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Requested by @celia__mnr : Can you please do animagine where Y/N met Kendall at the gym and Y/N is Kendall's coach?

You were on your way to the gym for your early morning work out, you loved going to the gym early in the morning before you had to go back and train whoever was your client at the time. You right now didn't have a client but you knew that you could find one very easily as many people would like someone to guide them through the whole process of it.

When you got to the gym you waved to your good friend who was working at the front desk. You walked upstairs to do some stretches on the mat when you saw someone go next to you. You saw that the girl was struggling with her stretches, you giggled and turned to her to offer her for help. When you turned to her you noticed that she was the famous supermodel Kendall Jenner. "Do you need some help?" You asked at the girl she seemed very embarrassed when you asked her that "Yea, I guess" She murmured and she looked down her cheeks red. "Hey don't worry I work here as a trainer if you'd like some help I could do that for you" You offered and she nodded with a smile "Yeah that'd be great if I could do that" You led her down to the front desk to get the registration papers. "Yeah just sign this we can start after you finish that" You told her and she nodded.

You were getting your workout in while Kendall was signing those papers and doing the payments. During that time period all you could focus on was her face, she was so beautiful and she looks even better in person which you didn't think could be possible but it was. You walked back downstairs to see her standing "I finished signing them, I'm ready" you nodded and leaded her to the mat so she could do the stretches, right this time.

When you guys finished your session you guys decided to talk about schedules. "Well I know since you travel a lot your schedule can vary a lot, so give me your number so we can discuss it in more depth" You handed her your phone and in your head applauded yourself for being smooth. She typed in her number and you saw she put Kenny (The girl who can't do stretches) as her contact name. "Long contact name but true" you laughed and so did she.

The rest of the day passed by and you were a bit bored until you got a text from Kendall. She was asking if you could help her tomorrow at the same time, you of course accepted. You were excited to be able to get to see her again so soon. You guys started a conversation and before you knew it you had been texting for two hours. You saw that it was 11 so you decided to go to bed, all that night your mind was on one model.

When you woke up in the morning you were extremely happy. You wouldn't admit it but in your head you knew it was because you'd get to see Kendall again. When you were on your way there you got a call from her. You answered "Hey Kendall I'm on my way to the gym right now" You had her on speaker so you could pay attention to the road. "Good I'm also on my way, are you sure you're ok with coming to the gym this early, it's just it's easier to go early because not to many people who notice you and all" She explained "I was fine with it before Ken, but I understand that must be hard for you" You told her and you heard her sigh in relief "Ok good see you there"

You got to the gym and you saw the girl. You waved to her and she walked over to you. "Hey Y/N" She greeted and you smiled greeting her back. "So today I was thinking we'd do some leg workout" You started to tell her what you guys were planning to do. It was cute watching her workout, she had this look of determination in her eyes where to if she was struggling she'd try her all to accomplish.

Kendall had been gone for a week and you had felt lonely without helping her with her workouts but you guys made sure to text everyday. The more and more you trained her you felt the chemistry building between the two of you, it felt like in a short amount of time the both of you would be the couple that kissed each other the other one does a sit up. You had a feeling Kendall liked you and you for sure liked her. She was coming back today and you had this feeling in your stomach, it was excitement. You were so excited to see the girl again. You guys set up the schedule to where you'd see her again today.

When you parked outside of the gym and you got out of the car you were tackled into a hug. "Y/N I missed you so much" She exclaimed and you wrapped your arms around her "I missed you too Kenny" She looked at your eyes and you smiled so hard that you felt your face going numb. "Ugh it feels like I haven't seen you in forever" You groaned and she nodded vigorously "How about we skip the gym and get lunch?" She suggested and you gave her a look of disapproval "Please Y/N, we can get salads and shit or just to be even healthier we can't eat air" You started laughing at her attempts to beg and you sighed "Ok we can get lunch" She clapped her hands together "Yay!" You smiled at her cuteness then got in your car.

When you guys got to the restaurant you were talking. Someone came up to the two of you "Oh my gosh you're Kendall Jenner! Is this your girlfriend?" The girl asked and both of your cheeks went red "No we're um just friends" You replied and she smirked at the two of you "Ok have fun you 'friends' nice to meet you Kendall" She waved back and you noticed the look of sadness on her face. "What's wrong?" You asked her grabbing her hand and softly rubbing it "We're just friends, I'm feeling something more than that and I thought you were too" She looked down chewing the inside of her lip. "I do think more of that I really care about you Kendall and I'd like to go out with you" You couldn't stand seeing the girl sad you wanted to just kiss her right now to make her feel better, so you did. You thought it'd be best if you didn't tell her you were about to kiss her just do it before you have any second thoughts. When you two shared that kiss it was passionate and slow, you hadn't expected it to turn out like that. When you pulled away she smiled. "So maybe we're more than friends"

"Definitely more than friends" You smirked, she laughed and you two finished eating when you saw that girl wink at you.

When you and Kendall started dating, you guys did become the really fit couple. People would gush about how cute it is that you train Kendall to be fit and healthy and you guys are dating. You find the little things she does when she works out the cutest thing, when she's trying really hard she scrunches her eyebrows, when she accomplishes something she had trouble with she has this wide smile and it's funny when you her people that walk by you aww because you congratulated her with a kiss or a big hug. Whenever you did that she'd smile and say "Y/N you're the best trainer ever" and plant a kiss on your cheek. "and Kendall you're the best girlfriend ever"

(A/N: So it's like 12am for me and I've been online looking at merch for the 1975 ranting on my snap on how I need a bae to buy me some merch because I'd love them forever, that's what I do during the process of writing these stories look at merch for the 1975 and think about how I'll never get it 😂😂 )


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