your suitcase and started to search through some of the clothes you'd take to the city. 

You set your alarm for 3 and you jumped in your comfortable bed and fell asleep. 

At 3 when your alarm went off you groaned and changed into comfort clothing but nothing that looked stupid, you ordered an Uber. It was a little unsettling that people would stay up at this hour to drive people around, for damn sure you'd be asleep in your bed but people stay out partying late and it's a way to make a quick buck. 

When your driver arrived you saw it seemed to be a young man in his late 20s. He helped you with your bags and opened the door for you. "So where you flying to?" He asked looking at you through the rearview. "London" You while looking out the window, you were fascinated by the cars in the late night sky, yeah childish tendencies. "Oh that's cool! I've always wanted to go" You nodded and you saw a text from your boss. She was asking if you were on your way and you confirmed. 

"Have a nice trip!" The driver said to you and he drove off. You walked into the airport and saw people following someone with cameras, you gave them an odd look and you then walked over to give your luggage away. 

When you were boarding your plane you saw no one was there and you hoped to have no one sit there. You took window seat and smiled feeling accomplished but then you saw someone plop in the middle seat. You muffled the sigh and looked at the person who you'd be in a plane with for the next 11 hours or so. 

Your eyes widened as right next to you was the biggest model, Kendall Jenner. "Uh um hi my name's Y/N" You smiled and extended your hand out and she looked at your hand then your face and she smiled back and shook your hand. "Kendall, so tell me why are you flying out to London?" She asked. 

"I'm a photographer, and my boss would like me to get some shots at London so that's what I'm doing for the next week, it's like touring around" The model smiled. "Really? You seem like a nice girl so maybe I can show you around some?" Your eyes widened as the beautiful girl offered you to tour London with her. "Uh yeah I'm totally down" You nodded and smiled as did Kendall.             

"Cool then it's a date, I'm staying for a week and I have a couple of photoshoots and interviews but I can squeeze in some time" She smiled and you did as well. 

The plane finally was off the ground and you looked out the window in admiration. "So Y/N tell me more about your photography" You turned and gave your attention to Kendall instead of the window. "Well I work for a magazine company and I have my own little section and everything" You smiled in thought of the magazine. "That's awesome! I'd like to see some photos" Kendall smiled and you nodded. 

You and Kendall had talked for two hours and then you got tired so you napped but your mind was clouded with thoughts of the girl right beside you. She was not only beautiful but she could carry a conversation and not talk about something meaningless it was interesting mostly from what people interpret from her family as a whole it was good to clarify she wasn't as people made her seem. 

When the plane landed you and Kendall walked to the conveyor to wait for your luggage. "Here take my number, I'm not busy tomorrow so don't go anywhere with out me alright?" You nodded and saw your luggage. "That's mine, I'll see you tomorrow" She waved at you and you waved back and once you turned there was a huge grin on your face. 

You made a phone call to your boss telling her you have arrived at London. Your boss gave you the information to where you were staying at and luckily it wasn't a shitty hotel, but it was actually really nice. 

When you got to your room you checked the time and saw that it was 12 in the morning here so it'd be best to sleep through the time so you wouldn't have bad jet lag. 

The next morning you were awaken by the annoying ring on your phone. "Hello?" You picked up and your voice very raspy since you just woke up. "Damn you sleep a lot" You smiled to yourself hearing Kendall's voice. "I guess you can say that" You laughed and you heard her giggling as well. "Anyways text me where you're at so I can go there, so get ready" You nodded even though she couldn't see you and then you texted her the address and rushed to get ready. 

You heard a knock on the door as you were putting your shoes on, you opened the door and gave the girl a bright smile. "Kendall! It's good to see you" She gave you a hug and you guys exited the hotel room. "So, let's go get some breakfast and then we can start our adventure!" Kendall smiled and she grabbed your hand running to this tiny cafe.

"My friend took me here the first time I came to London and there food and coffee is so good" She gushed and you smiled at her enthusiasm. You guys took a seat at a booth and an older woman walked up to the two of us. "Aww hey Ken, I see you've brought a um date" She looked at Kendall with a smirk and Kendall blushed. "No, she's just a friend Caroline" The woman looked at her skeptically and you just sat there looking down with red cheeks. "I'm just messing with ya, what can I get you hun?" Caroline asked laughing a bit. 

"That food was awesome!" I exclaimed and Kendall laughed. "I know but Caroline's a bit crazy but I love her" Kendall smiled to herself. "So you like girls?" You asked and she looked at you wide-eyed. "Uh I um kind of- well you could say that I uhhh do" You stopped and rose an eyebrow "I can uh" You mocked the girl and she blushed. "Yeah I do" You smiled "That's better and so do I" Kendall's eyes widened. "You do?" You smiled and nodded. "Ok well um we're gonna go to the Kew Gardens it's really pretty" You nodded as the place already sounded fascinating. 

It was around 7pm and you and Kendall have been everywhere. "Our last stop, all tourists go there..." She paused to add suspense. "The London Eye" You smiled, you've always wanted to go it seemed so cool. "That's awesome!" Kendall smiled and nodded. "I know! Let's get going though so we can get there" You nodded and you guys set off. 

When you guys arrived there you waited in line for ferris wheel, this would be a jackpot for taking photos. After waiting in the line you got into your capsule with the other people and you got your camera ready and to the settings needed for the best photo since it's now dark. 

When you guys got to the top you took a lot of photos and Kendall pushed the camera down and turned your face and she pressed her lips against yours. Surprised, you had your eyes open at first but you settled into the kiss and the people in the capsule with you guys started to cheer the two of you on. 

When you pulled away Kendall smiled and whispered. "Maybe we can go over those... photos at my hotel" You nodded and she grabbed your hand. When you guys got off the ferris wheel you stopped made Kendall stand in front of it where you took some photos of her. "Maybe we can go over these photos at your hotel" You joked and Kendall lightly shoved you. "You're such a dork" You both started laughing and Kendall wrapped her arm around you before planting a kiss on your forehead. 

"I guess we can go to the cafe tomorrow and tell Caroline the news" You looked up at the girl laughing and Kendall joined in. "Damn Caroline I swear she's a fucking psychic" You already feel yourself falling hard for the model. 


( A/N: I'm glad people appreciate Liza Koshy and her intro as much as I do because she's the fucking bomb I love her so much  )

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