Sleep Paralysis

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Requested by @Riarkleshitt : Can you do an imagine where Y/N and Kylie and the others are great friends. Then Kendall comes along but doesn't really talk to them that much and when Kendall saw Y/N she starts hanging out with them. And they now love her and something happens to Kendall?

"Y/N you have to come over tonight" Your best friend Kylie was trying to get you to come over to her house tonight. She had been out of California for the past week and she wants you to come over because she misses you. "Gosh Ky you act like we haven't seen each other in a month" You laughed and you could feel her disapproving look she was giving you. "Y/N shut up and get your ass over here; Gigi, Hailey, Cara, and maybe Kendall are going to be there" You were good friends with Kendall's friends but you never met the model, you found that odd but you never questioned it.

You arrived to Kylie's house and knocked, she answered the door pulling you inside. "Y/N ugh I missed you!" She had pulled you into a bone crushing hug. "I missed you too Ky but you'll be missing me even more if you squeeze me to death" She loosened her grip on you and you smiled at your friend. After she let you the two of you walked in her living room to see all of her sisters other than Kendall. "Y/N, good to see you again" Gigi greeted you giving you a little hug. "Hey Gi, Hails and Cara" You waved at them all smiling. "Ken's gonna be here in five minutes" Kylie yelled out from the kitchen. You were a bit shocked at this, Kendall never accepts Kylie's request to hang out yet today she did.

You heard a knock at the door and you saw Kylie run to the door. She opened the door and it revealed Kylie's sister, Kendall. Her eyes met yours and you couldn't help but notice how beautiful she looked in real life. You saw Kylie drag her over to you, "Kendall this is the coolest person out there, other than me of course, Y/N" She introduced you to her and she smiled, you extended your hand out but she went in for a hug. "Nice to meet you Y/N, Kylie talks a lot about you" You looked to Kylie and smiled. You then looked at Kendall you could tell that you had a physical attraction to her, who wouldn't? It's Kendall Jenner. "I need to talk to Y/N for a second" Kylie grabbed your hand and took you to the kitchen.

"Oh my god, you and Kendall" She stopped for a second and you tried to get her to finish her sentence. "Would be the cutest fucking couple ever!" She squealed and your cheeks went red as you shushed her. "Kylie shhh, she could hear us for starters, I'm not into her and she isn't into me" You lied to the girl but she had a smirk on her face, "Y/N the two people I know most in this world would have to be you and Kendall, and babe you both like each other" She sounded very sure of herself, she was right about you liking the tall girl but probably not the other way around. "Whatever you saw Ky, let's make some popcorn so we can watch the movie" She nodded still having that smirk on her face.

You guys walked into the room with the bowls of popcorn. "Movie night!" Kylie exclaimed putting the bowls on the table, you were about to sit next to Gigi and Cara but Kylie plopped herself there before you could. "Oh Y/N you can sit next to Kendall" She winked at you and you shook your head taking a seat next to her. "Let's watch a scary movie" Gigi suggested, you saw all of your friends have this look on their face, they knew that you hated scary movies. "I don't know guys scary movies freak me out, how about a rom-com" You tried to persuade them but they weren't having it "Y/N if you get scared you have Kenny to cuddle you" Kylie teased.

After that day Kendall hung out with you guys, she stuck around. Whenever you guys made plans to go out or just stay in and watch movies the model seemed to be there. You became close to her and Kylie still teased you for having the small crush on the girl but you got used to it. You sometimes would just hang out with Kendall, those were your favorite times with the model, when no one was around and she'd let her guard down. Those were definitely your favorite moments with her.

Today you were cleaning your place while listening to music when it had stopped your ringtone for Kylie was playing. You went to your phone and answered "Hey Ky what's up?" You asked the girl "Well Ken's here and she wants to talk to us about something" Kylie told you "I'll be right there" You rushed out of your house not caring that you were wearing sweats and a big shirt.

When you got to Kylie's you saw Kendall sitting there with a stressed look. "Ken are you ok?" you asked worried for the tall girl. "I have sleep paralysis, it's so hard for me to sleep and all" The girl told both you and Kylie. "It's terrifying just not being able to move or speak it's so surreal" She added and you gave her a look of pity while you hugged her. "Why don't I stay with you for a while? To make sure you're alright and all" You suggested looking at the girl worriedly. "Could you? Maybe that'd help I'd love if you could do that" She nodded and you smiled at her reassuringly. Kylie smiled at the two of you and then she got closer to you and whispered in your ear "You guys are definitely going to be dating soon" She leant back to where she was sitting and you just sat there with your cheeks pink.

Kendall drove you back to your place so you could get some clothes for your time you'd be spending at Kendall's place. When you were putting some clothes in a bag Kendall was leaning on your bed. "This is really sweet of you, I'm so happy you're doing this" Ken thanked you and you waved your hand "Kendall don't worry it's my pleasure to do this. It's like a really long sleepover" She giggled "I love how optimistic you are" She planted a kiss on your cheek and you felt your cheeks heat up and she walked back to your bed sitting at the edge.

As you entered Kendall's house you saw that Gigi and Hailey were there. "Ken you ok? Kylie told us" Gigi rushed to Kendall and gave her a hug. You kind of just stood there awkwardly watching your friends hug Kendall. You didn't even notice that you had a pouty look on your face until Hailey pointed it out. "Aww Y/N you look so cute when you're pouting" After Hailey pointed that out Kendall had the same look on her face giving Hailey a look.

Gigi and Hailey hung out until nine when they left but before they did Gigi pulled you to the side. "Y/N you and Ken would make a beautiful couple" Before you could object to her she ran to her car with Hailey the two giggling. Kendall was leaning on the wall when you came back in. "What'd Gigi want?" She asked and you looked down shrugging "Nothing just a stupid thing" You avoided Kendall's famous stare, the one where you couldn't lie to her because she looked so god damn cute. "Well um let's get you ready for bed"

When you were both ready for bed Kendall got in and she patted the empty spot next to her. You slipped in when you grabbed her hand. "Ken just remember I'm right here, nothing will happen to you. I'm here for you and I wouldn't let anyone or anything hurt you" You soothed her, you ran your fingers over her hair, taking in her beauty. "How can you make sure I'm actually safe?" She asked and you grabbed her face softly and you slowly brought your lips to hers. You made sure the kiss was slow and comforting. "Because I really do care for you, more than most people in this world, I wouldn't let anything happen to you" You admitted and she smiled "You're the best Y/N" She gave you a quick peck before wrapping her arms around you so the two of you could cuddle.

You had been staying at Kendall's for three months and you guys had made it official that the two of you were dating. None of your friends were surprised they actually all told you that they knew you both had feelings for one another. You had been helping Kendall with her sleep paralysis and she seemed to be getting better and it was going away.

You were making breakfast for Kendall when you felt arms wrap around you and a peck on your cheek. "Hey babe, I've got a question" She started and you nodded while trying to finish the food. "Well how would you feel about moving in here permanently?" You turned around "Are you serious? I'd love to!" You jumped excitedly and she covered her mouth giggling at you. "I'll take that as a yes" You nodded giving her a huge hug and picked her up twirling her. "Kendall Jenner I love you so much" You guys shared a long kiss. "I love you too Y/N"

(A/N: SO I've been thinking and I was thinking about making a book, it would be Kendall & Y/N .I just would like some feedback if you guys would read it and all, I have an idea on what it would be about if I decide to do this but I'd like some input before I do anything, BTW It wouldn't get in the way of updating my imagines)


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