New Student

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Request: "Can you do something like Kendallis new in town from LA transferred at Y/N's school. Y/N is one of the studentcouncil so Y/N toured Kendall at her school, then they became best friends,when a heartthrob of the school flirted with Kendall, she became uneasy andthen Y/N helped her to get from that way by making her a fake girlfriend untilfeelings are developed"

"Welcome to North Hill High, I'm Y/N and I'm going to show you around" You practiced in the mirror, this was the first time you were going to tour someone new at the school around. It was safe to say you were at the very least nervous. Your mom knocked on the door and peeped her head in. 

"Honey we're leaving in ten minutes" She warned and you sent her a smile and nodded, she closed the door and walked away. You grabbed all your textbooks and put them in your bag and you ran downstairs grabbing an energy bar and the money on the table your mom left you for lunch. 

You got into the passenger's seat and turned to your mom as she started the car. "Mom when can I start driving us to school?" You asked with pleading eyes and she chuckled and ignored your question, your brother snorted and you sent him a glare.

Once your mom dropped you off you made your way to the front office to find the girl. Kendall was her name, she also had a younger sister attending to but someone else was touring her. Once you got there you saw a tall woman standing there and you looked astonished when she turned she sent you a sweet smile. "Are you the one touring me around?" She asked still smiling, it took you a couple seconds to answer her because you had been to busy admiring her. "Uh yes I am, I'm Y/N" You extended your hand and she shook it "I'm Kendall" You nodded and led her out of the office. 

"Here let me see your schedule" You asked and she gave it to you and you nodded handing it back to her. You guys had three classes together and the same lunch. You decided to take her to the cafeteria. "Here's the cafeteria, a lot of people prefer to eat outside so make sure you know someone or get a spot early enough" I informed and she nodded. 

"For science you have Mr. Dickman, the name fits he's a huge dick" You joked, partially the guy was a dick, she giggled causing a smile to light up on your face. "Don't worry though because our math teacher is a sweetheart you'll love her" She nodded and stopped to stare at one of the bulletin boards. You stopped as well and looked at it, the cheer team. "You into cheer?" You asked and she nodded smiling lightly at the topic. 

"I did cheer at my old school, I loved it so much" You nodded and smiled as you guys walked to her next class. "Well lucky you they have a spot open, I'll talk to one of my friends to see if she can have you join" She turned at you eyes wide. "Really?" You nodded and she squealed giving you a hug. "You're awesome thank you so much!" You grinned but it faded as you noticed that the tour was over. "Well that's it for the tour but I'll see you next period" You waved and she waved back and you walked off to your first period. 

One month later and Kendall has become the most known girl in High School, and not for being the new girl. Every guy wanted to be with her but thankfully she made time to hang out with you, her best friend. 

"Y/N thank god I've found you let's go get dinner" She grabbed your hand and dragged you to her car. "What about Kylie?" You asked, you've become fond of the whole Kardashian/Jenner clan. "Kylie has friends don't worry Y/N/N" You rolled your eyes and smiled. 

When you got to the little restaurant you saw a bunch of people from school, more specifically the jocks and cheerleaders. The both of you were about to take a seat when Cole, a man who has stolen many girls hearts, started to talk to Kendall. "You look beautiful, would you like to take a seat and get some dinner with me?" He invited and Kendall looked to you for help and as an initial reaction you slid your arm around her waist. 

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