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Requested by @clarifrapolli : Could you do one where Y/Nis in an abusive relationship and Kendall helps her get out of it and they fallin love? 

(Trigger Warning; Abuse (not to bad) )

"What the fuck did I tell you!" You were slapped across the face as you sat in the corner of the room while your girlfriend was yelling and hitting you. Your girlfriend was very jealous and she would express her anger the only way she seemed to know, hitting you. You went to lunch with your friend, Hailey Baldwin and she saw photos from some website and got mad even though it wasn't any secret you were friends with the girl. 

"Please babe stop" You sobbed out shielding yourself with your hands afraid that she was going to strike again. "Did you just tell me what to do?" She fumed removing your hands from your face, she was looking at you eye-level right now and she wasn't too happy. "I said did you just tell me what to do?" She yelled and spit flew out of her mouth causing to flinch. She didn't like your reaction and brought her fist to your eye knocking you out cold. 

The next morning you woke up in that spot and your girlfriend was gone, you got up and winced a little, you pulled up your shirt and saw a huge new bruise, you assumed that she kicked you or something after she knocked you out. You walked into the bathroom and saw the black eye. There was dried blood on your face, in shock you started to pack your bags not being able to handle this. Minutes later you unpacked the clothes too afraid to leave her. You sat down on the floor and cried. 

20 minutes later you heard a knock at the door and you got up to see who it was. You looked through the peephole and saw Kendall. You opened the door and Kendall's smiled faltered immediately when she saw your wounded eye. "Y/N babe what happened?" She asked worriedly examining. "I uh ran into um something" You lied and she put her hands on her hips looking at you. "Y/N did she?" Kendall's voice getting softer and weaker as her hand lightly danced over your eye. You looked the other way and Kendall made eye contact with you. "Y/N babe, you have to leave her" You shook your head. "Ken she'll kill me" Tears started to brim your eyes and Kendall gave you a hug and you pushed her away clutching your side. "Y/N!" She gasped, she grabbed the brim of your shirt and lifted it up. She was exposed to the big bruise and now she was pissed. "Y/N you're leaving right now" She stormed into the shared room and started to pack clothes for you. 

"If we can't get everything I'll buy you it, I'm not letting this happen to you" You bit your lip worriedly and paced around the apartment when she came into the living room with some suitcases all packed. "Let's go Y/N" You hesitated for a moment but grabbed some bags and rushed out the house. Your heart was racing, you were afraid of what your soon to be ex would do. 

When you got to Kendall's place she grabbed your bags and took it to the guest room. "Y/N we're going to the doctor immediately" Kendall grabbed her phone and made a phone call, she was setting an appointment for you to go to the doctor. "You need to get that checked out" She was referring to the big bruise. "We're going tomorrow and for now I want you to rest give me her number" Kendall asked and you handed her the phone where she called the girl. 

Kendall was on the phone arguing going back and forth and Kendall called her every name in the book. You admired her for it, she was fearless the face of determination she had to get her point across to the corrupted girl was heart warming. 

When you and Kendall were really tired you both went to the other rooms going to sleep. When you went to bed your dreams were filled with her the girl who ruined you. Scared to death, you woke up and like a little kid you trudged your way to Kendall's room. You knocked on her door and you heard a muffled "Come in" You opened the door and Kendall turned to look at you. "This sounds really childish but can I sleep in here tonight?" You asked looking at your feet embarrassed at the fact that you are a grown adult asking this. "Of course" She patted on the bed and you got in. Kendall softly wrapped her arms around you "Is this ok?" She asked making sure not to hurt you. "Yea it's perfect" You smiled to yourself feeling thankful for having someone like Kendall. 

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